UP 72825 Teachers Counseling Letter, Schedule 2016 upbasiceduboard.gov.in/
Download Counseling Letter UP 72825 Teacher 5th Counseling Schedule 2015 Check UP Basic Education Board 72825 Teacher 5th Counseling date ...


UP Primary Teachers Counseling Date/ Schedule
Refer to the Recruitment Advertisement through Uttar Pradesh Education Department, Allahabad for Assistant Teachers 72825 Posts in UP Primary Schools.
LATEST UPDATE dated 08.02.2016 : List of Additional 12091 Candidates has been uploaded Now on Website. These Candidates can take part in Counseling which is going to be started from 10 February, 2016. Notification will be issued District wise from 08.02.2016. Joining Letter will be issued of 13 February, 2016. Download List of 12091 Candidates for Counseling from the link available below……
Read Full Information from the Image provided below……
Latest News: Counseling Card for 5th Round of Counseling of 72825 Teachers will be available from 17.03.2015 onwards……..Candidates can Download Counseling Card from from UP Basic Education Board website (http://upbasiceduboard.gov.in/) otherwise the link provided below………
► In 5th Counseling, There are 26974 Vacant Seats. Almost 90% District have vacant seats, In the 72825 Counseling, 48811 Teachers got Joining. Joining Letters will be issued on 26, 27 March, 2015.
अति महत्वपूर्ण सूचना :
1. जनपद में रिक्त सीटों का विवरण सम्बन्धित जनपद की वेबसाइट पर देखें ।
2. संदर्भगत चयन में यदि किन्हीं अभ्यर्थियों द्वारा किसी भी जनपद में प्रशिक्षु शिक्षक के पद पर कार्यभार ग्रहण कर लिया गया है, तो उनके द्वारा उक्त प्रस्तावित काउन्सिलिंग में प्रतिभाग नहीं किया जाएगा| यदि तथ्य गोपन करके किसी अभ्यर्थी द्वारा दिनांक 19.03.2015 से 23.03.2015 तक होने वाली काउन्सिलिंग में प्रतिभाग किया जाता है तो उनका अभ्यर्थन निरस्त कर दिया जायेगा।
3. अभ्यर्थी काउन्सिलिंग के लिए किसी आवेदित जनपद में तभी जायें जब जनपद द्वारा रिक्त सीटों के सापेक्ष विज्ञप्ति प्रकाशित करायी गई हो तथा जनपद की NIC की वेबसाइट पर अपलोड की गयी हो।
4. अभ्यर्थी किसी कठिनाई के निवारण के लिये सम्बन्धित जनपद के डायट एवं जिला बेसिक शिक्षा अधिकारी से सम्पर्क करें।
5th Counseling Dates for 72825 Teachers has been announced Now. Counseling will be conducted between 19 March to 23 March, 2015. Keep in touch with us for more updates………
Counseling for 72825 Primary Teaches Third (5th) Counseling will be Conduct from 19 to 23 March, 2015. and Merit List/ Cut off for 5th counseling will be Declared Shortly. Please keep in touch with our website (www.SpyNaukari.in) for latest updates….
5th Counseling:- Good News for the Candidates, 5th Counseling for 72825 Primary Teachers will be conducted Now. It must be noted that 4 Round of Counseling has been completed and44, 024 candidates got joining Letters. More Information is provided below………..
5th Counseling Date-19 to 23.03.2015
GOOD NEWS for Reserved Candidates:- 5th Counseling will be done by changing the Eligibility Criteria for Reserved Candidates. Counseling for Reserved Candidates will be done on 60% Marks in TET means on 90 Marks. But for Unreserved Category, Eligibility Criteria is 70% or 105 Marks.
Joining Letter NOTE:- Joining Letters will be issued from 26-27 March, 2015. Candidates who will not Joined upto 15 April, their Joining will be cancelled.
► After getting Approval from Supreme Court, It is decided to conduct Counseling will be done for Vacant Seats only. Till Now Counseling was done based on All Seats. Counseling for Candidates having 60% marks will be done for only vacant seats. If in Any district, seats were filled by 65% Marks, their candidature of 60% Marks candidates will be not be accepted.
NOTE:- After getting Joining, if a candidate wants to get joining in any other district, this couldn’t be done. Under an Order of Supreme Court it is clear that If any candidate do so, his/ her candidature will be cancelled.
This Decision is taken because Most of the seats for reserved Candidates are vacant. Supreme court has advised government to think about Reducing Eligibility Criteria. Based on the Vacant seat, district wise counseling schedule will be published. General Category candidates are given chance in counseling so that if any candidates left, he can take part in the counseling.
Let’s have a look on the All counseling Schedules………..
- 1st Counseling Date– 29, 30 and 31.08.2014.
- 2nd Counseling Date– 22 to 26.09.2014
- 3rd Counseling Date– 05 to 13.11.2014
- 4th Counseling Date– 09 to 14.01.2015
- 5th Counseling Date– 19 to 23.03.2015
Place Of Counseling– District Institute of Education and Training (DIET) of All Districts.
Date and Category Wise 5th Counseling Schedule
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REQUIRED DOCUMENTS FOR COUNSELING: The candidates will have to Reach counseling Center at 10:00 AM on Counseling Date. with all necessary Documents/ Certificate which are given Here under-
1. All Original Certificates & Mark sheets (10th, 12th, Graduation, B.Ed any other).
2. Training Certificate (if Any),
3. TET 2011 Certificate/ Mark sheet,
4. Caste Certificate,
5. Domicile Certificate,
6. Identity Proof (Like- Aadhar Card/ Voter Card/ Driving License/ Ration Card etc…),
7. Reservation/ Special Reservation Certificate,
8. Passport Size 2 (two) Color Photo. AND
1. All Original Certificates & Mark sheets (10th, 12th, Graduation, B.Ed any other).
2. Training Certificate (if Any),
3. TET 2011 Certificate/ Mark sheet,
4. Caste Certificate,
5. Domicile Certificate,
6. Identity Proof (Like- Aadhar Card/ Voter Card/ Driving License/ Ration Card etc…),
7. Reservation/ Special Reservation Certificate,
8. Passport Size 2 (two) Color Photo. AND
Update About Merit List:- 5th Merit List/ Cut Off of 72825 Teaches will be declared before 05th March 2015 Available on UP Basic Education Board website (http://upbasiceduboard.gov.in/).
You Can Also Check MERIT LIST from given Link- www.SpyNaukari.in
Candidates can check any updates about 72825 Teachers Recruitment 2011 on the official website of basic education board.
Final Words:- All candidates are advised to read news papers visit UP Education Board website for Latest News and updates related to this recruitment.
For More Details Please Visit: http://upbasiceduboard.gov.in/
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