CBSE - ALL INDIA PMT/PDT ENTRANCE EXAMINATION 2014 A trail of developments marks the significant changes that took place over the years in...


A trail of developments marks the
significant changes that took place over the years in shaping up the Board to its present status. U P Board
of High School and Intermediate Education w as the first Board set up in 1921. It has under its jurisdiction
Rajputana, Central India and Gw alior. In response to the representation made by the Government of United
Provinces, the then Government of India suggested to set up a joint Board in 1929 for all the areas w hich
w as named as the ‘ Board of High School and Intermediate Education, Rajputana. This included Ajmer,
Merw ara, Central India and Gw alior. The Board w itnessed rapid grow th and expansion at the level of
Secondary education resulting in improved quality and standard of education in institutions. But w ith the
advent of State Universities and State Boards in various parts of the country the jurisdiction of the Board
w as confined only to Ajmer, Bhopal and Vindhya Pradesh later. As a result of this, in 1952 , the
constitution of the Board w as amended w herein its jurisdiction w as extended to part-C and Part-D
territories and the Board w as given its present name ‘Central Board of Secondary Education’. It w as in the
year 1962 finally that the Board w as reconstituted. The main objectives w ere those of : serving the
educational institutions more effectively, to be responsive to the educational needs of those students
w hose parents w ere employed in the Central Government and had frequently transferable jobs. CBSE -
ALL INDIA PMT/PDT ENTRANCE EXAMINATION results are available on Indiaresults.com as w ell.

CBSE All india pmt/pdt entrance examination Results 2014 through Name/ Roll No. T he wait is finally over guys. CBSE AIPMT 2014 results, pmt/pdt entrance examination Results announced, were declared on Saturday but CBSE failed to upload the AIpmt/pdt final answer key to the All India Pre Medical Test. Jalandhar boy Lovedeep Singh Dhingra, a student of MGN Public School secures second rank in AIPMT. Check them AIPMT.result 2014 here, Enter your Roll Number Date of Birth ( Type DOB). AIPMT is held each year to help students to secure admission to leading medical and dental government colleges across the country. 46,271 candidates qualify in Results for the all India pre-medical/pre-dental test (AIPMT), CBSE AIPMT 2014 results conducted by CBSE. 579,707 candidates registered for AIPMT-2014, 523,701 appeared in the exam - which was held at 929 centres, located in 50 cities across India including one centre located abroad. Of the total qualified candidates, 18,115 passed under the 15 percent all India quota seats, of which 9,716 are male and 8,399 are female. 


Results 7339124807496736162

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