APSC Combined Competitive Mains Exam Syllabus 2015 www.apsc.nic.in
Assam PSC Syllabus 2015 Assam PSC Combined Competitive Mains Exam Syllabus 2015 APSC CC Main Exam Syllabus 2015 APSC Combined Competitive ...

Assam PSC Syllabus 2015 Assam PSC Combined Competitive Mains Exam Syllabus 2015 APSC CC Main Exam Syllabus 2015 APSC Combined Competitive Main Exam Pattern Assam PSC CCE Mains 2015
APSC Combined Competitive Mains Syllabus 201

Mains Exam Pattern:- The Main Examination shall consist of the following papers and each paper shall be of Three hours time duration and Interview will be of 200 Marks. Main Examination will be conventional essay type.
| Marks |
English Language
300 Marks
General Studies
300 Marks
Any two optional subjects to be selected from the list of optional subject (two papers each)
200 Marks
200 Marks
Any two optional subjects to be selected from the list of optional subject (two papers each)
200 Marks
200 Marks
Candidates have to Select any Two Subjects as Optional Subject from the following Subjects given in below table.
Exam Syllabus:-
English Language:- Candidates will be required to write an essay in English. Other questions will be designed to test their understanding of English and workmanlike use of words. Passages will usually be set for summary or précis.
General Studies:- General Knowledge including knowledge of current events, Indian Polity including the political system and the Constitution of India, History of India and Geography.
Optional Subjects:- Candidates can download the detailed syllabus For Optional Subjectsfrom the following links given in table :
For More Information Please Visit: http://www.apsc.nic.in
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