Border Security Force Recruitment for 1200+ Constables Posts 2016 Apply Here bsf.nic.in/

Border Security Force Recruitment 2016 Border Security Force (BSF) invites application forms from all eligible and interested candidat...

Border Security Force Recruitment 2016

Border Security Force (BSF) invites application forms from all eligible and interested candidates belonging to Jammu & Kashmir state for the recruitment to the post of Constable (GD) purely temporary basis. Candidates who will be selected for these Constable (GD) posts, will get the payment of Rs.5200/- to Rs.20,200/- per month with Grade Pay of Rs.2000/- plus other allowances. Mode of application is offline. Total available posts are 1206. Date of Border Security Force Recruitment 2016 advertisement is 04th August, 2016. Dates of this Recruitment rally is from 24th August, 2016 to 02nd September, 2016. The official notification of Border Security Force Recruitment 2016 has been uploaded. Read full information for Border Security Force Recruitment 2016.

Govt Jobs 1200+ Constables Apply Here

Organization Name:
Border Security Force Recruitment 2016 
Profile Name:
Constable (GD) Posts 
No. of Total Vacancies  :
Pay Scale :
dates who will be selected for these Constable (GD) posts, will get the payment of Rs.5200/- to Rs.20,200/- per month with Grade Pay of Rs.2000/- plus other allowances. 

Date of Border Security Force Recruitment 2016 advertisement is 04th August, 2016.
Dates of this Recruitment rally is from 24th August, 2016 to 02nd September, 2016.
Educational Eligibility :
Qualification for Constable (GD) posts is Matriculation/ 10th from a recognized board with the subjects of maths, physics and science.
Age Bond :
Age limit must in between 18 years to 23 years as on 01st August, 2016. There is a relaxation in upper age limit for candidates as per rules.
Selection Process :
Candidates will be selected based on Physical Standard test and Medical Standard test. Vision distance must be 6/6 and 6/9 both eyes.
How To Apply
Border Security Force (BSF) requires hard copy of applications. Date of Border Security Force Recruitment 2016 advertisement is 04th August, 2016. Dates of this Recruitment rally is from 24th August, 2016 to 02nd September, 2016.

A)  Applicants who fulfil all above tests, must download application in prescribed format from website.

B) Fill the form with your details and attach relevant documents to it.

C)  Attend this Recruitment rally is from 24th August, 2016 to 02nd September, 2016.

D)  To get venue details for this Recruitment rally, please visit official notification.
Document Needed
1.       DOB certificate
2.      Qualification Certificate
3.      PAN Card
 Must Follow Tips :
1.       Engagement of these positions on purely temporary basis.
2.      Department will not accept your application form without relevant documents.
3.      Aspirants should belongs to the state of Jammu & Kashmir only.

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