CISF Constable Driver Syllabus 2016 Selection Process – PET/PST/Written www.cisf.gov.in

CISF Constable Driver Syllabus 2016 CISF Driver Exam Syllabus 2016 CISF Constable Driver Exam Pattern CISF Driver Selection Process Ph...

CISF Constable Driver Syllabus 2016 CISF Driver Exam Syllabus 2016 CISF Constable Driver Exam Pattern CISF Driver Selection Process Physical Written Driving Test

CISF Exam Syllabus 2016

Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) had invited applications for recruitment to the post of Constables/ Driver. Under this recruitment process, candidates who applied will go through various tests.
So, they must have the proper knowledge of tests which they will have to face at each different stages. There is more and more competition increasing day by day, its become challenging as hard nut to crack. Now, here we’re providing prescribed latest scheme of examination and whole selection procedure, which may helps the aspirants to chase these tests.

S E Q U E N C E   O F   T E S T S  :

  1. Documentation & Physical Standard Test (PST)
  2. Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
  3. Written Test and Trade Test
  4. Medical Examination

Physical Standard Test (PST)

CategoriesHeight in cmsChest in cms
For General, SC & OBC candidates167 cms80-85 cms
(i) in respect of persons falling in the categories of Garhwalis, Kumaonese, Gorkhas, Dogras, Marathas, and
(ii) candidates belonging to the States of Sikkim, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Assam, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir
160 cms78-83 cms
All candidates belonging to Scheduled Tribes.160 cms76-81 cms

Physical Efficiency Test (PET)

(i)Run800 Meters to be completed in 3 minutes and 15 Seconds
(ii)Long Jump11 feet (Candidate will be given 3 chances)
(iii)High Jump3 feet 6 inches (Candidate will be given 3 chances)

Written Test and Trade Test

Sr. No.Name of TestTotal MarksQualifying Marks
1.Written Test2010
2.Driving Test for Light Vehicle5025
3.Driving test for Heavy Vehicle5025
4.Practical knowledge of motor mechanism and ability to carry out minor repairs of vehicles3015
For more Information please visit – http://www.cisf.gov.in


Syllabus 1736729149032521814

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