TS TRANSCO AE Syllabus 2015 Assistant Engineer Exam Pattern tstransco.cgg.gov.in/

TSTRANSCO AE Syllabus 2015 TSTRANSCO Assistant Engineer Syllabus 2015 Telangana State TRANSCO Assistant Engineer Exam Pattern 2015 TS TR...

TSTRANSCO AE Syllabus 2015 TSTRANSCO Assistant Engineer Syllabus 2015 Telangana State TRANSCO Assistant Engineer Exam Pattern 2015 TS TRANSCO AE (Civil Electrical)
TSTRANSCO Exam Syllabus 2015
Telangana State Transmission Corporation Limited (TSTRANSCO) will conduct a written examination for the recruitment to the posts of Assistant Engineer (Civil and Electrical). Candidates who are going to participate in this written test can get the syllabus and exam pattern from hereunder.
Exam Pattern : Exam Pattern for the TSTRANSCO AE written Exam is as Follows:-
SectionSubjectQuestions & Marks
Section-‘A’Respective Discipline80
Section-‘B’General Awareness & Numerical Ability20
► The written exam will be multiple choice objective type.
► The duration of written test will be 02:00 hours (120 minutes).
Exam Syllabus : Exam Syllabus for TSTRANSCO AE Exam is given below :-
  1. Electric Circuits
  2. Electrical Machines
  3. Power Systems
  4. Switchgear Equipment & Protection
  5. Utilization & Control Systems
  6. Measurements
  7. Analog and Digital Electronics
  8. Power Electronics and Drives
  9. Non-Conventional Energy:Solar,Wind and Bio-mass
  1. Strength of materials
  2. Reinforced Concrete
  3. Steel structure
  4. Fluid Mechanics and Machinery
  5. Soil Mechanics
  6. Building Materials and Construction
  7. Estimation, Costing and Construction Management
  8. Surveying
  9. Basic Electrical Engineering
  1. Analytical & Numerical Ability
  2. General Awareness
  3. English
  4. Related to Telangana Culture, Movement
  5. Computer Knowledge
Note : This is only indicative syllabus not exhaustive, candidates can get detailed TS TRANSCO AE Syllabus from the following link :
For more Information please visit – http://tstransco.cgg.gov.in/


Syllabus 6371939547877485392

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