UPCL Assistant Engineer Admit Card 2016 AE Exam Date

UPCL Assistant Engineer Admit Card 2016 UPCL AE Exam Hall Ticket Call Letter 2016 Download UPCL Account Law Officer Admit Card 2016 Exam...

UPCL Assistant Engineer Admit Card 2016 UPCL AE Exam Hall Ticket Call Letter 2016 Download UPCL Account Law Officer Admit Card 2016 Exam Date & Syllabus
UPCL Exam Admit Card 2016
Latest Updates :- UPCL has been uploaded the Admit Card of AO, LO, AE Exam on its website, candidates can check their exam date and download admit card through the direct link given at below……………………………..
Uttarakhand Power Corporation Limited (UPCL) will conduct a Written exam for recruitment to 67 posts of  Account Officer, Law Officer, Assistant Engineer (E&M, Civil) against Advertisement No. UPCL/2015-16/Rectt.-01. UPCL written exam will be held in the month of April, 2016.
UPCL Exam Date → April, 2016
Candidates who applied for this Exam must have a valid admit Card or Hall Ticket to enter in prescribed Exam Centre of this exam conducting by UPCL. No Admit Card or Hall Ticket will reach home of Candidates by post, it can only be download in upcoming dates before exam.
Selection Process
Account Officer
Selection to the posts of Accounts Officer will be done on the basis of subjective & objective Written Test in the concerned subjects followed by Interview of Shortlisted candidates on the basis of qualifying criteria (40% marks for General & OBC Category, 30% for SC Category in both the papers separately) in the subjective & objective written test. There will be no NEGATIVE marking.
I) Paper-I- Bilingual objective type written test paper for a duration of 1.30 hour of 100 marks on Accounts subjects (60%) viz. Finance/ Accounts/ Audit/Budget etc & General Awareness (40%).
ii) Paper-II- Bilingual Subjective Written test paper for a duration of 2 hours of 100 marks on Accounts Subjects Viz. Finance/ Accounts/ Audit/ Budget etc.
Law Officer
Selection to the posts of Law Officer will be done on the basis of subjective & objective Written Test in the concerned subjects followed by Interviews of Shortlisted candidates on the basis of qualifying criteria (40% marks for General & OBC Category, 30% for SC Category in both the papers separately) in the subjective & objective written test. There will be no NEGATIVE marking.
i) Paper-I – Bilingual objective type test paper for a duration of 1.30 hour of 100 marks on Law Subjects viz. Electricity Laws, Contract Laws, Consumer & Labour Laws, General Laws etc. & General Awareness.
ii) Paper-II – Bilingual Written Test paper for duration of 2.00 hours of 100 marks on Essay Writing on Law Subjects viz. Electricity Laws, Contract Laws, Consumer & Labour Laws, General Laws etc.
Assistant Engineer
Selection will be done on the basis of written test followed by interview of the candidates determined eligible in the written test. The final selection will be based on merit list in each category determined on the basis of aggregate marks obtained in the written test (88%) and interview (12%).
The written test will consist of a multiple option, single correct answer objective type question paper of THREE hours duration, having TWO sections, Consisting of 50 questions to test the candidates’ ability in analytical and quantitative skills, current affairs and general awareness, and 126 questions to test the candidates in the subject. Each question will be of ONE mark. There will be no NEGATIVE marking.
For E&M cadre the part two of written test will consist of one common question paper based on electrical, electronics & mechanical engineering branches.
Selection to the posts of Assistant Engineer (Trainee) E&M/Civil will be done on the basis of objective Written Test in the concerned subjects followed by Interview of Shortlisted candidates on the basis of qualifying criteria (40% marks for General & OBC Category, 30% for SC Category in both the papers separately) in the objective written test.
Candidates can download the Exam admit card from the following Link :
Candidates should have to keep in touch with Website of UPCL for more updates regarding information about Exam and its Admit Card.


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