CISF Exam Result 2016/ CISF Current Exam Results www.cisf.gov.in/

Central Industrial Security Force Exam Results 2016 CISF Sub Inspector Exam Result 2016 CISF Exam Results for Asst Commandant Head Constab...

Central Industrial Security Force Exam Results 2016 CISF Sub Inspector Exam Result 2016 CISF Exam Results for Asst Commandant Head Constable ASI SI LDCE Check CISF latest Exam Result 2016

CISF Exam Result 2016

Know About CISF:- The Central Industrial Security Force is a Central Armed Police Force in India. It was set up under an Act of the Parliament of India on 10 March 1969 with a strength of 2,800. CISF was subsequently made an armed force of the Union of India by another Act of Parliament passed on 15 June 1983. Its current strength is 165,000. The strength will be raised to 200,000 over the next 2–3 years. CISF is the largest industrial security force in the worldIt is directly under the federal Ministry of Home Affairs and its headquarters are at New Delhi. The CISF provides security cover to 300 industrial units and other establishments located all over India. Industrial sectors like atomic power plants, space installations, mints, oil fields and refineries, major ports, heavy engineering, steel plants, barrages, fertilliser units, airports and hydroelectric/thermal power plants owned and controlled by Central PSUs, and currency note presses producing Indian currency are protected by CISF. It thereby covers installations all over India straddling a variety of terrain and climatic conditions. CISF also provides consultancy services to private industries as well as other organization within the Indian government.
Exam Note:- Central Industrial Security Force Conducts exam time to time. There are many candidates, who want to join CISF.  Dear candidate if you want to join the CISF the you have to apply for the exams conducted  by the CIS. It conducts written Exams, physical test and medical test for selecting the eligible candidates. CISF Conduct exams for Asst. Commandant, Head Constable, LDCE GD, Sub Inspector, Assistant Sub Inspector and constable.  Candidates, who have given the Exam then want to know their exam Result. So, they can check their Result on the officials website. As we all know All the  Government department and forces are becoming digital and making all the announcement online. Therefor CISF also use their website for making announcement for their Exam Results. So, we advise candidate to visit the website of CISF for more details.
Result Declaration:- CISF declare their Exam Result time to time. Candidates, who are seeking information about Exam Results of CISF . Those Candidate can take help of the table. The Table is available on this page. Without Result Candidate will not able know that they are passed or not. Result gives report about candidates performance. Whenever CISF will announce the Exam Results on the website. We will update the same information in the table given below. candidate can take all information of Result declaration easily. Keep visiting this page for latest Result information.
Candidates can check the Result Information from the given table below. You can take help of the provided link to check the Results. This table will have information of Declared Results during the year 2016.
CISF Exam Results Year 2016

Name of Examination

Written Exam Date

Result Status
CISF Constable Driver Result 2016 DCPO Exam
15 February, 2016

CISF Head Constable Ministerial Result 2016 Selection List
May and June 2016

CISF Constable Fire Result 2015
29 November & 06 December, 2015

You Can get all updates regarding Recently and Previously Conducted Exam’s Result, from our Leading Job Portal(www.SpyNaukari.in). You can Bookmark our site also to get latest Updates about CISF Exams Results.
For More Details Visit:- http://www.cisf.gov.in/


Results 6775233856771659024

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