LIC of India 5066 ADO Recruitment 2015 Online Form
LIC Of India is Going To Recruit 5066 Vacancies Of Apprentice Development Officers In Various Zones For the year 2015-16 LIC Has Publish J...
LIC Of India is Going To Recruit 5066 Vacancies Of Apprentice
Development Officers In Various Zones For the year 2015-16 LIC Has Publish Jobs
Recruitment Notification 2015 Candidates with Graduate Degree Can Apply
Online for 5066 ADO Posts

Detail of Vacancies : Apprentice Development
Officers :- 5066 posts In Various Zones.
Sl. No.
Name Of Region
Name Of Posts
No. Of Posts
Central Zonal Office, Bhopal
Eastern Zonal Office, Kolkata
East Central Zonal Office, Patna
Northern Zonal Office, New Delhi
North Central Zonal Office Kanpur
Southern Zonal Office Chennai
South Central Zonal Office Hyderabad
Western Zonal Office Mumbai
Age Limit
: The applicant shall have completed 21 years of age (in completed
years) and not more than 30 years of age (in completed years) as on 01.06.2015
i.e candidates must have been born not earlier than 02.06.1985 and not later
than 01.06.1994 (both days inclusive) as on 01.06.2015.
Pay Scale : During the apprentice period, the candidate selected as
Apprentice Development Officer will be paid a fixed amount as stipend per month
as per rules of the Corporation. At present the amount of stipend is about
Rs.23836/- per month, except in case of candidates selected from LIC Employees
On appointment as a Probationary Development Officer, basic pay of
Rs.11535/- per month (except for Employee Category candidates) in the scale of
11535-700(2)-12935 – 825(2) -14585 -840(17)-28865 (Under Revision) and other
admissible allowances as per rules shall be payable. Total emoluments will be
approximately Rs.26736/-. Other benefits include Gratuity, Defined Contributory
Pension Scheme, LTC, Medical Benefit, Group Savings Linked Insurance (GSLI),
Group Personal Accident Insurance, vehicle advance (2-wheeler/4-wheeler) as per
rules and on confirmation in service, attractive performance linked Incentives.
Educational Qualification :
For Employees
category and Agents category in both Urban and Rural area- Applicant shall
possess the Bachelor’s Degree of a University in India established under a
statute or a foreign university approved for the purpose or the Fellowship of
Insurance Institute of India, Mumbai.
An applicant from
Others category for recruitment as an Apprentice Development Officer in both
Urban and Rural area shall possess the Bachelor’s Degree of a University in
India established under a statute or a foreign university approved for the
purpose or the Fellowship of Insurance Institute of India, Mumbai.
Preference may be
given to those applicants who possess Masters Degree in Business
Administration in Marketing or Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing from a
University in India established under Statute or by an Institute approved by
All India Council for Technical Education or a recognized Institution.
Application Fee : Candidate will have to make the
payment of Application Fees/Intimation Charges (Nonrefundable)
through On-line mode only as under:
through On-line mode only as under:
For SC/ST Candidates
Intimation Charges of Rs.50/- plus Transaction Charges
Other than SC/ST Candidates
Application Fees-cum-Intimation Charges of Rs.500/- plus Transaction
Selection Procedure : Selection will be made on the
basis of on-line test followed by an Interview of candidates who qualify in the
on-line test.
How to Apply : Candidates are necessarily required
to apply On-line through LIC’s website under the
heading “Careers”. No other means/mode of applications will be accepted.
Applicants are first required to go to the LIC’s website and
click on the “Careers” to open the link “ON-LINE APPLICATION FOR LIC ADO’s
RECRUITMENT EXAM 2015-16”. Thereafter, open the Recruitment Notification and
take a print out of the entire Recruitment Notification.
Last Date:- 30/06/2015
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