State Selection Board Department of Higher Education Odisha Announced Employment Notification for 1625 Lecturers (DP Posts) In Various Subjects SSB Odisha 1625 LecturerRecruitment 2016 Graduate Degree Pass can Apply Online
SSB Odisha Recruitment 2016
Online applications are invited from the prospective candidates for recruitment of 1625 (One thousand six hundred twenty five) posts of Lecturers (DP Posts) in the STATE PAY SCALE of Rs.9,300/- to Rs.34,800/- carrying a Grade Pay of Rs.4,600/-(PB-II) as per ORSP Rule, 2008 for the Non–Government Aided Colleges of the state in different subjects. The posts are temporary but likely to be made permanent. Candidates are required to apply online through website at the link available on this site. No other means / mode of submission of applications will be accepted. The schedule of ONLINE APPLICATION is as follows:-
Detail of Vacancies : Lecturer :- 1625 posts The vacancy position in different subjects with reservations for different categories is as Given In Advertisement.
Age Limit : The candidates of general category should not be less than 21 years or more than 42 years of age as on 1st October, 2015.
Pay Scale : Rs.9,300/- to Rs.34,800/- carrying a Grade Pay of Rs.4,600/-(PB-II)
Educational Qualification : A candidate should possess a Master’s Degree in the concerned subject from a recognized University with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade with a Second Class in the Bachelor’s Degree.
Provided that candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes & PwDs shall posses a Master’s Degree in the concerned subject from a recognized University with at least 50% marks or its equivalent grade with a 2nd Class in the Bachelor’s Degree.
Selection Procedure : The selection of Lecturers will be based on Written Test, Educational Career and Viva – Voce Test. The distribution of marks for the Career Assessment, for different stages of assessment and the details of written test are Given In Advertisement.
Application Fee : non-refundable and non-adjustable fee of Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five hundred) only for the candidates coming under the Unreserved category and Rs. 200/- (Rupees Two hundred) only for the Candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled tribes and PwDs are to be deposited at the time of submission of on-line application.
How to Apply : Interested Candidates may visit the website and apply on-line between 15.01.2016 to 15.02.2016 No Any Others Mean & Mode Of Accepting Application.
Last Date:- 15.02.2016
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