JEE Main 2014 Result

                                                                          JEE Main 2014 Result JEE Main 2014 Entrance Examination Notificati...

                                                                         JEE Main 2014 Result

JEE Main 2014 Entrance Examination Notification

The Apex Board of Commission of Joint Entrance Examination has officially released the JEE MAIN 2014 Entrance Examination Notification or Information Brochure in which the full details has been provided about JEE MAIN 2014 Entrance Test.

The JEE MAIN 2014 Entrance Exam official Notification was made by the apex board of Joint Entrance Examination and the aspiring candidates who are willing to give JEE MAIN 2014 Entrance Test can check it by visiting to its official website i.e. www.jeemain.nic.in.

JEE MAIN 2014 Entrance Examination wiki & full Details

The JEE Main 2014 will be conducted by the JEE Apex Board for admission to Undergraduate Engineering Programmes in NITs, IIITs, other Centrally Funded Technical Institutions, participating State Government Institutions etc.

The admission to Undergraduate Engineering Programs at NITs, IIITs, other centrally funded Technical Institutions, Institutions under several participating State Governments, and several other Institutions shall include the performance in the JEE Main 2014.

Also JEE MAIN 2014 Entrance Examination is the key or eligibility test to appear for JEE Advanced 2014 Entrance Examination which the candidate has to take if he/she is aspiring for admission to the undergraduate programmes offered by the IITs/ ISM Dhanbad.

JEE MAIN 2014 Eligibility Criteria

There are a huge number of candidates who are willing to take JEE MAIN 2014 Entrance Examination which will be conducted in both online and offline format. But, all those candidates are advised to first check the eligibility criteria of JEE MAIN 2014 Entrance Examination so that they can be able to know that they meet the JEE MAIN 2014 Eligibility criteria or not.

Final Answer Key of Paper I-click here

Jee Main Score of Paper I-click here


Results 3382215852632292528

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