JEE Main Result 2016 Joint Entrance Exam Rank Card -Declared jeemain.nic.in/

JEE MAIN RESULT 2016 Click Here for JEE Main 2016 Answer Key 03, 09 April Exam Paper 1, Paper 2 LATEST UPDATE  :  JEE Mains 2016...


LATEST UPDATE : JEE Mains 2016 Exam Result with Rank has been Declared NOW on 23 June, 2016. Direct Link to Check Result is available here…………
Click Here to Check JEE Mains 2016 Rank : Declared on 23 JuneNew
JEE (Main) Result 2016 & Score Card:
► The score of Paper-I of JEE (Main) – 2016 for all candidates will be declared by 27th  April 2016. This  score shall comprise the actual marks obtained in Paper-I of JEE (Main) – 2016 along with the status  of  those  who  qualify  for  appearing  in  JEE  (Advanced )  –  2016  provided  and  subject  to  other  conditions of eligibility being met.
 Separately, on the basis of score in JEE (Main)-2016 and normalized score in Class 12th  or equivalent  qualifying  exam  (60%  &  40%  weight age  respectively),   separate  rank  lists  will  be  prepared  for admission to B.E./B. Tech. and B. Arch/ B. Planning  (in institutions other than IITs). This will be declared  by 7th  of July 2016. JEE (Main)-2016 Rank Card indicating  All India Rank, State Rank and Category  Rank with total marks and marks in each paper will  be available on JEE (Main) website after the  declaration of result.
► No  score/rank  card  will  be  dispatched  to  the  candidates  and  the  candidates  are  advised  to  download their score/rank cards from the JEE (Main)  websitewww.jeemain.nic.in  only.
JEE Main Result Will Be Declared On 27th April, 2016
Declaration of All India Rank  JEE (Main) Paper – 1 & Paper  – 2 On 07/07/2016
Selection Procedure:
► Selection is based on the candidates marks obtained the examination. Only Shortlisted candidates may appear for further procedure.
► Shortlisted candidates list will be uploaded on the website. Candidates keep in touch with the JEE Mains website.
► Only  the  All  India  Rank  (AIR)  is  used  for  admissions  through  Central  Seat  Allocation  Board  to  NITs/IIITs/CFTIs/SFIs/Others, while other ranks are  for information purposes.
Cut Off Marks of JEE Main 2015 for JEE Advance :
IIT Bombay has announced Cut Off for the Students to took part in JEE Advance Exam. Candidates who have zero or Negative Mark can also apply for JEE Advance. Check cut off below……….
GENERAL : 105 Marks, OBC : 70 Marks, SC : 50 Marks & ST : 44 Marks
Admission Procedure:
► Candidates  shall  be  offered  admission  based  on  their  choices  and  All  India  Ranks  of  JEE  (Main)-2016  through  a  Seat  Allocation  Process  to  be  announced  later.  The  candidates  will  be  able  to  make  their  choices online for branches/programmes and institutes at appropriate time.
► The verification of documents would be done at the  time of Seat Allocation Process/admission. In cases where the rank is revised due to rechecking/revaluation/re-totaling of board marks, the revised board  mark  sheet will also be verified at the time of seat allocation. The purpose would be to verify different records  regarding identification, age, qualifying examination, state of eligibility, category and disability ( if any) of  the  candidate.  On  failing  to  produce  any  of  the  authentic  documents,  the  candidate  will  not  be  considered for admission.
► SC, ST, OBC and PwD candidates will be required to  produce original certificate issued by the competent  authority at the time of Seat Allocation Process as  well as at the time of admission, failing which they will not  be considered for admission.
Students are advised to keep visit this Page Regularly for JEE Main Update, Latest News, Bookmark this Page (Just PRESS CTRL+D) for more Information.
For More Detail Please Visit – http://jeemain.nic.in/webinfo/welcome.aspx


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