CBSE Class 10 & 12 Syllabus

CBSE Class 10 & 12 Syllabus Central Board of Secondary Education is going to conduct its yearly 10th & 12th class exams in the month...

CBSE Class 10 & 12 Syllabus

Central Board of Secondary Education is going to conduct its yearly 10th & 12th class exams in the month of March next year. Many students have applied for the same and looking for CBSE Syllabus 2014 for doing final preparations.

Good news for those students as CBSE has uploaded its Syllabus on Official website.

Click the following links to download the syllabus:
10th Syllabus (of 2014)
► For Main Subjects
► For Languages
12th Syllabus (of 2014)
► For Main Subjects
► For Languages

Here is a detailed information of CBSE Syllabus of previous years along with the current year. Click the following links to download the syllabus:

Curriculum/Syllabus - Secondary School Examination

Secondary School Curriculum 2014 (Volume-II) Languages
Secondary School Curriculum 2014 (Volume-I)
Secondary School Curriculum 2013 (Volume-I)
Secondary School Curriculum 2013 (Volume-II)
Secondary School Curriculum 2013 (Hindi)
Secondary School Curriculum 2012 (Hindi)
Secondary School Curriculum 2012 (Volume-I)
Secondary School Curriculum 2012 (Volume-II)
Secondary Curriculum 2011 (Hindi Version)
Secondary School Curriculum 2011 Volume - 1
Revised syllabus in (I) Elements of Business (Code no. 154) (II) Elements of Book-keeping and Accountancy (code no 254) for class IX & X (additional subjects) for the Board Exam 2010.
Change of Syllabus in German Language for IX & XI for 2008-09 and for classes X & XII for 2009-10

Curriculum/Syllabus - Senior School Certificate Examination

Senior School Curriculum 2012 Hindi Version (Vol 1) - Part 1
Senior School Curriculum 2012 Hindi Version (Vol 1) - Part 2
Senior School Curriculum 2014 (Volume-II) Languages
Senior School Curriculum 2014 (Volume-I)
Senior School Curriculum 2013 (Volume-I)
Senior School Curriculum 2013 (Volume-II)
List of Equipment for Hospitality & Tourism Sector
Syllabus in Bodo for Class XI for the Academic Year 2010-11
Syllabus in Arabic for Class XI for the Academic Year 2010-11
Nepali Syllabus for Class XII for the Academic Year 2010-11
Senior School Curriculum 2012 (Volume-I)
Senior School Curriculum 2012 (Volume-II)
Senior Secondary Curriculum 2011 (Hindi Version)
Updated Syllabus for Telugu from the academic year 2010-11 (Class XI/XII)
List Of Vocational Subjects
Senior School Curriculum 2011 Volume - 1
FMM Curriculum for class XI and XII
Health Care Science Curriculum for class XI and XII
Syllabus for Graphics Design for Senior Secondary
Syllabus for Heritage Crafts for Senior Secondary
Syllabus of Nepali Language for classes X (Code - 024) and for Classes XII (Code-124) from academic session 2008-09
Syllabus of Tibetan Language for classes IX, X (Code-017) and for Classes XI & XII (Code - 117) from academic session 2008-09
Guidelines in Sociology (Code no.039) subject for Project Work and Marks distribution for class XI for the academic session 2008-09
Change of Syllabus in German Language for IX & XI for 2008-09 and for classes X & XII for 2009-10
Revised Curriculum for Stenography and Computer Application w.e.f. 2009-10    Class-XI  |  Class-XII
Political Science syllabus, Class XII, March 2009 Examination

Note : All the download items are in pdf format and requires a pdf reader to be open on your computer and smartphone.

Here at SpyNaukari.in, we are serving the right links to all the students and teachers who seek for the appropriate information. Kindly note that the original content provided by the university is not manipulated and changed in any circumstances. In case of any broken links, please report us at report@SpyNaukari.in or visit our contact page.


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