Punjab PSC Ayurvedic Medical Officer Syllabus 2015 www.ppsc.gov.in/
Punjab PSC Ayurvedic Medical Officer Syllabus 2015 PPSC MO (Ayurvedic) Exam Pattern &Syllabus 2015 Punjab PSC Medical Officer Scheme...

Punjab PSC Ayurvedic Medical Officer Syllabus 2015 PPSC MO (Ayurvedic) Exam Pattern &Syllabus 2015 Punjab PSC Medical Officer Scheme of Written Test & Syllabus 2015 Check Marks Distribution & Pattern of Questions
Punjab PSC Exam Syllabus 2015

Exam Pattern : Exam Pattern for Punjab PSC Medical Officer written Exam is as Follows:-
► The written exam will be multiple choice objective types.
► The Paper shall consist of 100 questions and each question shall carry 03 marks.
► There will be no negative marking.
► The time duration will be 02:00 hours (120 minutes).
► There shall be Viva-Voce/ Interview of 40 marks.
► The Paper shall consist of 100 questions and each question shall carry 03 marks.
► There will be no negative marking.
► The time duration will be 02:00 hours (120 minutes).
► There shall be Viva-Voce/ Interview of 40 marks.
Exam Syllabus : Exam Syllabus for Punjab PSC Medical Officer written Exam is given below :-
1. Kriya shareeram (physiology)
2. Charaka Samhita
3. Kaumarabritya (pediatrics)
4. Dravyaguna Vijnanam (Ayurvedic Pharmacology)
5. Shalakya Tantram (EN, Dentistry, Ophthalmology)
6. Kayachikitsa (General Medicine)
7. Prasuthi Tanthra and Stri Roga (Gynecology and Obstetrics)
8. Rachana Shareeram (Anatomy)
9. Roga Vijnanam and Vikriti Vijanam (Principles of Diagnosis and Pathology)
10. Padartha vijnanam (Indian Epistemology and World View) Sanskrit
11. Rasashastra and Bhaishajyakalpana (Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacy)
12. Ayurveda itihasa (History of Ayurveda)
13. Shalya Tantram (Surgery)
14. Swastha Vrittam (Social and Preventative Medicine)
2. Charaka Samhita
3. Kaumarabritya (pediatrics)
4. Dravyaguna Vijnanam (Ayurvedic Pharmacology)
5. Shalakya Tantram (EN, Dentistry, Ophthalmology)
6. Kayachikitsa (General Medicine)
7. Prasuthi Tanthra and Stri Roga (Gynecology and Obstetrics)
8. Rachana Shareeram (Anatomy)
9. Roga Vijnanam and Vikriti Vijanam (Principles of Diagnosis and Pathology)
10. Padartha vijnanam (Indian Epistemology and World View) Sanskrit
11. Rasashastra and Bhaishajyakalpana (Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacy)
12. Ayurveda itihasa (History of Ayurveda)
13. Shalya Tantram (Surgery)
14. Swastha Vrittam (Social and Preventative Medicine)
For more Information please visit – http://www.ppsc.gov.in/
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