MPSCDF Clerk & Technician Syllabus 2016
MPSCDF Syllabus 2016 MP Vyapam Dairy Federation Exam Syllabus 2016 MPSCDF Exam Pattern for Clerk Technician Assistant Supervisor MP State ...

MP Vyapam Exam Syllabus 2016
Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board named as MP Vyapam is going to conduct a MP State Co-Operative Dairy Federation Limited Recruitment : 2015 for recruitment to various Class I, II and III posts.
Exam Pattern :- MP Vyapam Dairy Federation Exam Pattern is as follows :
► The written test will be multiple choice objective type.
► There will be two papers i.e. Paper-I for Class 1 & 2 and Paper-II for Class 3.
► Paper-I and Paper-II will carry 150 and 100 questions respectively.
► Each question will carry one mark.
► The time duration will be 02:00 hours (120 minutes) for each paper.
► The question paper will be set in both Hindi and English language.
► There will be two papers i.e. Paper-I for Class 1 & 2 and Paper-II for Class 3.
► Paper-I and Paper-II will carry 150 and 100 questions respectively.
► Each question will carry one mark.
► The time duration will be 02:00 hours (120 minutes) for each paper.
► The question paper will be set in both Hindi and English language.
Exam Syllabus :- MPSCDF Syllabus is given hereunder :
Paper-I (for Class I & II posts)
(i) General Awareness & General Aptitude/ Reasoning -40 marks (Graduation level)
(ii) General Knowledge about Madhya Pradesh -35 marks (Graduation level)
(iii) ADMINISTRATION: 10 marks
- Human Resource Management & Organization Behavior.
- Industrial Relations & Labor laws.
- Human Resource Planning.
- Management Control System.
- Wage and Salary Administration.
- Research Methodology for Management Decisions.
- Organizational Design, Development and Change.
- Personality Development.
- EPF, ESI, Bonus & Gratuity Acts, Factory Act, Contract labor Act.
- Principles and Practices of Management.
(iv) FINANCE: 10 marks
- Details of Assets and Liabilities shown in Balance Sheet.
- Treatment of loss/profit in Balance Sheet.
- Different types of share Capital.
- Accounting of capital assets purchased from Grant-in-aid.
- Difference between revenue expenditure and capital expenditure.
- Depreciation – need – methods of depreciation.
- Working capital – Meaning – Details of current assets and current liabilities.
- Ratios related to Working Capital. Determination/calculation of working capital.
- Movement of current assets and current liabilities – its effects on working capital.
- Statutory Audit – Supplementary audit – Internal audit – Concurrent audit Pre-audit.
- Taxation- VAT, Entry Tax, Income Tax, Service Tax, Professional Tax.
(v) MARKETING: 10 marks
- Marketing Strategy
- Consumer Behavior
- Advertising and Sales Promotion
- Sales Management
- Marketing Management
(vi) Production: 09 marks
- Plant Operation: Reception of milk, Pasteurization (Processing), Homogenization, Recombination, Reconstitution, sterilization, Standardization using Pearson Square formula, Milk Packaging, Manufacturing of Ice-cream, Cheese, SMP and Ghee, Indigenous milk products, Storage, Distribution, After sales feedback (Return/complaints)
- Dairy Engineering: Preventive maintenance of dairy equipment & machinery, Breakdown maintenance of dairy equipment & machinery, Refrigeration cycle, Boilers and their types, Water Softeners, Milk Packaging Machine, Maintenance of transportation vehicles(tankers/insulated van etc.), ETP Operation.
(vii) Purchase and Inventory Management: 10 marks
- FIFO system
- LIFO system
- ABC analysis
- Purchase System and Procedure
- Inventory Management
- Stores Management
- Standardization and Variety reduction
(viii) Quality Control: 09 marks
- Grading of milk
- Testing (chemical) Fat. SNF, Acidity, COB, Organoleptic, Alcohol Test, Phosphatase of milk.
- Testing (Bacteriological) SPC, Coliform, MBRT of milk.
- Detergent Strength Testing.
- Milk Product Testing (Cheese, Cream, SMP, T.B. etc.) Chemical and Bacteriological
- ETP Testing (testing of dairy effluent)
(ix) M&P , MIS, Programming: 09 marks
- Data Structures and Algorithms.
- Object oriented Programming languages.
- Web technologies.
- Advanced Concept In Database Systems.
- E-Commerce and Governance.
- Complete Knowledge of .Net & MS SQL server.
- Planning: Project Planning, conceptualization and preparation, Strategic plan or corporate policies. Annual Plans/ Quarterly Plans/ Monthly Plans/ Business Plans.
- Management Information Systems.
(x) Field Operation: 08 marks
- Plant Propagation by Horticultural Method.
- Physiology: Plant growth and development. Harmon’s: Plant growth regulators Phoperiodism, Vernalisation and Dormancy.
- Environmental Biology: Ecology, Ecosystem, Eco system Mineral cycling and Hydrological cycle.
- Plant Communities and Succession.
- Ecological Adaptation: Hydrophytes and Xerophytes.
- Plant Ecological Factors.
- Conservation of Nature.
- Co-Operative Revolution & its development in India.
- Cooperative & Principles of Co-Operatives.
- Three tier Structure of DCS.
- Special Features of Anand Pattern.
- Construction of Milk DCS & its Advantages.
- Organization of DCS and its advantage.
- Women Participation in Co-Operative dairying.
- Importance of By-pass protein and Chelated minerals for dairy cattle.
- Minerals and vitamins: functions, requirement and deficiency symptoms in cattle and buffaloes.
- Balanced ration: desirable characteristics and computation of ration for cattle and buffaloes.
Paper-II (for Class III posts)
G K about Madhya Pradesh, General Aptitude and Reasoning –100 marks (10+2 Level)
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