AIIMS MBBS Result 2016 Rank Letter
AIIMS MBBS 2016 Result AIIMS MBBS Entrance Test Result 2016 AIIMS MBBS Result 2016 Check AIIMS MBBS Test 2016 Rank Card All India Insti...
AIIMS MBBS 2016 Result AIIMS MBBS Entrance Test Result 2016 AIIMS MBBS Result 2016 Check AIIMS MBBS Test 2016 Rank Card All India Institute of Medical Sciences MBBS Admission Test Result 2016 AIIMS Medical Entrance Test Result 2016 Counseling Date Latest Updates
AIIMS MBBS Entrance Test Result 2016
LATEST UPDATE(15 June 2016) : Candidates can Now check their Individual Result for Download results of AIIMS MBBS Entrance Examination 2016, held on 29 May 2016. Check Result from the following Link…….
AIIMS MBBS Entrance Exam Result 2016 has been Declared Now on 14 June, 2016. You can check your Roll No, wise & Rank wise Result for AIIMS MBBS from the link available below…………….
AIIMS has conducted an Entrance Exam to take Admission in MBBS Courses. Exam was conducted on 29 May 2016. Many Medical Aspirants took part in it. Result has been declared now. A total of 24,333 candidates have been called for the 672 seats available in Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Jodhpur, Patna, Raipur and Rishikesh. These candidates will appear for the first round of counseling from July 4.
About AIIMS: All India Institute of Medical Sciences was established by an Act of parliament of 1956 as an autonomous institution of national importance and its objectives and functions were defined. By virtue of this Act, the Institute awards its own medical degrees, diplomas and other academic distinctions. AIIMS Conducted entrance exam for MBBS Course.
► The Institute will not intimate individual unsuccessful candidates regarding the result of Entrance Test. No correspondence in this regard will be entertained. However, the marks/ Percentile Scores of individual candidate will be made available on AIIMS Website after completion of the admission process.
► Requests for re-evaluation/re-checking will not be entertained under any circumstances.
► Selected candidates are required to report to the respective AIIMS to undergo medical Examination by a Medical Board consisting of Faculty Members set up by the respective Institute. If, in the assessment of the Medical Board, a candidate is found medically unfit to the course, then he/she will be not admitted and the decision of the Medical Board shall be final.
Cut Off Score: In accordance with decision of the Governing Body, AIIMS, New Delhi dated 26.11.2009 and the past practice adopted by AIIMS, New Delhi, the minimum cut-off necessary in the Entrance Examination to determine eligibility for admission is:
General Category
OBC (Non Creamy Layer)
Cut-offs of the respective category
Scheme Of Marking:
► Each correct response will get a score of 1 mark. ► Each incorrect response will get a score of – ⅓ (minus-one-third). ► No credit will be given for the questions not answered or marked for review (Please see Annexure-5 on Online Examination). ► The score such obtained will be the Raw Score that will be used to determine Percentage score and percentile [for the purpose of Eligibility using Cut-Offs] and Normalization [for the purpose of determining Merit / Ranking].
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