Delhi CET Counseling 2016 Polytechnic Date/ Schedule www.cetdelhiexam.nic.in/

Delhi CET Counseling 2016 polytechnic Delhi Common Entrance Test Polytechnic Entrance Exam Counseling 2016 Delhi CET Polytechnic Counsel...

Delhi CET Counseling 2016 polytechnic Delhi Common Entrance Test Polytechnic Entrance Exam Counseling 2016 Delhi CET Polytechnic Counseling Exam 2016 Delhi CET Polytechnic Exam Counseling 2016 counseling letter updates
Delhi CET Polytechnic Counseling 2016
LATEST UPDATE dated 18.06.2016 Counseling Schedule for Delhi CET 2016 has been announced Now. Check Delhi CET 2016 Detailed Schedule from the Table provided below……….
Delhi CET Counseling 2016: Result for Delhi CET 2016 has been Declared Now. Next Process is counseling. Counseling Schedule has been Declared for Delhi CET. Check Other Details & Schedule of Delhi CET Counseling 2016 below……………….
The Department of Training and Technical Education, Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi, in its endeavour to provide technical manpower suited to varied needs of industry, imparts technical education and technological skills through various courses of study of different levels. Full-time Diploma Courses in Engineering / Technology, Occupational and ITI/Secretarial / Management based disciplines are offered at different AICTE approved Government Polytechnics, Privately Managed Polytechnics and Government Aided Institutions affiliated to the Board of Technical Education, Delhi.
Notice For Candidates: Candidates apply for the Delhi CET Polytechnic are waiting for their counseling date. Counseling Schedule has been available now Entrance exam was conducted on 28, 29 May 2016. Candidates keep in touch with the Delhi CET website for more information regarding counseling and other details.
Declaration of Result: The Controller of examination, CET 2016 has declared the inter-se rank of qualified candidates only. No separate intimation shall be sent to the candidates in this regard. All the admissions shall be made by the CET 2016 based on the inter-se merit ranking in the tests and fulfillment of minimum eligibility conditions prescribed for each test. The result of the Common Entrance Test (CET-2016) has been displayed on the website http://www.cetdelhi.nic.in on 16.06.2016 at 4.00 P.M.
Schedule of Counseling: Schedule for the 1st,2nd,3rd & 4th counseling :
1st Round of Counseling
Processing fees
17th June 2016 to 20th June 2016
Registration & On line choice submission
17th June 2016 to 21st June 2016
Result of 1st counseling
25th June 2016 (4.00 PM)
Completion of Enrollment formalities
27th June 2016 to 30th June 2016
2nd Round Of Counseling
Processing fees (Foe new candidates only)
27th June 2016 to 01st July 2016
Registration & On line choice submission
02 July 2016 to 04 July 2016
Result of 2nd counseling
09 July 2016 (4:00 PM)
Completion of Enrolment formalities
11 July 2016 to 14 July 2016
3rd Round Of Counseling
Processing fees (Foe new candidates only)
11 July 2016 to 16 July 2016
Registration & On line choice submission
16 July 2016 to 18 July 2016
Result of 2nd counseling
20 July 2016 (4.00 PM)
Completion of Enrolment formalities
22 July 2016 to 25 July 2016
4th Round Of Counseling
Processing fees (Foe new candidates only)
22 July 2016 to 25 July 2016
Registration & On line choice submission
26 July 2016 to 27 July 2016
Result of 2nd counseling
28 July 2016 (4.00 PM)
Completion of Enrolment formalities
29 July 2016 to 30 July 2016
SPOT Round (against vacant seat, If any)**
On line willingness for Spot Round
01 August 2016 (04:00 PM) to 03August 2016 (4.00 PM
Display of Reporting Schedule
To be published on web site www.cetdelhi.nic.in on 05 August 2016
Counseling Procedure:
Submission of processing fee: CET 2016 qualified candidates will be required to deposit one time processing fee of Rs. 700/- (Nonrefundable) + Rs 20/-bank charges + Rs 3/- ( service tax ) by any one of the following means.
Payment of processing fee: Payment by debit card/ Payment by challan/ Payment by net banking.
Online Registration: . Online Registration can be done through the Websitewww.cetdelhi.nic.in from any of the internet access points. Students must have/carry their 10th / 12th / ITI/10+2 vocational engineering mark sheet , certificate and other relevant documents/category certificate with them at the time of filling their registration details and fill their personal details and marks/grades correctly. No change/correction in the data filled in at the time of registration is allowed at the time of document verification and enrolment process.
Online Choice Submission: The Candidate will be required to login using his/her CET Roll no. as login ID and Password (on the Website www.cetdelhi.nic.in) as generated by him/her during Online Registration for Online choice submission.
Result Of Seat Allotment:
1. The candidate can see the result of the counseling on the internet at specified date and time as per the counseling schedule, by login using his/her CET Roll no. as login ID and Password (on the Website www.cetdelhi.nic.in) as generated by his/her during Online Registration for Online choice submission.
2. Successful candidates can download a Provisional Allotment letter by clicking on the link Provisional Allotment letter wherein all the details like allotted institute, Date and time of reporting to the allotted institute, fees details, documents required etc. will be mentioned, candidate must take printout of Provisional allotment letter for future reference.
3. Unsuccessful candidates can participate in the next round of counseling (if any), however such candidates are not required to pay and processing fees again.
2nd Counseling: The second counseling (against unfilled / dropout seats) will be held as per the schedule displayed on the counseling website for all categories/programme and the seats will be allotted strictly on the basis of inter- se-merit of the qualified candidates. In the second counseling, even those candidates, who were absent in the first counseling, will also be permitted to attend the counseling for the resultant vacancies.
3rd Counseling:
► The vacancies due to cancellation/any other reason for all programmes will be computed and notified along with the schedule of Third Counseling on the CET websitewww.cetdelhi.nic.in.
► Third counseling (against unfilled /dropout seats) will be held as per the schedule displayed on the counseling website for all categories/programmes and the seats will be allotted strictly on the basis of interse merit of the qualified candidates. In the Third Counseling, even those candidates, who were absent in the First and Second Counseling, will also be permitted to attend the counseling for the resultant vacancies.
4th Counseling:
► The vacancies due to cancellation/any other reason for all programmes will be computed and notified along with the schedule of Third Counseling on the CET websitewww.cetdelhi.nic.in
► Fourth counseling (against unfilled / dropout seats) will be held as per the schedule displayed on the counseling website for all categories / programmes and the seats will be allotted strictly on the basis of inter-se merit of the qualified candidates. In the Fourth Counseling, even those candidates, who were absent in the First and Second Third Counseling, will also be permitted to attend the counseling for the resultant vacancies.
Spot Round (if Any):
► The vacancies due to cancellation or any other reason for all programmes will be computed and notified along with the schedule and venue of Spot round on the websitewww.cetdelhi.nic.in.
► There will be no Fresh Registration during Spot Round.
► Candidates who have successfully done Online Registration during 1st,2nd,3rd or 4th round of counseling but are not admitted after completion of all Four Rounds are eligible to give ONLINE WILLINGNESS to participate in Spot Round for admission on vacant seat (If any).
► Candidate will have to bring in person all the essential documents along with Demand Draft of Rs 6000/– in favour of DKDF, Delhi at the time of admission during spot round. Balance amount of Fees is to be paid in the concerned Institute/Polytechnic within three working days from date of admission as per the direction of Principal of Institute concerned. Otherwise his/her admission will stand cancelled, for which department will not be responsible.
Documents Required to Complete The Enrolment Formalities At The Time Of Counseling:
1. Institutional annual fees as applicable in form of Demand Draft, in favour of “DKDF”, payable at Delhi. Part payment or payment through cheque/cash will not be accepted under any circumstances.
2. Bank Receipt for deposit of one time non- refundable Processing fees.
3. Copy of Provisional Allotment letter (from the website www.cetdelhi.nic.in)
4. Copy of On-line Registration Slip. (from the website www.cetdelhi.nic.in)
5. Copy of choices submitted by Candidate. (from the website www.cetdelhi.nic.in)
6. Two latest identical Color Photographs of 7.0 cm x 5.5 cm size same as that pasted on the admit card .
7. Admit Card of CET –2016 (Original).
8. Proof of date of birth (Secondary School Certificate) (Original and one self attested Photocopy).
9. Certificate and Mark Sheet of the qualifying examination issued by the Board/University (Original and One self attested Photocopy). In case the original certificate is not awarded at the level of the School, Provisional Certificate may be considered.
10. SC / ST / Person with Disabilities (Physically Handicapped)* (Annexure-IV) /OBC (Annexure-V)/ Defence Category(Annexure – VI) / Kashmiri Migrants (Annexure – VIII) / (TFW Annexure XI) / Minority Status Certificate whichever applicable, on the basis of which reservation is claimed (Original and one self attested Photocopy).
11. Conduct and Character Certificate from the Head of the Institution from where the qualifying examination has been passed/or from a gazetted officer (Original and one self attested Photocopy).
12. Certificate of Medical Fitness to be signed by a Registered Medical Practitioner in the format.
14. TC/SLC/Migration Certificate.


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