UPSC Deputy Superintending Archaeologist Interview Schedule 2015
UPSC Superintending Archaeologist Interview Date 2015 Download UPSC Dy. Superintending Archaeologist Interview Call Letter 2015 UPSC DSA I...
UPSC Superintending Archaeologist Interview Date 2015 Download UPSC Dy. Superintending Archaeologist Interview Call Letter 2015 UPSC DSA Interview Date Schedule
UPSC Interview Call Letter 2015

UPSC had shortlisted Total 80 candidates and prepare a Merit list for candidates qualified for Interview. Lists of such candidates are displayed in the Official Website at information of all concerned. Selected Candidates now have to appear for Interview on various dates. Interview Schedule is available for Dy. Superintending Archaeologist post on UPSC’s website.
Date of Interview :- Interviews for these various posts will scheduled to be held from 03rd to07th August, 2015 on prescribed reporting time mentioned in front of the name of candidate in list.
Venue of Interview :- UPSC Office, Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi – 110 069.
Important Note :-
► Kindly fill up the Attestation Form available on the Commission’s website ( and get the same duly attested by a Gazetted Officer, with one recent photograph (Passport size) (5 cms x 7 cms) affixed on it at the space specified therein and submit the same on the day of checking of original documents/certificates. Candidate is also required to bring two additional identical photographs self signed on front in ink and mentioning your (i) Roll Number, (ii) Date of interview and (iii) the name of the Post in the back of it. Only the upper half of the photograph should be utilized for writing Roll Number etc. and the lower half should be left blank for Official use.
► Only the outstation candidates called for interview are paid contribution towards these expenses to the extent mentioned in the enclosed note. For this purpose, they are required to fill in the two enclosed blank T. A. bill forms and hand these over at the Commission Office.
► If the candidates fail to produce any of the required original certificates for verification before the Personality Test they will not be interviewed by the Commission and their candidature will be cancelled by the Commission straightway.
► Kindly fill up the Attestation Form available on the Commission’s website ( and get the same duly attested by a Gazetted Officer, with one recent photograph (Passport size) (5 cms x 7 cms) affixed on it at the space specified therein and submit the same on the day of checking of original documents/certificates. Candidate is also required to bring two additional identical photographs self signed on front in ink and mentioning your (i) Roll Number, (ii) Date of interview and (iii) the name of the Post in the back of it. Only the upper half of the photograph should be utilized for writing Roll Number etc. and the lower half should be left blank for Official use.
► Only the outstation candidates called for interview are paid contribution towards these expenses to the extent mentioned in the enclosed note. For this purpose, they are required to fill in the two enclosed blank T. A. bill forms and hand these over at the Commission Office.
► If the candidates fail to produce any of the required original certificates for verification before the Personality Test they will not be interviewed by the Commission and their candidature will be cancelled by the Commission straightway.
Download Attestation Form – [Click Here]
TA Bill Form – [Click Here]
Final Words :- All Candidates are advised to be in Touch with Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) website for Latest Updates regarding Interview & further process of selection.
For More Information Please Visit:-
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