Cochin Shipyard Workmen Admit Card 2016 Supervisory Exam
Cochin Shipyard Workmen Admit Card 2016 Cochin Shipyard Supervisory posts Admit Card 2016 CSL Workmen & Supervisory Exam Hall Ticket...

Cochin Shipyard Workmen Admit Card 2016 Cochin Shipyard Supervisory posts Admit Card 2016 CSL Workmen & Supervisory Exam Hall Ticket/ Call Letter 2016 Cochin Shipyard Exam Date & Syllabus
Cochin Shipyard Exam Admit Card 2016
Latest Updates :- Cochin Shipyard has been announced the exam date schedule for Workmen & Supervisory posts on its website, candidates can download syllabus and admit card for their applied post from the direct link given at below…………………..
Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL) had invited applications for the recruitment to 276 Workmen & Supervisory Cadre posts. A Written Exam will be conducted for these posts in upcoming dates.
Cochin Shipyard Exam Date → 18 & 19.06.2016 25 & 26.06.2016
Candidates are required to download the call letter for the tests from Shipyard website from the dates, which will be notified later by email/SMS/through the website only. The call letters will not be sent to the eligible candidates by post. The registration numbers of only short-listed candidates will be published on Shipyard website for following posts :
Sr. No. | Post |
A. 1 | Assistant Engineer (Machinist) |
A. 2 | Assistant Engineer (Shipwright Wood) |
A. 3 | Assistant Engineer (Painting) |
A. 4 | Assistant Catering Officer |
A. 5 | Accountant |
B. 1 | Technical Assistant |
B. 2 | Junior Technical Assistant |
B. 3 | Senior Ship Draftsman |
B. 4 | Junior Commercial Assistant |
B. 5 | Stenographer |
B. 6 | Store Keeper |
B. 7 | Instrument Mechanic |
B. 8 | Welder Cum Fitter |
B. 9 | Fitter (Electrical) |
B. 10 | Fitter Electronics |
B. 11 | Painter |
B. 12 | Shipwright Wood |
B. 13 | Machinist |
B. 14 | Crane Operator (Electrical) |
B. 15 | Crane Operator (Diesel) |
B. 16 | Serang |
B. 17 | Fireman |
B. 18 | Semi Skilled Rigger |
B. 19 | Staff Car Driver |
B. 20 | Lascar (Floating Craft) |
B. 21 | Service Assistant (Office) |
B. 22 | General Worker (Canteen) |
Method of Selection
Post | Method & Marks | Syllabus |
Sr. No. A. 1 to A. 5 and B. 1, B. 2, B. 4, B. 6 | Written Test-100 marks | The written test both objective and descriptive type will include questions on General Knowledge, English, Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude and discipline related. |
Sr. No. B. 3 | Written Test/ Practical Test-Total 100 marks | The written test both objective and descriptive type will include questions on General Knowledge, English, Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude and discipline related. Practical Test will also be included. |
Sr. No. B. 5 | Written Test/ Skill Test/ Proficiency Test-Total 100 marks | The written test both objective and descriptive type will include questions on General Knowledge, English, Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude and discipline related. Shorthand Test for 5 minutes (80 words per minute) and Transcription on computers for 20 minutes (25 words per minute) will also be conducted. |
Sr. No. B. 7 to B. 22 | Objective type Written Test/ Practical Test/ Physical Test-Total 100 marks | Practical Test in the relevant trade/job. For posts at Sr. No. B. 16 to B. 22, practical test will include Physical Test/ Objective type written test. |
Final Words :- Candidates should have to keep in touch with Website of Cochin Shipyard Limited for more updates regarding information about Exam and its Admit Card.
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