Cantonment Board Recruitment 2016 for 70 SS, LDC etc Posts Apply Here indianarmy.nic.in/

Cantonment Board Recruitment 2016 Applications in prescribed format are invited by Cantonment Board from aspirants fulfilling all elig...

Cantonment Board Recruitment 2016

Applications in prescribed format are invited by Cantonment Board from aspirants fulfilling all eligibility conditions for the recruitment to the posts of SS (MRTS Asst), Lower Division Clerk (LDC), Tradesman Mate, Multi Tasking Staff (MTS), CMD. As per requirement of Cantonment Board, Total available posts are 70. Mode of application is offline. Interested candidates may send application forms to given address on or before due date of 25th August, 2016. Selected candidates will get monthly salary of Rs.5200/- to Rs.20,200/- plus Grade pay of Rs.1800/- or Rs.1900/-. The official notification of Cantonment Board Recruitment 2016 has been uploaded and all details mentioned below. Read full information for Cantonment Board Recruitment 2016.
Govt Jobs for 70+ LDC Posts
Organization Name:
Cantonment Board Recruitment 2016 
Profile Name:
SS, LDC etc Posts 
No. of Total Vacancies  :
Post-Wise Details
1. SS (MRTS Assistant): 01 Post 
2. LDC: 31 Posts 
3. Tradesman Mate: 30 Posts 
4. Multi Tasking Staff (MTS): 07 Posts 
5. CMD: 01 Post 
Pay Scale :
Selected candidates will get monthly salary of Rs.5200/- to Rs.20,200/- plus Grade pay of Rs.1800/- or Rs.1900/-.

Candidates may send application forms to given address on or before due date of 25th August, 2016.
Educational Eligibility :
Qualification for SS (MRTS Assistant) posts is Graduation in any discipline. Qualification for remaining posts is matriculation or Intermediate/+2.
Age Bond :
Upper Age limit for all eligible candidates must be 25 years as on last date of receipt of application forms. Lower age limit is 18 years.
Selection Process :
Cantonment Board department will conduct a Written Examination, Physical Endurance Test (PET) /skill test followed by personal Interview (PI).
How To Apply
Cantonment Board department requires hard copy of application forms. Interested candidates may send application forms to given address on or before due date of 25th August, 2016.

A) To apply for SS (MRTS Assistant), LDC etc positions, download application forms from website.

B) Read all instructions and write neatly on an application form with your details of Name of the candidate, name of the father, date of birth etc.

C) Attach relevant documents to it and send it to given address on or before 25th August, 2016.

D) Address is “Recruitment Cell, Central Ordnance Depot, PIN – 900106, C/o 56 APO”.
Document Needed :
1.       Citizenship certificate
2.      Caste certificate
3.      Qualification Certificate
 Must Follow Tips :
1.       Applicants or eligible candidates should send application forms in prescribed proforma only.
2.      Department will not accept your application form with our recent photograph and your signature.
3.      Candidates must be Indian Citizens only.

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