MP Police SI Syllabus 2016 Sub Inspector Subedar Exam Pattern www.vyapam.nic.in

MP Police SI Syllabus 2016 MP Vyapam Police Recruitment Test Syllabus 2016 MP Police Sub Inspector Syllabus 2016 Madhya Pradesh SI Subedar...

MP Police SI Syllabus 2016 MP Vyapam Police Recruitment Test Syllabus 2016 MP Police Sub Inspector Syllabus 2016 Madhya Pradesh SI Subedar Platoon Commander Exam Pattern Scheme Download Paper 1 2 pdf

MP Police SI Syllabus Exam Pattern 2016

Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board (MPPEB or MP Vyapam) will conduct a Written exam for recruitment of Technical and Non-Technical Posts of Subedar, Sub-Inspector (SI) and Platoon Commander. Nowadays Competition Level become very high so Competitive Exams gets too tougher. Candidates facing critical problem of “What to prepare” and “How to prepare”. So, here we are providing the latest Syllabus & Exam Pattern for the Technical/Non-Technical Posts Exam conducting by MP Vyapam.
Technical Posts :-
Sub-Inspector (Ordnance)
Sub-Inspector (Q.D.)
Sub-Inspector (Radio)
Sub-Inspector (Finger Print)
Non-Technical Posts :-
Sub-Inspector (Distt. Force)
Sub-Inspector (Special Branch)
Platoon Commander
  1. First Stage – Written Exam
  2. Second Stage – Physical Measurement Test (PMT), Physical Endurance Test (PET) and Interview.
Written Examination
Exam Pattern : Scheme for SI, Subedar, Platoon Commander written Exam is as Follows :-
Sr. No.PaperType of PostsDurationMax. Marks
1.Science (Physics, Chemistry & Maths)For Technical Only02:00 Hours100
2.Proficiency in Hindi and English & General KnowledgeFor Both Technical & Non-Technical Posts03:00 Hours200 (70+30+100)
► The written test will be multiple choice objective type.
► There will be no negative marking.
Exam Syllabus : Syllabus for SI, Subedar and Platoon Commander written Exam is given below :-
Paper-I (only Technical Posts)
The syllabus of Science will be based on education of graduation level :-
Physics :- 33 marks
Chemistry :- 33 marks
Maths :- 34 marks
Chemistry – Analytical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Bio-molecules, Polymers, and Drugs, Physical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry – A Molecular Approach etc.
Physics – Role of Physics, Units, Dimensions, Vectors, Scalar Quantities and Elementary, Calculus, Gravitation, Friction, Motion in Fluids, Circular Motion, Gravitation, Properties of Matter –Temperature, Internal Energy, Oscillations, Waves etc.
Maths – Questions will be asked from Simplification, Average, Percentage, Time & Work, Area, profit & Loss, Simple & Compound Interest, Time & Speed, Investment, HCF LCM, Problem On Ages , Bar Graph, Pictorial Graph, Pie Chart. Date Interpretation is the section which have to be focused.
Paper-II (for both Technical & Non-Technical)
English (10+2 Level) – 30 Marks
Functional Grammar
1- Tenses
2- Modals
3- Determiners
4- Articles
5- Voices
6- Narration
7- Prepositions
8- Clauses
An unseen passage with a variety of questions including marks for vocabulary such as word formation and inferring meaning.
The passages could be any of the following two types:-
(a) Factual passages- e.g. instructions, descriptions, reports.
(b) Discursive passages- involving opinion e.g. argumentative, persuasive.
पाठ्यक्रम हिंदी (10+2 स्तर) – 70 Marks
भाषा बोध-
शब्द निर्माण- (उपसर्ग, प्रत्यय, संधि, समास)
समोच्चरित भिन्नार्थक शब्द
अनेकार्थी शब्द
विलोम शब्द
पर्यायवाची शब्द
वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द
भाव पल्लवन/भाव विस्तार
वाक्य – अशुद्धि संशोधन
वाक्य परिवर्तन
मुहावरे/ लोकोक्तियाँ
समास विग्रह तथा समास के भेद
पारिभाषिक, तकनीकी शब्दों का प्रयोग
वाक्य भेद (रचना, अर्थ के आधार पर) वाक्य रूपांतर
शब्द युग्म
बोली, विभाषा, मातृभाषा, राजभाषा, राष्ट्रभाषा
मुहावरे/ लोकोक्तियों का वाक्य में प्रयोग
काव्य बोध-काव्य की परिभाषा – भेद, मुक्तक काव्य, प्रबंध काव्य (महाकाव्य, खण्डकाव्य)
रस – परिभाषा, अंग, भेद और उदाहरण
अलंकार – वक्रोक्ति, अतिशयोक्ति, अन्योक्ति
छंद – गीतिका, हरिगीतिका, उल्लाला, रोला
रस परिचय, अंग, रस भेद – उदहारण सहित अलंकार
छंद, काव्य की परिभाषा एवं काव्य के भेद काव्य गुण
क्षेत्रीय बोली – पहेलियाँ, चुटकुले, लोकगीत, लोक कथाओं का परिचय तथा खड़ी बोली में उनका अनुवाद
म.प्र. से प्रकाशित होने वाली हिंदी भाषा की पत्र पत्रिकाओं की जानकारी
अपठित बोध-
एक गद्यांश – शीर्षक, सारांश एवं प्रश्न
एक पद्यांश – शीर्षक, सारांश एवं प्रश्न
General Knowledge – 100 Marks
In the paper of general knowledge the objective type question will be based on general information of Madhya Pradesh in addition to knowledge of national and international, mathematics, history, geography, economics, political science, social studies with questions based on general aptitude, reasoning and general intelligence ability etc.
Physical Measurement Test (PMT)
Height167.5 cms152.4 cms
Chest81-86 cms (minimum 05 cms expansion compulsory)N/A
Physical Endurance Test (PET)
800 meters Race2 minutes 40 seconds3 minutes 30 seconds3 minutes 15 seconds
Long Jump13 feet10 feet10 feet
Shot-put19 feet (7.260 KGs)15 feet (4 KGS)15 feet (7.260 KGs)
Candidates qualified in Physical Test will be eligible to appear in Interview. Maximum marks for Interview shall be 10.
For more Information please visit – http://www.vyapam.nic.in


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