Indian Army Recruitment Rally 2017 in Haryana- District Wise

Indian Army Recruitment rally in Haryana Recruitment Rally for Haryana in Gurugram Region 2017 Sena Bharti Rally 2017 Indian Army Recruitm...

Indian Army Recruitment rally in Haryana Recruitment Rally for Haryana in Gurugram Region 2017 Sena Bharti Rally 2017 Indian Army Recruitment Rally for Mewat Palwal Gurugram Faridabad Districts 2017 Latest Haryana Sena Bharti Rally 2017

Indian Army Recruitment Rally Haryana 2017

Its feels very honor to say something about Indian Army. Indian Army is always standing at the remote rural areas to protect the India from the Intruders. The Primary mission of the Indian Army is to ensure national Security and nationhood Unity defending the nation from external aggression and internal threats and maintaining its peace and Security within its Borders. The Indian Army has contributed in the Indian Pak- war and Indian China- war. Army pays the big role in defending the Indian Nation.
Indian Army Recruitment rally :- Indian Army has released the schedule of Recruitment rally in Haryana State. Those aspirants of Haryana who want to make their career in the Indian Army can apply for this rally. The Indian Army is going to Organize the rally for the Haryana Districts in the Gurugram region. The Candidates of the Given districts can only apply and can appear in the allotted Rally region. The Entire schedule  of Recruitment Rally in Haryana is given Below :-
Venue of RallyDistrictsApplication DurationRally Duration
Tau Devilal Stadium, GurugramMewat, Palwal, Gurugram, Faridabad03-02-2017 to 16-03-201729-03-2017 to 07-04-2017
Note :- Ex-Serviceman & Retired soldiers of others regiments, Legally adopted Children and Meritorious, Best Sport Persons can also take part of any other state in the Rally.
Important Documents for Recruitment Rally :- Candidates need to carry following documents while appearing in the Recruitment rally :-
  • Domicile Certificate
  • 10th Certificate / Birth certificate
  • NCC Certificate
  • Sports Certificate
  • 15 Recent Photographs
 Alerts :- All the Aspirants who are going to join Recruitment Rally should be aware of any Touts and Thugs. They can give you Bait of get joining in the Indian Army for some Money. But in reality they can only rob your money. If you find any of them trying to contact you then you should directly contact to The officer In- Charge of there. Don’t stuck in their trap of hoax. Rely on your hard Work not or Touts and Thugs.
Remarks :- All the aspirants are suggested to add this page to their Bookmark to get the latest Job alerts instantly.


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