Jharkhand SSC Kakshpal Syllabus 2016 Pre Exam Pattern www.jssc.in/
Jharkhand SSC Kakshpal Syllabus 2016 JSSC Kakshpal Exam Syllabus 2016 Jharkhand Kakshpal Pre Syllabus 2016 JSSC Kakshpal Mains Exam Patter...


JSSC Kakshpal Syllabus 2016
Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission (JSSC) is conducting “Jharkhand Kakshpal Competitive Examination-2015” for the recruitment of Kakshpal (Prison Warder). At first a Preliminary Written Examination will be conducted then qualified candidates called for Main Written Examination. Here we are going to intimate you to the Jharkhand SSC Kakshpal selection process, syllabus and scheme of exam.
Selection Process
- Preliminary Written Examination
- Main Written Examination
- Physical Test and Medical Examination
Pre Written Exam
Exam Pattern :- Scheme of Jharkhand SSC Kakshpal Pre Exam is as follows :
► The written test will be multiple choice objective type.
► There shall be a composite paper carrying 100 questions.
► The time duration of test will be 02:00 hours (120 minutes).
► Question paper will be in Hindi only and level of questions is 10th standard.
► There shall be a composite paper carrying 100 questions.
► The time duration of test will be 02:00 hours (120 minutes).
► Question paper will be in Hindi only and level of questions is 10th standard.
Exam Syllabus :- JSSC Kakshpal Pre Exam Syllabus is given below :
General Knowledge : Main general knowledge of Jharkhand, major wildlife sanctuary and national park, major rivers, irrigation planning, major tourism (forts, palaces, ancient notable and natural places, caves, mausoleum etc.) Major personalities of Madhya Pradesh (political, sportsmen, artist, administration, author, litterateur, social worker etc.)
Numerical Ability : The test of Arithmetical and Numerical abilities will cover Number Systems including questions on Simplification, Decimals, Fractions, L.C.M., H.C.F., Ratio & Proportion, Percentage, Average, Profit & Loss, Discount, Simple & Compound Interest, Mensuration, Time & Work, Time & Distance, Tables & Graphs, etc.
Knowledge of Hindi Language : पर्यायवाची शब्द, विलोम शब्द, शब्द-समूहों के लिए एक शब्द, उपसर्ग/प्रत्यय, तत्सम-तद्भव शब्द, वर्तनी-शुद्धि, वाक्य-शुद्धि, समास, संधि-विच्छेद, मुहावरे एवं लोकोक्तियाँ|
Main Written Exam
Exam Pattern :- JSSC Kakshpal Mains Exam Pattern will be as follows :
► This exam will also be multiple choice objective type.
► There shall be two composite papers carrying 100 questions each.
► 01 mark will be allotted for every right answer and 0.333 marks deduct for every wrong answer.
► The time duration will be given to solve each paper 02:00 hours (120 minutes).
► There shall be two composite papers carrying 100 questions each.
► 01 mark will be allotted for every right answer and 0.333 marks deduct for every wrong answer.
► The time duration will be given to solve each paper 02:00 hours (120 minutes).
Exam Syllabus :- Jharkhand SSC Kakshpal Main Syllabus is as under :
→ There will be two parts in this paper.
→ In Part-I there shall be 50 questions of Hindi Language and in Part-II 25 questions of General Knowledge and 25 questions from Numerical Ability.
→ Syllabus will be same as Pre exam.
→ In Part-I there shall be 50 questions of Hindi Language and in Part-II 25 questions of General Knowledge and 25 questions from Numerical Ability.
→ Syllabus will be same as Pre exam.
अभ्यर्थी द्वारा चयनित जनजातीय/क्षेत्रीय भाषा । इस पत्र में सम्बंधित जनजातीय/क्षेत्रीय भाषा के अपठित उद्धरण, गद्यांश, पद्यांश, एवं व्याकरण (संज्ञा, सर्वनाम, विशेषण, लिंग, वचन, कारक, काल, पर्यायवाची शब्द, मुहावरे एवं लोकोक्ति इत्यादि) से प्रश्न होंगे । जनजातीय/क्षेत्रीय भाषा की परीक्षा में परीक्षार्थियों से यह अपेक्षा होगी की संबंधित भाषा एवं इसकी व्याकरण की जानकारी रखते हो एवं उस भाषा में वे शुद्ध-शुद्ध अभिव्यक्त कर सकते हैं ।
Physical Test
Measurement of height and chest :
Sr. No. | Category | Height (Minimum) | Chest (Minimum) |
1. | Unreserved | 160 cms | 81 cms |
2. | SC | 155 cms | 79 cms |
3. | ST | 155 cms | 79 cms |
4. | OBC (Schedule-1) | 160 cms | 81 cms |
5. | BC (Schedule-2) | 160 cms | 81 cms |
6. | Female | 148 cms | – |
Efficiency Test :
Tasks | Marks | Male | Female |
1 Mile Race | 20 | 05 minutes or before | 08 minute or before |
10 | 05 to 06 minutes | 08 to 10 minutes | |
High Jump | 05 | Min 4′ | Min 3′ |
06 | 4′ to 4’3″ | 3′ to 3’3″ | |
07 | 4’3″ to 4’6″ | 3’3″ to 3’6″ | |
08 | 4’6″ to 4’9″ | 3’6″ to 3’9″ | |
09 | 4’9″ to 5′ | 3’9″ to 4″ | |
10 | 5′ or above | 4′ or above | |
Long Jump | 05 | Min 12′ | Min 9′ |
06 | 12′ to 13′ | 9′ to 10′ | |
07 | 13′ to 14′ | 10′ to 11′ | |
08 | 14′ to 15′ | 11′ to 12′ | |
09 | 15′ to 16′ | 12′ to 13′ | |
10 | 16′ or above | 13′ or above | |
Shot-put (qualifying) | 16 pounds – 16′ | 10 pounds – 10′ |
For More Details – http://www.jssc.in/
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