Download UPPSC Prelims Hall Ticket/ admit card 2014-15

Download UPPSC Prelims Hall Ticket/ admit card 2014-15 pdf : UPPSC Recruitment Board had disclosed various govt jobs notification in UP stat...

Download UPPSC Prelims Hall Ticket/ admit card 2014-15 pdf: UPPSC Recruitment Board had disclosed various govt jobs notification in UP state circle for the Graduate Degree and other educated aspirants in June first week and it had given one month time for online and offline application producer to the eligible aspirants. So the huge number of candidates had sent their filled application forms to UPPSC Recruitment Board on or before 22nd July 2014. Now these all applied applicants are eager to await for UPPSC Prelims exam admit card/ hall ticket to appear for this exam which will  be conducted on 03rd August 2014.
Latest UPPSC 3rd July exam admit card 2014
The UPPSC Recruitment Board is likely to be uploaded UPPSC prelims exam admit cards in the official web portals from 23rd July 2014. So applicants who were sent their application forms to UP Board they need to download UPPSC Prelims Hall Ticket from the official UPPSC website www.uppsc.up.nic.in. This UPPSC prelims exam is a state level exam. So the UP Board had invited only UP state unemployed candidates to recruit this vacant posts through two stages of processes like written test and Interview. Those candidates who will be shortlisted in written test they will be called for next recruitment processes. After uploaded of this exam admit cards in the official website candidates should enter application number or registration number and Birth of Date and take hard copy of UPPSC admit card for further use.
UPPSC Prelims 2014 Admit card
The UPPSC prelims exam contain 200 multiple choice question with four different topics namely General Knowledge on Indian Geography, World Geography, Current Affairs of National and International events and Governing system. Each section contain 50 Question with 50 marks. So total UPPSC Prelims exam paper have 200 marks and each question carries one mark. For more information regards UPPSC Prelims exam answer key with cutoff marks and UPPSC exam Results will be kept in the UP official site shortly. Here we gathered direct links in below to download UPPSC Prelims Hall Ticket in simple manner. So applicants go through below links.
How to Download UPPSC Prelims Hall Ticket/ admit card 2014-15 pdf ?
log on UPPSC official main site.
Find out UPPSC Prelims Hall ticket section and dowload button.
Click on the download option.
Enter required details like application number or registration number and DOB.
Then, your admit card will be opened on screen with full details like applicants name, hall ticket number, name of the center and address of the center.
Save this admit card for further use.


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