BRDS Recruitment 2014 Apply for District Program Manager and Assistant Posts

Bihar Rural Development Society has declared the notification of BRDSRecruitment 2014 for various posts. Applications are invited from eligi...

Bihar Rural Development Society has declared the notification of BRDSRecruitment 2014 for various posts. Applications are invited from eligible Indian Nationals to give services to BRDS. BRDS is an independent society endorsed by the Rural Development department of Bihar Government. BRDS is looking to build a self-motivated and disciplined team that controls and identifies the problems and removing poverty in the state. Through this BRDS Notice they invite more people to join Bihar Rural Development Society (BRDS) Main Team in transforming rural lives and living work to build new Bihar.
The essential qualifications required for applying these BRDS Govt Jobs are clearly mentioned below. Applicants are required to verify the BRDS Advertisement 2014 once and get more details like age, selection method and required qualification. Aspirants who wish to apply for these jobs in BRDS will apply through official site by filling the online application and submit it through online mode before mentioneddate.

Bihar Rural Development Society Notification 2014 Details

Organization Details

Name of the Organization: Bihar Rural Development Society
Official Site: www.brds.bih.nic.in

Job Conditions

Job Category: Government Job
Job Location: Bihar
Job Vacancies: 114
Job Role: District Program Manager and Assistant Posts

Job Details

S.NOPost NameNo of PostsSalaryEducational Qualification
1Director- Social Audit01Rs. 80000/-Post Graduate degree or equivalent
2Regional Programme Officer- MGNREGA03Rs. 70000/-Post Graduate degree/ Diploma in Management/ MSW/ Agriculture & Allied Science/ Engineering or equivalent
3Programme Officer- IAY01Rs. 70000/-MBA degree/ diploma in HR/ MSW or equivalent
4Head Capacity Building, HR & Facility Management01Rs. 70000/-MBA degree/ diploma in HR/ MSW or equivalent
5Finance Manager01Rs. 60000/-M.Com/ CA/ PG diploma in Finance/ Management
6Procurement Manager01Rs. 60000/-M.Com/ CA/ PG diploma in Finance/ Management
7HR Cum Facilities Manager01Rs. 60000/-PG degree/ diploma in HR/ Personnel Management
8Sr. Audit & Account Officer01Rs. 60000/-M.Com/ CA/ PG diploma in Finance/ Management
9Independent Evaluation, Learning & Research Manager01Rs. 60000/-Post Graduate degree/ Diploma in Management/ MSW/ Agriculture & Allied Science/ Engineering or equivalent
10BPL SECC Coordinator01Rs. 40000/-Post Graduate degree/ Diploma in Management/ MSW/ Agriculture & Allied Science/ Engineering or equivalent
11Social Audit/ Grievance Redressed Committee Coordinator01Rs. 40000/-Post Graduate degree/ Diploma in Management/ MSW/ Agriculture & Allied Science/ Engineering or equivalent
12IEC Manager01Rs. 40000/-PG degree in Mass Communication
13Ombudsman Coordinator/ Establishment01Rs. 40000/-Post Graduate degree/ Diploma in Management/ MSW/ Agriculture & Allied Science/ Engineering or equivalent
14District Program Manager38Rs. 40000/-Degree in Civil Engineering/ PG/ MBA degree in Rural management/ Development Studies/ Rural Studies
15Audit Officer03Rs. 30000/-M.Com/ CA/ PG Degree in Finance or equivalent
16M&E and Learning Team03Rs. 30000/-Post Graduate degree/ Diploma in Management/ MSW or equivalent
17Programme Executive07Rs. 25000/-Post Graduate degree/ Diploma in Management/ MSW/ Agriculture & Allied Science/ Engineering or equivalent
18Accounts Officer04Rs. 25000/-M.Com/ CA (Intermediate) or equivalent
19IT Manger01Rs. 25000/-4 years Graduate degree in Engineering/ MCA or equivalent
20MIS Expert (State) + Computer Engineer01Rs. 25000/-4 years Graduate degree in Engineering/ B.Sc (IT)/ BCA/ MCA or equivalent
21State MIS Team Member15Rs. 20000/-4 years Graduate degree in Engineering/ MCA or equivalent
22Assistant27Rs. 15000/-PG Degree with Computer knowledge

Age Details: Aspirants age limit must be in between 21 to 37 years as per organization rules.

Selection Process

The mode of selecting candidates will be done through interview only.

How to Apply for BRDS Govt Jobs 2014?

Online applications will be accepted from the aspirants and eligible people may apply through official website by filling the application form in a format. Application forms along with all documents are submitted through online before last date.

Important Dates

Online Application Starting Date: 21-07-2014
Last Date for Submission of Online Application: 07-08-2014

Download BRDS Notification 2014 Pdf Here

Get Online Application Here


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