Tripura PSC Junior Engineer Syllabus 2016 JE Exam Pattern
Tripura PSC Junior Engineer Syllabus 2016 TPSC Junior Engineer Exam Syllabus 2016 Tripura PSC JE Syllabus 2016 TPSC Scheme/Exam Pattern ...

Tripura PSC Junior Engineer Syllabus 2016 TPSC Junior Engineer Exam Syllabus 2016 Tripura PSC JE Syllabus 2016 TPSC Scheme/Exam Pattern for JE Civil Mechanical Electrical Papers
Tripura PSC JE Exam Syllabus 2016
Tripura Public Service Commission (TPSC) will conduct a written examination for recruitment to posts of Junior Engineer (JE) in Civil, Electrical, Mechanical. Candidates facing critical problem of “What to prepare” and “How to prepare” to give their best in their exams. But, nothing about to worry just get the prescribed exam pattern & syllabi from here for your better preparation. Now, here we are providing the latest prescribed Syllabus & Exam Pattern of Junior Engineer Exam conducting by TPSC.
Exam Pattern :- TPSC Junior Engineer Exam Pattern is as follows :
► The written test will be objective cum descriptive type.
► There shall be following three papers :
► There shall be following three papers :
Papers | Subjects | Marks | Time |
Paper-I | General Studies | 100 | 01:00 hour |
Paper-II | Engineering Subject-1 | 200 | 03:00 hours |
Paper-III | Engineering Subject-2 | 200 | 03:00 hours |
► The Paper “General Studies” will comprise of 50 questions each carrying 2(Two) Marks. There shall be negative marking of one(1) mark for each wrong answer in the paper “General Studies”.
► MCQ part of respective Engineering Paper-I & II are also required to be answered in the supplied OMR sheets by Black Ball Point Pen only. However, there shall be no negative marking for wrong answer. Beside this, all other parts are of Conventional type.
► MCQ part of respective Engineering Paper-I & II are also required to be answered in the supplied OMR sheets by Black Ball Point Pen only. However, there shall be no negative marking for wrong answer. Beside this, all other parts are of Conventional type.
Exam Syllabus :- Tripura PSC JE Syllabus will be as follows :
General Studies
i) Comprehension of a given passage …………….20 marks
ii) Usage (corrections) …………….10 marks
iii) Vocabulary (synonyms & antonyms, idioms & phrases) …………….10 marks
iv) General knowledge …………….20 marks
(Questions will include knowledge of Indian and geography of such a nature which the candidates should be able to answer without any special study. Questions on Tripura, its historian topography will also be included.)
v) Current Affairs …………….20 marks
(The questions will include knowledge of Indian current events and of such matters of every day observation and experience in their scientific aspects as may be expected of an educated person who has not made a special study of any scientific subject.)
vi) Mental Ability …………….20 marks
Note- Candidates can get syllabus of all subjects (Civil/ Electrical/ Mechanical) and papers of Junior Engineer Exam in detail through the following link :
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