Join Indian Army After 10th, 12th,& Graduation Selection Process joinindianarmy.nic.in

Join Indian Army After 10th Indian Army career After 10+2 Join Indian Army After 10th, 12th and Graduation Career in Indian Army after Gra...

Join Indian Army After 10th Indian Army career After 10+2 Join Indian Army After 10th, 12th and Graduation Career in Indian Army after Graduation How To join Indian Army After 10+2 Selection Process Indian Army

How To Join Indian Army 10+2

About Indian Army :- The Indian Army is the land-based branch and the largest component of the Indian Armed Forces. The President of India serves as the de jure Commander-in-Chief of the army while the de facto leadership lies with Minister of Defense, and it is commanded by the Chief of Army Staff (COAS), who is a four-star general.
► The primary mission of the Indian Army is to ensure national security and unity, defending the nation from external aggression and threats, and maintaining peace and security within its borders.
► The Indian Army originated from the armies of the East India Company, which eventually became the British Indian Army and finally the national army after independence. The units and regiments of the Indian Army have diverse histories and have participated in a number of battles and campaigns across the world, earning a large number of battle and theatre honors before and after Independence.
NOTE:- Indian Army make Recruitment for Various Post & various Courses like TGC, JAG, UES, NCC, SSB (Tech & Non Tech), Short Service Commission etc.. Indian Army also conduct Recruitment Rallies time to time.  There are various posts In Indian Army after 10th, 10+2, Graduation, Professional Courses and Service Man. There are various candidate who want to join Indian Army, but The Problem is that candidate are confused regarding their qualification, age & other eligibility criteria. To solve this problem our experts team make a solution for this problem. Our team provide a table to sort out this problem. With the help of this table  Indian Army Aspirants can check that for which course and post  the candidate is eligible. Candidate can also check the date of issue notification. Here we also provide latest information related to Indian Army. So we are advised to keep in touch with this page for more information regarding Indian Army vacancies and other related Information.The candidate can check their eligibility criteria with the help of the given below table…..
Sr. No.Name Of ExamAgeQualificationDate Issue NotificationCheck Latest Notification
1Technical Graduate Course (TGC) (Education)23-27 YearsMA/M.Sc.in 1st or 2nd DivisionMarch/April & September/October
(Twice a year)
Click Here
2University Entry Scheme(UES)18-24 YearsPre Final Student of Engineering Degree CourseJune/July
(Once a year)
Click Here
3Technical Graduate Course (TGC)21-27 YearsBE/B.Tech.streams of Engineering/B.Arch M.Sc.ComputerMar/Apr & Sept/Oct.Click Here
4JAG(Men & Women)21-27 YearsLaw Graduate LLB with 55% Marks registered with Bar Council Of India/StateJul/Aug & Jan/FebClick Here
5National Defense Academy(NDA)16½-19½ Years10+2June & December (twice a year)Click Here-I|Click Here-II
6TES 10+2(Tech)16½-19½ Years10+2(70%marks in PCM)May/June &Oct/Nov.
(Twice a Year)
Click Here
7Indian Military Academy(Non Tech)19-24 YearsGraduateJuly and November
(Twice A year)
Click Here-I |Click Here-II
8Short Service Commission(Non-Tech)19-25 YearsGraduateJuly and November
(Twice A year)
Click Here
9Short Service Commission(Tech, Men & Women)19-27 YearsBE/B.Tech.streams of Engineering/B.Arch M.Sc.ComputerJun/Jul & Dec/Jan.
(Twice a Year)
Click Here
10NCC Special (Men & Women)19-25 YearsGraduation 50% Aggregate “A” or “B” Grade in NCC “C” CertificateJune & December
(Twice a Year)
Click Here
11ACC*20-2710+2 pass or its equivalent.Should have Qualified ACC examMarch & August
(Twice in a year)
12PC(SL)*40-45 YearsMatric & AboveApril/July
13SCO*28-35 YearsMatric with One year diploma or AboveApril and July
(Twice A year)
14Territorial Army(TA)18-42 YearsGraduate From a recognizedNotified by TA DirectorateClick Here
15RVC21-32 YearsBVSc & AHNovember/DecemberClick Here
16AMC (NT)Max. 42 YearsMinimum MatricNotified by AMC DirectorateClick Here
17APSMax. 42 YearsMinimum MatricNotified by APS DirectorateClick Here
18Catering JCO(ASC)21-27 Years10+2 with Diploma in Hotel Management & Catering TechnologyVarious DateClick Here
19Surveyor Auto Carto (Engineers)20-25 YearsB.A./B.Sc. with Math 10+2 (Math & Science)Click Here
20Religious Teacher (JCO)27-34 YearsGraduate + He is Qualified in his religionOctober /NovemberClick Here
21Havildar (Education)21-25 YearsFor Group-X:MA/M.Sc./MCA or BA/B.Sc./BCA with B.Ed.,B.Sc.(IT)
For Group-Y : B.Sc./BCA/BA(IT) without B.Ed.
April/MayClick Here
22Soldier General Duty17½-21 Years10th Pass with 33% & each Subject must contain in 32% MarksRecruitment RallyClick Here
23Soldier Clerk/Storekeeper17½-23 Years10+2 Pass(50% Marks)(Each subject must have 40% marks with Math & English)Recruitment RallyClick Here
24Soldier Tech17½-23 Years10+2 Pass(50% Marks)(Each subject must have 40% marks with Physics, Chemistry &Math)Recruitment RallyClick Here
25Soldier Nursing Assistant/Tech (RVC)17½-23 Years10+2 Pass(50% Marks)(Each subject must have 40% marks with Physics, Chemistry & Biology )Recruitment RallyClick Here
26Soldier Tradesman17½-23 Years10th/ITI and 8th pass(for Some Trades)Recruitment RallyClick Here
Note :- In This table there are some * Posts, For these posts fresher can not applied these posts for the service man in Indian Army.
Types Of Commission In Indian Army
1. Permanent Commission :- This commission is for those Aspirants who want to join Indian Army till their retirement.
2. Short Service Commission :- This commission is for those Aspirants who want to join Indian Army for 10/14 Years. At the end 10 yrs you have 3 options. Either elect for a Permanent Commission or opt out or have the option of 4 years extension.
Join Indian Army After 10th :- Indian Army also recruits for the 10th class pass candidate.The Candidate can apply for the following posts….
  1. Soldier General Duty :- Recruitment Rally
  2. Soldier Tradesman :- Recruitment Rally
Note :- For these above posts selection is based on Physical Measurement/Efficiency Test, Written Exam and Medical test conducted by Indian Army.
Join Indian Army After 12th Pass :- The Aspirants who have passed the 12th class can apply for the  following posts….
  1. National Defense Academy (NDA)
  2. TES 10+2
  3. Clerk/Store keeper
  4. Soldier Tech.
  5. Soldier Nursing Assistant/Tech(RVC)
Note :- For These Posts Indian Army will be conducted physical Measurement /Efficiency Test,Written Exam & Medical Test.
Join Indian Army After Graduation/Post Graduation :- After complete the graduation candidate can apply for the following Posts….
  1. Technical Graduate Course (Education)
  2. Indian Military Academy (Non-Tech)
  3. Short Service Commission(Non-Tech)
  4. NCC Special (Men &Women)
  5. Havildar (Education)
  6. Surveyor Auto Carto
  7. Religious Teacher (JCO)
Note :- The Candidate who want to join Indian Military Academy will have to face a written Test, SSB Interview and Medical Test,After clearing the CDS exam.
Join Indian Army After Engineering Degree :- Indian Army also recruits vacancies for those candidate who have possessed Engineering Degree.the posts are as follows….
  1. University Entry Scheme (UES)
  2. Technical Graduate Course (TGC)
  3. Short Service Commission (TEch.) Men & Women
Join Indian Army After Diploma Courses & LLB :- The Candidate who have Hotel management diploma and LLB degree which is registered with Bar Council Of India/State.The  Aspirants can apply for the following posts….
  1. JAG (MEN & Women)
  2. Catering (JCO) ACS
Candidate can  check the date of issue notification, SSB Interview and training center of Officer  rank with the help of this table…..
Name Of ExamNotification PublishedSSB interview MonthTraining PeriodTraining Center
NDAJune & DecemberSeptember to October for January Course &January to April for July Course3 yearsNDA , Khadakwasla, Pune
TES(10+2)May/June & Oct/NovAugust to Oct. &Feb to April5 YearsOTA, Gaya
Indian Military Academy DirectJuly & NovemberAug./Sept &Feb/March1½ YearIMA,Dehradun
OTA SSC(Non-Technical)(Men)July & NovemberNov/Dec. &May/June49 WeeksOTA, Chennai
SSC JAG (Men/Women)Jul/Aug & Jan/FebDec/Jan & Jul/Aug49 WeeksOTA, Chennai
SSC NCC(Spl Entry) MenJune & DecemberDec/Jan & Jun/Jul49 WeeksOTA, Chennai
University Entry Scheme(UES)June/JulyNov to FebOne YearIMA,Dehradun
TGC(Engineers)March/April & Sept/Oct.March/April &Sept/Oct.One YearIMA,Dehradun
SSC(Technical)Men/WomenJun/Jul &Dec/JanDec-Jan & Jun-Jul49 WeeksOTA, Chennai
AEC(Men)Mar/Apr &Sep/OctMar/Apr & Sep/OctOne YearIMA,Dehradun
ACCMarch &AugustSep to Nov for Jan. Course
&March to May for Jul. course
4 YearsACC Wing At IMA, Dehradun
PC(SL)April and JulySept. and Oct. for July Course12 WeeksAEC Centre & College, Pachmarhi & IMA, Dehradun
SCOApril and JulyJul-Aug for Jan. Course and Nov. Dec. for July Course1 Year & 8 WeeksOTA Gaya
Territorial Army (TA)Notified by TA directorateAug/ Sept & May/JuneOne MonthAt Conduct Territorial Army(TA)
RVCNov/DecSept/OctThree MonthsRVC, Meerut
AMC(NT)Notified By AMC directorateNov/DecThree MonthsAMC Center & College
APSNotified By APS directorateSept/Oct
Note :- Indian Army Conduct Rallies according to requirement for the post of soldier Tradesman/ Clerk/ Soldier Tech/ Storekeeper/ &Soldier General Duty. These Recruitment Rallies are conducted district wise time to time. For the latest information of recruitment Rally/Open Bharti candidate can check  with the help of the given below link…………….
Final Words :- Dear Candidates, We try to give our best information in this post Although we update all information related to qualification, age and other eligibility criteria. If candidate get more information related to Indian Army than candidate should have to visit Indian Army website http://joinindianarmy.nic.in. We hope that this post is helpful for the candidates who want to Apply in Indian Army. So, we suggest the candidate should be keep in touch with the website (www.SpyNaukari.in) for more information.
Click Here For Indian Army Website :- http://joinindianarmy.nic.in


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