UKSSSC Group C Syllabus 2017 LT Grade Teacher Exam Pattern www.sssc.uk.gov.in

Uttarakhand SSSC Group C Syllabus 2017 Download UKSSSC LT Grade Syllabus 2017 Download UKSSSC Junior Assistant Exam Date Syllabus UKSSSC G...

Uttarakhand SSSC Group C Syllabus 2017 Download UKSSSC LT Grade Syllabus 2017 Download UKSSSC Junior Assistant Exam Date Syllabus UKSSSC Group C Exam Pattern

UKSSSC Group C Exam Syllabus 2017

Uttarakhand Subordinate Service Selection Commission (UKSSSC) will conduct a written test for recruitment to the posts of Group ‘C’ in various departments. Candidates who applied against these posts surely having a question in their mind that what will be the selection process for this recruitment. No worry friends, here we are telling you about all type of tests to be adopted by Commission in Group ‘C’ posts Selection Procedure.
Exam Pattern :- UKSSSC Group C Exam Pattern is as follows :
► The written test will be multiple choice objective type.
► 1 mark shall be awarded for every right answer and 1/4 marks deducted for every wrong answer.
Sr. No.PostMarksTopicsDuration
1.Jr. Asst./Computer Operator100General Hindi, G.K., General studies and a paper of Qualification for the Minimum Deprived Post. (Key depression of computer 8000/4000 p/h in Hindi)2 Hrs.
2.Experiment Helper100General Hindi, G.K., General studies and a paper of Qualification for the Minimum Deprived Post2 Hrs.
3.Photographer100General Hindi, G.K., General studies and a paper of Qualification for the Minimum Deprived Post2 Hrs.
4.Silk Inspector100Related to Zoology, Agriculture and G.K. (based on B.Sc)2 Hrs.
5.Operator & Demonstrator100Related to Zoology, Agriculture and G.K. (based on 12th)2 Hrs.
6.Service supervisor100Science And G.K. (based on 12th)2 Hrs.
7.Personal Assistant/Stenographer100General Hindi, G.K., General studies and a paper of Qualification for the Minimum Deprived Post2 Hrs.
8.Asst. Accountant100
1. General Hindi, G.K., General studies and a paper of Education Qualification Post
2. Computer’s O Level test
2 Hrs.
2 Hrs.
9.Dental Hygienist100General Hindi, G.K., General studies and a paper of Qualification for the Minimum Deprived Post2 Hrs.
10.Supervisor Distribution (Grading Supervisor)100General Hindi, G.K., General studies and a paper of Qualification for the Minimum Deprived Post2 Hrs.
11.Enforcement soldier100General Hindi, G.K., General studies and a paper of Qualification for the Minimum Deprived Post2 Hrs.
12.Enforcement Driver100General Hindi, G.K. and Administrative knowledge of Driving2 Hrs.
13.Excise Inspector60
1. Physical Test
2. General Hindi, G.K., General studies and a paper of Qualification for the Minimum Deprived Post
2 Hrs.
2 Hrs.
14.Asst. Teacher L.T.100
1. Educational Aptitude,I.Q. and G.K.
2. Related to Helper Teacher
2 Hrs.
2 Hrs.
1. General Hindi, G.K., General studies and a paper of Qualification for the Minimum Deprived Post
2. Technology related
2 Hrs.
2 Hrs.
16.Tire Inspector100
1. General Hindi, G.K., General studies and a paper of Qualification for the Minimum Deprived Post
2. Technology related
2 Hrs.
2 Hrs.
17.Asst. Storekeeper100
1. General Hindi, G.K., General studies and a paper of Qualification for the Minimum Deprived Post
2. Technology related
2 Hrs.
2 Hrs.
18.Asst. Storekeeper100General Hindi, G.K., General studies and a paper of Qualification for the Minimum Deprived2 Hrs.
19.Fitter (Mechanic)100
1. General Hindi, G.K., General studies and a paper of Qualification for the Minimum Deprived Post
2. Technology related
2 Hrs.
2 Hrs.
20.Jr. Assistant100General Hindi, G.K., General studies and a paper of Qualification for the Minimum Deprived (4000 key depression/Hour mandatory in Hindi)2 Hrs.
21.Stenographer Grade-C100General Hindi, G.K., General studies, Geographical,Cultural,Economical and Historical Background Knowledge of Uttarakhand city,2 Hrs.
22.Asst. Accountant100General Hindi, G.K., General studies, Geographical,Cultural,Economical and Historical Background Knowledge of Uttarakhand city related 50 question and Helper Accountant related 50 question for the Qualification post of Minimum Deprived2 Hrs.
23.Asst. Librarian100General Hindi, G.K., General studies, Geographical,Cultural,Economical and Historical Background Knowledge of Uttarakhand city related and Helper Librarian related 50 question for the Qualification post of Minimum Deprived2 Hrs.
24.Technician Grade-2 (Electric)100General Hindi, G.K., General studies, Geographical,Cultural,Economical and Historical Background Knowledge of Uttarakhand city related and Technician Grade-2 (Electric) 50 question for the Qualification post of Minimum Deprived2 Hrs.
25.Technician Grade-2 (mechanic)100General Hindi, G.K., General studies, Geographical,Cultural,Economical and Historical Background Knowledge of Uttarakhand city related and 50 question Technician Grade-2 (mechanic) for the Qualification post of Minimum Deprived2 Hrs.
26.Asst. Development officer100General Hindi, G.K., General studies and a paper of Qualification for the Minimum Deprived Post2 Hrs.
27.Jr.Accounting Invigilator100General Hindi, G.K., General studies, Geographical, Cultural, Economical and Historical Background Knowledge of Uttarakhand city related and 50 question Jr.Accounting Invigilator for the Qualification post of Minimum Deprived2 Hrs.
28.Salesman100General Hindi, G.K., General studies and a paper of Qualification for the Minimum Deprived Post2 Hrs.
Exam Syllabus :- UKSSSC Exam Syllabus will be as follows :
General Hindi : In addition to the testing of candidate’s understanding and comprehension of the Hindi Language, questions on its Vocabulary, Grammar, Sentence Structure, Synonyms, Antonyms and its correct usage etc. would also be covered.
G.K. & General Studies : History, Geography and Socio Economic development of Uttarakhand and India. Knowledge of current events of National and International importance and such matters of every day observation and experience in their scientific aspects as may be expected of an educated person who has not made a special study of any scientific subject. Paper will also include questions on Modern History of India, Indian culture, Indian Polity, Indian Economy, Geography of India.
For more Details :- http://www.sssc.uk.gov.in/


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