UP B.Ed Syllabus 2015 UP 2 Year B.Ed Syllabus www.ddugu.edu.in/

UP B.Ed  Syllabus 2015 Uttar Pradesh B.Ed  2 Year Syllabus 2015 Check Syllabus 2015 Uttar Pradesh B.Ed Annual Course Syllabus 2015 Detaile...

UP B.Ed  Syllabus 2015 Uttar Pradesh B.Ed  2 Year Syllabus 2015 Check Syllabus 2015 Uttar Pradesh B.Ed Annual Course Syllabus 2015 Detailed UP B.Ed Syllabus for 1st Year & 2nd Year Latest Updates
DDUGU B.Ed Annual Course Syllabus 2015
LATEST NEWS : As we all know from New Session, B.Ed Course will be of Two Years. So Candidates who are wandering here & there for UP B.Ed Latest Syllabus for 2 Years, their search came to an end. Detailed information about Syllabus is provided below…………………………
Structure Of Courses:
For First Year
Courses I
Knowledge and Curriculum
100 Marks
Course II
Childhood and Growing Up
100 Marks
Course III
Contemporary India and Education
100 Marks
Course IV
Educational Administration and Management
100 Marks
Practical Activities
Reading and Reflecting on texts
50 Marks
Micro teaching and lesson planning
50 Marks
understanding the self
50 Marks
Drama, Art and music in Education
50 Marks
For Second Year
Courses V
Teaching and Learning
100 Marks
Courses VI
Pedagogy of school subject I
100 Marks
Courses VII
Pedagogy Of School Subject II
100 Marks
Courses VI
Population Education And Environmental  Education
100 Marks
Practical Activities
Course VII
School Internship
200 Marks
For 1st Year
Knowledge and Curriculum:
Unit-I: Philosophical Basis of Education; – Philosophy of education-concept, scope and need – Relationship between philosophy and education – Major philosophies of Education (Idealism, Naturalism and Pragmatism) with reference to Aims, Curriculum, Methods, Teacher Taught Relations and Discipline; – Major Indian philosophies of Education with reference to Aims, Curriculum, Methods, Teacher Taught Relations and Discipline in Vedanta, Buddhism and Islamic tradition.
Unit-II: Sociological Basis of Education; – Sociology of education-concept, scope and need –Individual and social aims of education – Education as an agent of socialization and social change – Role of education in promoting national integration and international understanding
Unit-III: Impact of industrialization and democracy – Education as a tool of modernization and democratic citizenship – Role of education in promoting emotional integration and secularism Unit-IV: Conceptual framework of Curriculum; – Curriculum: concept, aims and types – Principles of curriculum construction – Characteristics of a good text book.
Unit-V: Curriculum and School; – Relationship between aims of education and curriculum – Teacher’s role in curriculum construction – Curriculum and discipline.
Childhood and Growing Up:
Unit-I: Psychology of Growth and Development; – Meaning and methods of Educational Psychology – Developmental Stage wise characteristics of the learners – Emotional and Cognitive Development – Theory of cognitive development-Jean Pieget.
Unit-II: Learning and Motivation; – Concept of learning – Learning theories of Thorndike, Pavlov and Skinner – Factors affecting learning – Motivation – meaning and techniques of enhancing learners’ motivation.
Unit-III: Intelligence and Personality; – Concept of intelligence and its measurement – Factor theory of intelligence – Use of standardizes intelligence tests – Concept of personality and its measurement.
Unit-IV: Exceptional Learners; – Concept, need and types – Type wise characteristics – Techniques for teaching exceptional learners Unit-V: Understanding the Issues Related to Learners; – Differences and Diversity among Learners – Effect of family and community on learners – Growing up as girl child – Growing up in a Dalit Household – Sensitivity to Gender, class and povert.
Contemporary India and Education:
Unit-I: Debate on Education in Pre Colonial Era; – Concept, aims and characteristics of Education in; – Vedic, Buddhist and Islamic Era
Unit-II: Debate on Education in Pre Pre-independence Era; – Main recommendations of ; Charter Act-1813 Macaulay’s Minute-1835 Woods Dispetch-1854 National Education Movement Gokhle’s Bill and Wardha Scheme of Education
Unit-III: Debate on Education in independence Era; – Recommendations on Teacher Education, Secondary Education, Higher Education and Vocational Education of the following; University Education commission Secondary Education commission Education Commission NPE and Revised NPE
Unit-IV: Debate on Crucial Issues of Education – Education to live together – Peace Education
Educational Administration and Management:
UNIT – I  Meaning and Nature of Educational Administration., Educational Administration and Management. Objectives and scope of Educational Administration.
UNIT – II  Function of Educational Administration. Principles of Educational Administration. Type of Educational Administration. Theories of Educational Administration.
UNIT – III  Central Administrative Machinery of Education.  Role of the Central Government in Education.  Advisory bodies of the Union Government in the field of Education.
UNIT – IV  State Administrative machinery of Education in Uttar Pradesh.  The functions of the State Department of Education. Role of the Local bodies in Education.
UNIT – V Role of the Head Master in School management.  Concept and scope of Educational Supervision. Need of Supervision.  Supervision & Inspection.  Types of Supervision.  Problems in Supervision.  Parent Teacher Association.
For B.Ed Second Year
Teaching and Learning:
Unit-I: Teaching as a Complex Activity; – Concept and Principles of Teaching – Theories of teaching, – Stages of teaching – Levels of teaching- Memory, Understanding and Reflective
Unit-II: Teaching as a Communication Process; – Process of communication – Classroom approach – Basic Teaching Model – Auto instructional approach – Essential skills of teaching; instructional objectives, introduction, probing question, use of teaching aids, reinforcement and blackboard writing.
Unit-III: Teaching in Diverse Classroom; – Teaching learning relationship – Learner centered approaches of teaching – Teacher centered approaches of teaching.
Unit-IV: Teaching as Profession; – Concept of teaching profession – Characteristics of a good Teacher – Professional growth of teachers.
Unit-V: Decision Making; – Concept and process of decision making – Types of decision making – Limitations in decision making.
 Method Of Teaching Physical Science Course Objectivities:
UNIT – I Nature of physical sciences – Thrust areas of physics and chemistry – Impact of science on modern life, globalization and science. Path tracking discoveries and land mark development in science; Professions in the area of sciences.
UNIT – II  Justification for including physical sciences as a subject of study in the school curriculum. Objective of Teaching Physical Sciences at the secondary level of schooling. Taxonomy of educational objective – Process outcomes, product outcomes, concept attainments, behavioral developers of education. Concept of entering and terminal behavior. Organization of learning experiences for achieving specified behavioral outcomes.
UNIT – III Major methods used for physical science instruction: Lecture, Discussion, Demonstration, Project, Heuristic etc. Major models of instruction useful for science education such as Basic Teaching Model and Concept Attainment Model.
UNIT – IV Co-curricular and non-formal approaches: Activity approaches and non-formal methods of physical science teaching such as: field trip, science clubs, visits to science museums, original science projects etc. Importance of organizing science fairs and excursions. .
 Method Of Teaching Biological Science:
UNIT – I  Nature of biological sciences – Thrust areas of biology and their impact on modern life, globalization and biology. Path tracking discoveries and land mark development in biology; Professions in the area of biological sciences.
UNIT – II  Justification for including biology as a subject of study in the school curriculum. Objective of Teaching Biology at the secondary level of schooling. Taxonomy of educational objective – Process outcomes, product outcomes, concept attainments, behavioral developers of education. Concept of entering and terminal behavior. Organization of learning experiences for achieving specified behavioral outcomes.
UNIT – III  Major methods used for biology instruction: lecture, Discussion, Demonstration, Project, and Heuristic etc.  Major models of instruction useful for science education such as Basic Teaching Model and Concept Attainment Model.
UNIT – IV  Co-curricular and non-formal approaches: Activity approaches and non-formal methods of Biology teaching such as: field trips, gardening, science clubs, visits to science museums, maintenance of aquariums, herbariums, and variorums, taking up of project work. Importance of organizing science fairs and excursions.
UNIT – V  Planning for teaching Biology: developing year plans, unit plans, lesson plans, content analysis and pedagogical analysis. Use of Piagetian, Brunerian, Gagnesian principles in developing lesson plan. Preparation and development of improvised apparatus; preparation, selection and use of teaching aids. The use of computer in teaching biology.
UNIT – VI  Curriculum and resource utilization: Principles for designing a Biology curriculum. Approaches to curriculum organization using procedures like concentric, topical, process and integrated approaches. Adapting the curriculum to local needs and requirements and the availability of local resource. Practical work in Biology; record writing for Biology projects.
UNIT – VII  Curricular accessories and support material – Textbooks, Journals, Handbooks, student’s work books, display slides, laboratory materials, audio-video support material, etc. – their critical evaluation from the point of view of teaching biology.
UNIT – VIII  Evaluating outcomes of biology teaching: Merits and limitations of different item formats for assessing learning outcomes of biology teaching. Writing items in different formats for evaluating learning outcomes at various levels of cognitive, affective and psychomotor domain. Try-out, item analysis and selection of items suitable for formative and summative evaluation.  Diagnostic testing and remedial teaching; developing formative evaluation instruments as aids to learning.
Methods Of Teaching Of Agriculture Science:
UNIT – I  Concept/Nature of Agricultural Science. Correlation of Agricultural Science with other Subjects.  Objectives of teaching Agricultural Science at Secondary level.
UNIT – II  Principles of Agriculture Curriculum construction.
UNIT – III  Methods of teaching Agricultural Science – Lecture, Discussion, Project, Demonstration, Heuristic method of Practicals.
UNIT – IV  Co-curricular and non-formal approaches – Activities approach and non-formal methods of teaching such as. Field trips, gardening, visit to Agricultural Research center, Dairy farm, maintenance of herbariums, taking up of Project work.
UNIT – V  Evaluating outcomes of Agricultural Science teaching: merits and limitations of different item formats for assessing learning outcomes of Agricultural Science teaching writing items in different formats for evaluating learning outcomes at various levels of cognitive, affective and Psychomotor domain.
Method Of Teaching Mathematics:
UNIT – I  Meaning of mathematics; History of Mathematics; contributions of Indian Mathematicians with reference to Bhaskaracharya, Aryabhatta, Leelavathi, Ramanujam and contribution of Euclid, Pythagoras, Rene Descarte.
UNIT – II  Objectives of teaching mathematics in terms of instruction and behavior, approaches to teaching of mathematics inductive, deductive, analytical, synthetic, heuristic, project and laboratory, using various techniques for teaching mathematics oral, written, drill assignment, supervised study and programmed learning,
UNIT – III Meaning and importance/purpose of a lesson plan, Proforma of a lesson plan and its rationality, meaning and purpose of a unit-and-unit plan, purpose of an yearly plan, developing/preparing low cost improvised teaching aids relevant to local ethos, skill in maintaining and using blackboard, models, charts, TV, films and video tapes and VCR.
UNIT – IV  Principles and rationale of curriculum development; organizing the syllabi both logically and psychologically according to the age groups of children, Planning activities and methods of developing the substitutes/alternatives material to the prescribed, for completing the syllabi.
UNIT – V  Using mathematics as a game for recreation, organizing Quiz programmes, skill development in answering puzzles, magic squares, word search etc., developing a math’s laboratory; learning about the short cuts mentioned in Vedic mathematics.
Pedagogy Of Teaching Social Studies:
UNIT – I Meaning, nature and scope of civics, place and importance of civics in school curriculum, Importance of civics in the development of International Understanding correlation of civics with other subjects.
UNIT – II  Objectives of teaching civics in democratic India, objectives of teaching the subject at different stages, Instructional objectives, Microteaching, lesson plans for developing the skills of introduction.
UNIT – III  General principles and maxims of teaching civics, Presentation of subject matter of civics at different stages, Teaching techniques of civics, Evaluation of text book of civics.
UNIT – IV  Considerations for the selection of methods of teaching, methods of teaching civics: Lecture, Textbook, Project, Discussion Supervised study and Problem solving.
UNIT – V Essentials of instruction material, classification of audio-visual aids, need and importance of audio-visual aids.  Evaluation of attainment in civics. Different types of test-essay type, short answer type and objective type, Merits and Demerits of Objective type test; Lesson planning in civics.
Methods Of Teaching History: 
UNIT – I Need and significance of teaching history in schools  Concept of history.  Correlation and differentiation of history with Geography, Political Science, Economics and Literature. Objectives of teaching history at secondary level.
UNIT – II: Principles of History curriculum construction Approaches to organize history curriculum in terms of Concentric, Spiral, Chronological and Correlation approaches.
UNIT – III: Importance of instructional strategies in teaching history Methods of teaching history – Lecture, Lecture-cum-discussion, Source method, Project, Social Recitation, Supervised Study, Story Telling, Chronological and Team Teaching.
UNIT – IV Content analysis and formulation of instruction objectives  Lesson plan and unit plan. Micro planning with reference to following skills: Introduction, Questioning, Explanation, Similes-variation, Black board, using of audio-visual aids. (Illustration).  Arranging, organizing, planning, executing and reporting of Field trips. History room. Role-playing.
UNIT – V  Purpose of evaluating history learning.  Salient features of summative and formative evaluation in history.  Remedial teaching.
Method Of Teaching Geography:
UNIT – I  The modern conception of Geography.  Scope of Geography.  Importance of Geography in the school curriculum.  Aims and objectives of teaching Geography at various levels.
UNIT – II  Correlation of Geography with other school subjects. Principles of curriculum construction.  Presentation of subject matter of Geography at different stages.
UNIT – III  Microteaching Concept, steps, skills, advantages and limitations.  Microteaching: Lesson plans for developing the skills.
UNIT – IV  Methods of teaching Geography  Lecture method.  Discussion method.  Regional method. Excursion method.  Project method.
UNIT – V  Need and importance of Geography room, equipments and museum  Evaluation in Geography: Traditional and modern concepts of evaluation.  Different types of tests-essay type, short answer type and objective type, their merits and demerits.  Writing of lesson plans in Geography
Method Of Teaching Economics:
UNIT – I Need & Significance of teaching economics.  Concept/Nature of teaching Economics. Correlation and differentiation of Economics with other Social Science subjects-Geography, History, Political science.
UNIT –II  Principles of Economics curriculum construction. Approaches to organize Economics curriculum in terms of Concentric, Correlation, and Integration approaches.
UNIT – III Importance of instructional strategies in teaching economics.  Strategies in teaching economics.  Methods of teaching economics – Lecture, Lecture-cum-discussion, Projects, Source method & Team-teaching.
UNIT – IV  Objectives of teaching economics for: Lesson Planning Unit Planning  Microteaching for developing the skills of Introduction, Explanation, questioning, Stimulus variation and providing illustrations with relevant examples.
UNIT – V  Arranging, organizing, planning, executing and reporting of field trips.  Organizing economic clubs and thought provoking programmes like quizzes.
UNIT – VI  Purpose of evaluation in economics. Salient features of summative and formative evaluation.  Question preparation for objective and essay type examinations.
 Method Of Teaching Commerce:
UNIT – I  Concept and nature of commerce teaching.  Need and significance of teaching commerce.  Correlation and differentiation of commerce with other subjects like economics, statistics and accountancy.  Aims and objectives of teaching commerce at different levels.
UNIT – II  Principles of curriculum construction in commerce.  Approaches to organize commerce curriculum in terms of concentric correlation and integration approaches.
UNIT – III  Importance of instructional strategies in teaching commerce.  Strategies of teaching commerce. Methods of teaching commerce – Lecture, Lecture cum Discussion, Project method and Team teaching.
UNIT – IV  Teaching commerce with reference to lesson planning.
Teaching commerce with reference to lesson planning.
a. Lesson planning.
b. Unit planning. 
Microteaching of developing the skills of Introduction, Explanation, Questioning, Stimulus variation and providing illustration with examples.
Arranging, organizing, planning, executing and reporting of field trips in commerce teaching.
Organizing commerce clubs and thought provoking programmes like quizzes.
Purpose of Evaluation in Commerce.  Salient feature of summative and formative evaluation.
Question preparation and objectivity in essay type examinations of commerce. Preparation of unit tests.
Methods Of Teaching and Air Crafts:
The place and importance of Art/handicraft in school curriculum.  Aims and importance of teaching of Art/handicraft.
► Colour study and its educational importance,
► Type of Design,
► Basic Elements of Paper – Decoration,
► Self – Expression,
► Object – Drawing,  Memory – Drawing,  Natural – Drawing,  Stencil – Work,  Letter – Writing,  Spray – Work.
► Methods of teaching Art and Craft.
► Traditional and Structural approaches in teaching of Art and Craft.
► Teaching aids in Art/handicraft, lesson planning.
► Evaluation in Art and Craft teaching.
Pedagogy of Teaching Language
Method of Teaching English:
UNIT – I: Teaching of English as a Second Language:  General characteristics of a language.  Principles of language teaching.  Nature of English language.
UNIT – II: Role of English as second language in India:  Its place in the school curriculum.  Aims and objectives of teaching English as a second language.  Teaching of English Vocabulary necessary for a second language learner.  Developing skills of Aural Comprehension and Speaking.  Teaching the mechanics of Reading and Writing.
UNIT –III: Methods of teaching English as a second language:
Translation Method.  Direct Method.  Structural Approach.  Bilingual Method.  Communicative Approach.
UNIT – IV: Teaching and Lesson-Planning of various Aspects of English:  Prose  Poetry  Grammar  Composition  Structures
UNIT – V:  Audio – Visual and Technological Aids:  Need and importance  Types and purpose  Technological aids as Language Laboratory, CAI
UNIT – VI: Testing and evaluation:  Concept of Teaching and evaluation.  Need and Importance of testing in English.  Types of Tests – oral, Written and skill testing.
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