Ordnance Factory Khamaria 985 Tradesman Recruitment 2016 www.ordkham.gov.in

Ordnance Factory Khamaria, Jabalpur (M.P.) Announced Recruitment for 985 Semi Skilled Tradesman In Various Trades Candidates with 10th cla...

Ordnance Factory Khamaria, Jabalpur (M.P.) Announced Recruitment for 985 Semi Skilled Tradesman In Various Trades Candidates with 10th class can apply online Ordnance Factory Khamaria Tradesman Jobs Application Pdf advertisement
Ordnance Factory Khamaria Recruitment 2016
On-line applications are invited through our website http://www.ordkham.gov.in for the following posts of Semi-Skilled tradesman in the Pay Band of Rs. 5200-20200/- with Grade pay of Rs. 1800-/ plus allowances as admissible to the Central Government Employees, from the citizens of India, who fulfill the requisite qualifications/ specifications as mentioned below.
Detail of Vacancies : Semi-Skilled Tradesman :- 985 posts
Age Limit : 18-32 years for General candidates. as on last date of receipt of application.
Pay Scale : Rs. 5200-20200/- with Grade pay of Rs. 1800/-
Educational Qualification : (a) Matriculation or its equivalent. (b) National Trade Certificate (NTC)/National Apprentice Certificate (NAC)/ issued by NCVT (DGET, NEW DELHI) in relevant trades as mentioned below.
Selection Procedure : The selection process shall comprise of Written Test of 100 marks and Trade Test (Practical). Documents verification & Medical examination shall also be considered as a part of selection process.
Application Fee :
(a) Candidates are required to pay a fee Rs.50/- (Rupees Fifty Only) through Debit Card/Credit Card/Internet Banking.
(b) SC/ST/EX-Serviceman/Person with disabilities/Women candidates are exempted from payment of fees. Candidates seeking exemption from fees must enclose copy of the caste certificate/disability certificate/discharge certificate along with the application.
(c) Fees once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances nor can the fee be held in reserve for any other examination or selection.
How to Apply : Eligible candidates should apply Online only Any other mode of submission of application would not be accepted For detailed advertisement log on towww.ordkham.gov.in Online submission of application will start on 07/05/2016 and close on 28/05/2016.
Last Date:- 28.05.2016


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