Haryana SSC Clerk Syllabus 2016 HSSC Exam Pattern www.hssc.gov.in

Haryana SSC Clerk Syllabus 2016 Haryana Clerk Syllabus 2016 HSSC Clerk Syllabus 2016 Haryana SSC Clerk Exam Pattern 2016 Download Schem...

Haryana SSC Clerk Syllabus 2016 Haryana Clerk Syllabus 2016 HSSC Clerk Syllabus 2016 Haryana SSC Clerk Exam Pattern 2016 Download Scheme & Selection Process

Haryana SSC Clerk Syllabus 2016

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Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) is going conduct a written examination for the posts of Clerk. Nowadays Competition Level become very high so Competitive Exams gets too tougher. Candidates facing critical problem of “What to prepare” and “How to prepare”. So, here we are providing the latest Syllabus & Exam Pattern of Clerk Exam conducting by Haryana SSC.
Exam Pattern :- Haryana SSC Clerk Exam Pattern is as follows :
► The written test will be multiple choice objective type.
► A composite paper will carry 100 questions.
► Each will contain two marks so test will be of 200 marks.
► Duration of test will be 01:30 hours (90 minutes).
► The will also be an Interview (Viva-Voce) of 25 marks.
Exam Syllabus :- HSSC Clerk Exam Syllabus is as follows :
i) 75% weightage for General awareness, Reasoning, Maths, Science, English, Hindi or Concerned or Relevant Subject as applicable.
ii) 25% weightage for History, Current Affairs, Literature, Geography, Civics, Environment, Culture etc. of Haryana.
General Awareness – In this objective of questions about general knowledge of surrounding society of the candidates to test the awareness about surrounding activities. History of India (Haryana mostly) & its Adjacent Countries, Culture, Geography, Economical Scenario and Constitution of India & State Administration, Political series of Country, Five-Year Plan, Contribution of Haryana in National Movement.
Reasoning – It will include the question of both verbal and non-verbal type. Question will be asked from analogies, similarities and differences, problem solving, relationship, arithmetical computation and other analytical functions, Venn diagrams, relationship concepts and Ability to observe and distinguish patterns etc.
Maths – The test of Arithmetical and Numerical abilities will cover Number Systems including questions on Simplification, Decimals, Fractions, L.C.M., H.C.F., Ratio & Proportion, Percentage, Average, Profit & Loss, Discount, Simple & Compound Interest, Mensuration, Time & Work, Time & Distance, Tables & Graphs, etc.
Science – These tests are designed to test the knowledge and competencies for scientific methodology concepts, principles, techniques and physics, chemistry, life sciences (Biology), the earth/space sciences, technologies etc.
English & Hindi – Synonyms, Antonyms, Spellings/ Detecting Mis-spelt words, Idioms & Phrases, One word substitution, Improvement of Sentences, Active/Passive Voice of Verbs, Conversion into Direct/Indirect narration, Rearrangement, Comprehension Passage.
For More Information – http://www.hssc.gov.in


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