JEECUP Counseling Schedule Date Counseling Letter 2016 jeecup.nic.in/

UP Polytechnic Counseling 2016 JEECUP Counseling Schedule date latest news download Polytechnic counseling Letter check Se...

UP Polytechnic Counseling 2016 JEECUP Counseling Schedule date latest news download Polytechnic counseling Letter check Seat Allotment result jeecup UP polytechnic admission 2016 counseling

UP Polytechnic Counseling Schedule 2016

JEECUP Counseling LATEST UPDATE dated 11.08.2016 : All Rounds of counseling and spot counseling are over now, almost 95% seats are filled in Govt. Colleges but more than 80 thousand seats remain unfilled in private colleges……………….now Private Colleges can take direct admission till 14th August……………………

Click Here to Download Instructions for Spot Counseling → [For Institution] [For Students]

Click Here to Download Allotment Letter (for Freeze Candidates only)

Counseling Start From 25 June 2016

Now this Time Counseling Start From 25 June 2016. The verification of Certificate will be Conduct on the Center. Counseling be Completed in 4 Round Process.
There are 336 Private Colleges, 103 Government Colleges, 18 Aided Colleges & 5 other Colleges (which are organized by other department). In total, 461 Institutes have 1,38,367 Seats for first year admission. So before New Session approx 10% seats will be increased. 120 Seats will be increased for Chandausi & Ambedkar Nagar.
Women Polytechnic Colleges will also open for Girl Students. If all goes well, form new session semester system will applicable & there will also be change in the pattern & syllabus for First Year courses.
Good News for All JEECUP 2016 Aspirants..………UP Government has reduced Counseling Fee for Admission in Polytechnic Colleges from Rs. 400/- to Rs. 250/- per candidate. Now Candidates can also submit the Fee online.
Here below We Are Providing table in Which all the Activities Are Given So Candidates Please Refer Below Table
Schedule For JEE (Polytechnic) 2016
1.First RoundRegistration & Choice Filling25 June To 1 July 2016
Document Verification26 June To 3 July 2016
Seat Allotment & Security Fee Deposition5 July To 8 July
2.Second RoundRegistration & Choice Filling (For New Candidates Only)10 July To 12 July 2016
Document Verification (For New Candidates Only)10 July To 13 July
Seat Allotment & Security Fee Deposition15 July To 18 July
3.Third RoundRegistration & Choice Filling (For New Candidates Only)20 July To 21 July
Document Verification (For New Candidates Only)20 July To 22 July
Seat Allotment & Security Fee Deposition25 July To 27 July
4.Fourth RoundRegistration & Choice Filling (For New Candidates Only)28 July To 30 July
Document Verification (For New Candidates Only)28 July To 31 July 2016
Seat Allotment & Security Fee Deposition2 Aug To 4 Aug
5.Reporting By CandidateDocument Verification, Fee Submission25 July To 6 Aug
6.Reporting By InstituteReporting to JEEC(P) Of Admitted Candidate in Institute1 Aug To 6 Aug
7.Spot Counseling (For Govt. Aided Institute)Document verification, Fee Submission8 Aug 2016
NOTE: There is also an increment in Call Centres for ease of Students. Details of Seats will be available on website before 10 days of Counseling. Extending the Previous 68 Help Centres in 58 District, Now in 63 District 78 Help Centers will be opened. From the Year 2016, Candidate doesn’t need to pay Security money of Rs. 3000/- which was submitted in Private Polytechnic Institutions.
Required Documents for JEECUP Counseling 2016 –
1– Admit card, Result, Rank card of Entrance Exam
2– 10th ya 12th Marksheet and Certificate
3– Domicile Certificate
4– Caste Certificate
5– Income Certificate (Not Compulsory)
6– ID Proof (Ration Card, Bank Passbook, Voter Card, DL Etc).
7– Medical Fitness Certificate
8– Passport size Photograph
9. Character Certificate (Not Compulsory)
10. Counseling Fees Deposit Slip
Joint Entrance Examination Council (Sanyukt Pravesh Pariksha Parishad, U.P.), Lucknow will Conduct Uttar Pradesh Polytechnic (JEECUP 2016) Counselling.for the candidates who have Qualified in Polytechnic Entrance exam 2016 (JEECUP) for take Admission in Diploma Engineering & other Courses (Diploma- civil, Mechanical, Electrical, CS, IT, Chemical etc) of UP Government & Private Polytechnic and other Colleges. Counseling will be conducted at the Various centers in Uttar Pradesh. andCounseling Letters are also Available for Download from JEECUP website. The students can download their Counseling Letter from Here Given below Download Link or also from following website (http://www.jeecup.org/ OR http://jeecup.nic.in/default1.aspx).
Counseling Procedure : Following 5 Simple Steps to be followed for online Counseling.
Mandatory Steps for Counseling
  1. Check Your Fee Status Compulsorily
  2. Click On Document Upload Status
  3. Note –
    • Your Documents will be verified and you will receive OTP for Choice filling
    • If you do not receive OTP before your scheduled Choice filling dates, Click on Resend OTP option
  4. Fill your choices in order of priority of Colleges and Branch
  5. Lock your Choices
  6. Note – After Processing of Choices, Allotment Result will be Declared
  7. Deposit Seat Confirmation Fee
  8. Download Allotment Letter
  9. Report at Your Allotted College
Step 1. Registration
i. Click on ‘New Registration’ link.
ii. Fill in all the particulars in the Online Registration Form.
iii. Carefully review all the entries before submission.
iv. The candidate should supply all details while filling the Online Registration Form. The Registration Form mainly contains the personal details and contact details of the candidates. After successful submission of the data, a Unique Registration No. will be generated and it will be used to complete the remaining Steps of the Counseling Process and also required for all future correspondence. System will Communicate Candidate Registration Number on his/ her registered Mobile Number.
v. Take the printout of the displaying candidate Registration Number. (For Further Proceedings).
Step 2. E-challan
i. Click on ‘Download e-Challan’ link.
ii. Take the printout of this Challan Slip.(Print option- A4 size in Landscape).
iii. Make the payment through online generated Bank e-Challan at any branch of Punjab National Bank. Ensure that the Transaction Id given by bank should be clear and readable . Only Correct Transaction Id will be considered for the Updating Counseling Fee.Keep two slips of challan (which is Candidate Copy and CAC copy) with you.
iv. Simultaneously user can visit his / her designated help center or document verification center to verify his / her document regarding his / her eligibility for appearing in the counseling. Please Ensure that Step 2 is Complete done before Starting Step-3.
Step 3. Choice Filling
i. Click on ‘Choice Submission Login ’ link.
ii. Fill the required Information on the screen like roll no and OTP (One Time Password) which was sent registered Mobile Number. Then submit
iii. In case PIN/ OTP has not been recevied or candidate has misplaced or forgotten PIN/ OTP he / she can generate PIN/ OTP for himself / herself by clicking ‘Resend OTP/ PIN’.
iv. Fill the roll no and OTP (One Time Password) and then Submit After Successfully Login the Choices will appear according to his / her eligibility like ‘Choice Available’ To view Choices Available (Offered Seats) for You Choice Submission ‘Choice Selection Branch Wise’,To Submit choice Branch Wise ‘Choice Selection Institute Wise’ To Submit choice Institute Wise ‘Choice Deletion’ To Delete any Selected Choice View Submitted Choice’ To View Submitted Choices Choice Interchange’ To Inter Change any Selected Choice Lock Choices Lock Choices. Locking is mandatory after submitting all final choices
Step 4. Document Verification
i.Visit Your Help Center to verify your Document.
ii. Now the user will get PIN / OTP for filling choices through SMS on his / her on registered Mobile Number.
Step 5. Allotment,  Locking of Final Choice Filling
i. Lock Choices. Locking is mandatory after submitting all final choices
Wishing Best of Luck for your future endeavours!
Fee Detail of UP Polytechnic Diploma Govt., Aided and Private Colleges
– Fees for Government Polytechnics (1). Following are fees prescribe by Government of Uttar Pradesh by their Order 1371/16-Pra-Shi-3-2010-246(B)/91 Dated 30/04/2010 for Government Institutes.
Tuition Fees : Rs. 8000/- per year
Student Fund Fees : Rs. 4670/- per year
Total : Rs. 12670/- per year In Student Fund Fee Hostel facility, Examination fee etc. are included.
– Fees for Aided Polytechnics (2). Following are fees prescribe by Government of Uttar Pradesh by their Order 298/Pra-Fhi-Ni-Sa / 2010 Dated 22/07/2010 for Aided Institutes.
Tuition Fees : Rs. 14430/- per year
Student Fund Fees : Rs. 3070/- per year
Total : Rs. 17500/- per year In Student Fund Fee Hostel facility, Examination fee etc. are included.
– Fees for Self Finance PolytechnicsTuition Fees : Rs. 21000/- per year Student
Fund Fees : –
Total : Rs. 21000/- per year
– Fees for Private Polytechnics (3). Following are fees prescribe by Government of Uttar Pradesh by their Order 413//Pra-Fhi-Ni-Sa / 2010 Dated 25/08/2010 for Private Institutes.
Total Fees : Rs. 28000/- per year (For Three year Courses)
for Final Fees Please Confirm Separately from Respective college.
Total Fees : Rs. 20000/- per year (For One & Two Year Courses)- for Final Fees Please Confirm Separately from Respective college. This fees include all fees, Except Security money & Hostel Fees. This fees is from 2010-11 to next two year. Examination fee will be decided by the Board of Technical Education, U.P., Lucknow and Hostel fees will be decided by the Institute itself.


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