ISRO Recruitment for 200+ Scientist/Engineer Posts 2016 Apply Online Here recruitment.sac.gov.in/

ISRO Recruitment 2016  Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has released a notification for the recruitment of Scientist / Engine...

ISRO Recruitment 2016 

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has released a notification for the recruitment of Scientist / Engineer SC, Social Research Officer 'C', Junior Producer, Senior Research Assistant, Programme Assistant, Technical Assistant, Scientific Assistant, Library Assistant etc posts. As per requirement of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), total posts are 248. Application mode is online. Interested candidates may send online application forms from the starting date of 08th August, 2016. Last date to send online application forms by visiting its official website is 29th August, 2016. The official notification of ISRO Recruitment 2016 has been uploaded and all details mentioned below. Read full information for ISRO Recruitment 2016.

200+ Scientist/Engineer Posts 

Organization Name:
ISRO Recruitment 2016 
Profile Name:
Scientist/Engineer etc Posts 
No. of Total Vacancies  :
Post-Wise Details
1. Scientist / Engineer SC: 88 Posts 
2. Social Research Officer 'C': 01 Post 
3. Junior Producer: 01 Post 
4. Senior Research Assistant: 01 Post 
5. Programme Assistant: 02 Posts 
6. Technical Assistant: 33 Posts 
7. Scientific Assistant: 11 Posts 
8. Library Assistant: 01 Post 
9. Technician 'B': 103 Posts 
10. Draughtsman 'B': 07 Posts 
Pay Scale :
Rs.15600/- to Rs.39100/- for posts no.s 1,2,3; Rs.5200/- to Rs.20200/- for Technician 'B', Draughtsman 'B' posts; Rs.9300/- to Rs.34800/- for remaining posts.

Candidates may send online application forms from the starting date of 08th August, 2016.
Last date to send online application forms by visiting its official website is 29th August, 2016.
Educational Eligibility :
Qualification is MBA OR M.E./M.Tech. OR M.Sc. OR B.E./B.Tech. OR Ph.D. with good academic records.Candidates must have good command in the languages of English and Hindi.
Age Bond :
Age limit must in between 18 years to 35 years as on 29th August, 2016. There is relaxation in upper age limit for SC/ST category candidates i.e. 5 years; 3 years for OBC candidates.
Selection Process :
Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) selection committee will conduct skill test or personal interview round for verification.
How To Apply
Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) requires online application forms. Interested candidates may send online application forms from the starting date of 08th August, 2016. Last date to send online application forms by visiting its official website is 29th August, 2016.

A)  Interested candidates may visit official website of ISRO to apply online for above positions.

B) Read all instructions, check post details and all information regarding post.

C)  Fill with your details of valid mobile number, active E-Mail ID etc. Make payment of an application fee through online.

D)  Apply online application forms from 08th August, 2016 to 29th August, 2016.
Document Needed For Online Apply :
Here some list of document that are necessary for online apply : 
1.       Citizenship certificate
2.      Qualification Certificate
3.      PAN Card
 Must Follow Tips :
1.       Candidates must provide active E-Mail ID only.
2.      Fill the on-line application carefully with all your details must same as matriculation certificate.
3.      Only Indian Citizens are eligible to apply.

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