RRB Assistant Loco Pilot Aptitude Test Syllabus Pattern 2014 www.rrbbnc.gov.in/
Railway Recruitment Board Assistant Loco Pilot Aptitude Test Pattern Syllabus RRB Aptitude Test syllabus pattern for ALP Technician ...

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Railway Recruitment Board Assistant Loco Pilot Aptitude Test Pattern Syllabus RRB Aptitude Test syllabus pattern for ALP Technician Aptitude Test Sample Questions paper/ Model paper Download Important Tips Tricks
RRB Aptitude Test Scheme for ALP 2014
Railway Recruitment Board had conducted a written exam for recruitment of Assistant Loco Pilot & Technician. Candidates who were declared qualified in the Written exam, now have to appear for ‘APTITUDE TEST’. Without knowing about Exact Pattern & Syllabus which to be asked in Test, No one can give one’s 100% in the Test. It is the section which in not well known for candidates. Candidates who have little information about Aptitude Test, we are providing detailed Pattern & Syllabus with Sample Questions. Candidates need to read & understand the Scheme. In the end we provide you Important Tips & Tricks to do well in the Aptitude Test. Lets First Start with Pattern of Aptitude Test.
Pattern/ Scheme of Aptitude Test:- In the Aptitude Test candidates are provided a Test Battery, which consists of five-six tests, prescribed for the job you have applied for. Generally the tests are administered in groups of 35-150 candidates. They are required to answer the questions given in test booklets and mark the responses on OMR Answer Sheets. Test Battery will consists of following tests:-
- Memory Test
- Following Directions Test
- Depth Perception Test
- Concentration Test
- Perceptual Speed Test
Contents/ Syllabus of Aptitude Test Battery:- Contents of the above given components of Test Battery is given below:-
Test for measuring Memory:- In this test you will be given a map to study and memorize buildings and other structures on it for some time, and then asked to indicate the location of these buildings on a test page. You have to carefully watch the map to answer correctly.
Test for measuring Memory:- In this test you will be asked to memorize Picture-Number combinations. After some time you will be asked to go to the test page, which shows the pictures in a different order. You will be asked to indicate the numbers that go with them. You may pick your answers out of the four options given for each picture.
Test for measuring Ability to Follow Directions:- In this test you will be given a pattern of letters to look at and will be asked questions about how certain directions will change that pattern. The answer to each question will be one of the letters in the pattern. You are to decide which letter shows the correct answer.
Test for measuring Depth Perception:- In this test you will see a pile of bricks with some bricks labelled A, B, C, etc. Your task is to count the number of bricks that are touching bricks of the pile that has a letter on it. All bricks are of same size and shape.
Test for measuring Concentration (I):- This is a test to find out how quickly you can compare two numbers and decide whether or not they are the same. If the numbers are the same, darken the circle ‘Y’ otherwise darken ‘N’ on your answer sheet. Do not make any marks on the booklet.
Test for measuring Concentration (II):- In this test you will find four groups (A, B, C & D) of digits. Your task is to find out the group of digits which contains a ‘6’. In case digit ‘6’ appears more than once, your answer will be ‘E’.
Test for measuring Perceptual Speed:- This is a test of how rapidly and accurately you can see objects in order to match them. Candidate need to observe effect of speed on Object. Which object is blurred/ Clear depends on the Speed relative to Object.
Tips & Tricks for Aptitude Test:- Candidates need to follow the given Steps to do well in the Aptitude Test:-
- Don’t stay up all night. Make sure you get a good night’s sleep.
- Give yourself plenty of time to reach the examination centre so that you don’t have to rush.
- Listen carefully to the instructions.
- Do exactly as you are told.
- Don’t hesitate to ask questions.
- Think about each question before answering.
- Work quickly and accurately, as most tests have short time limits.
- Don’t waste time on difficult questions.
- Do not try to copy the answers of your neighbors as his question booklet is likely to be different from you.
Candidate can Download Model Test Questions/ Sample Questions from the link given below:-
Click Here for More Details: http://www.rrbbnc.gov.in/RESULTS.html
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