DTCP 98 Assistant Draughtsman Recruitment 2015 Apply Online www.dtcpexam.com

Directorate of Town and Country Planning (DTCP) Tamil Nadu Has Publish RecruitmentNotification 2015 for 98 posts of Surveyor Cum Assistant...

Directorate of Town and Country Planning (DTCP) Tamil Nadu Has Publish RecruitmentNotification 2015 for 98 posts of Surveyor Cum Assistant Draughtsman DTCP Tamil Nadu Latest Jobs Opportunity 2015 Apply Online for Draughtsman Posts
DTCP Tamil Nadu Recruitment 2015
Applications are invited up to 5.45pm on or before 27th July 2015 for admission to the written examination for direct recruitment against the vacancies for the year 2013-2014 in the following post included in the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Subordinate Service.
Detail of Vacancies : Surveyor Cum Assistant Draughtsman :- 98 Posts
Age Limit : (as on 01.07.2015) Minimum Age (should have completed) Maximum Age (should not have completed) – 35 years.
Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200+ 2400 (Grade Pay)
Educational Qualification : Candidate should possess any one of the following qualifications as on 01.07.2015:-
a. A Pass in the Draughtsmanship (Civil) course under the reised syllabus introduced from July 1952, conducted by the Government of India, Ministry of labour.
b. A Certificate in Army Trade Draughtsman (Field) issued by the President, Technical Testing Board, Madras Engineering Group and Centre:
A Certificate in Draughtsman (Civil) issued by the Craftsman Training Centre.
The National Trade Certificate of Draftsman (Civil) Trade or Surveyor Trade awarded by the national council for training in vocational Trades, Government of India through Industrial Training Institute and Completion of successful training in apprenticeship under the Apprentices Act 1961.
Application Fee : Rs.300/- (Rupees Three Hundred Only) Fee should be paid in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of “Director of Town and Country Planning”, payable at Chennai drawn on any scheduled bank.
How to Apply : Interested eligible candidates should apply Online only Any other mode of submission of application would not be accepted For detailed advertisement & procedure log on to www.dtcpexam.com Online submission of application will start on 04/07/2015 and close on 27/07/2015 However last date of payment of Application Fee will be 27/07/2015.
Last Date:- 27/07/2015


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