Indian Army 635 Havildar Recruitment 2016 Apply Online
Indian Army Issued Recruitment Notice for 635 posts of Havildar in Science and Arts in the Army Educational Corps Candidates with M.Sc/ ...

Indian Army Issued Recruitment Notice for 635 posts of Havildar in Science and Arts in the Army Educational Corps Candidates with M.Sc/ B.Sc/MCA/ BCA/ M.Tech/ B.Tech/ B.Sc Can Apply Indian Army 635 Havildar Recruitment 2016
Indian Army Recruitment 2016
Applications are invited from eligible male candidates for recruitment as Havildar Education in Science and Arts in the Army Educational Corps of Indian Army Total Number of vacancies are 635 as per the following details :-
Detail of Vacancies : Havildar :- 635 posts
Age Limit :
(a) Civilian Candidates. 20 to 25 years as on 01 Oct 2016 (i.e Candidates born between 01 Oct 1991 and 30 Sep 1996).
(b) Serving Combatants on Remusteration 20 to 28 years as on 01 Oct 2016 (i.e Candidates born between 01 Oct 1988 and 30 Sep 1996).
(b) Serving Combatants on Remusteration 20 to 28 years as on 01 Oct 2016 (i.e Candidates born between 01 Oct 1988 and 30 Sep 1996).
Pay Scale : Pay Band-1 (Rs 5200-20200) as per 6th Pay Commission. You will also be entitled to Grade Pay (Rs 2800) + Military Service Pay (Rs 2000) + Group ‘X’ Pay (Rs 1400) per month.
Educational Qualification : (a) Science Stream. M.Sc/ B.Sc/MCA/ BCA/ M.Tech/ B.Tech/ B.Sc(IT) with Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Biology, Electronics and Computer Science. (b) Arts Stream. MA/BA with English Literature, Hindi Literature, Urdu Literature, History, Geography, Political Science, Economics, Psychology, Mathematics and Sociology.
Application Fee : There Is No Application Fees.
How to Apply : Eligible Candidates may visit the website & apply online From 16.04.2016 to 15.05.2016 No Any Others Mean & Mode Of Accepting Application.
Procedure for Applying Online : For registering online, visit the website- ( and proceed as follow:-
(a) Click on the portion ‘Apply Online’ on the home page in JCO/ OR enrollment row (greencol oured).
(b) Fill the online registration form. Tips to assist in filling up field have been provided as you highlight each field.
(c) After filling the details, your profile will open.
(d) Click on ‘Apply Online. As per your eligibility, the options with caption Apply Online will appear. Click on the button to apply and details filled in during registration will come as prefilled. Fill the balance details on each tab like contact details and education details etc.
(e) After filling the form, click on ‘Preview’ and check if all the information entered by you is correct as you will not be able to make any correction after saving.
(f) On submitting you will receive a Roll Number.
(g) Candidates can log in by using the e-mail id and password and can take the print out of the application form.
(h) Once the registration closes on the last day, system will generate Admit Cards for eligible candidates.
(j) Applicants are advised to check the profile on- ( and their e-mail inbox for their Admit Card and alerts.
(k) The candidates are required to print one copy of Admit Card and affix their recent passport size photograph on it.
(b) Fill the online registration form. Tips to assist in filling up field have been provided as you highlight each field.
(c) After filling the details, your profile will open.
(d) Click on ‘Apply Online. As per your eligibility, the options with caption Apply Online will appear. Click on the button to apply and details filled in during registration will come as prefilled. Fill the balance details on each tab like contact details and education details etc.
(e) After filling the form, click on ‘Preview’ and check if all the information entered by you is correct as you will not be able to make any correction after saving.
(f) On submitting you will receive a Roll Number.
(g) Candidates can log in by using the e-mail id and password and can take the print out of the application form.
(h) Once the registration closes on the last day, system will generate Admit Cards for eligible candidates.
(j) Applicants are advised to check the profile on- ( and their e-mail inbox for their Admit Card and alerts.
(k) The candidates are required to print one copy of Admit Card and affix their recent passport size photograph on it.
Last Date:- 15.05.2016
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