MPPSC Forest Ranger Syllabus 2017 Conservator Exam Pattern
MPPSC Forest Ranger Syllabus 2017 MPPSC Conservator of Forest Exam Syllabus 2017 MPPSC Syllabus for State Forest Service Examination-201...

MPPSC Forest Ranger Syllabus 2017 MPPSC Conservator of Forest Exam Syllabus 2017 MPPSC Syllabus for State Forest Service Examination-2017 MPPSC Forest Ranger Exam Pattern Download pdf
MPPSC Exam Syllabus 2017
Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission (MPPSC) is going to conduct a written exam named State Forest Service Examination-2017 for recruitment to the posts of Forest Ranger and Assistant Conservator of Forest.
Nowadays Competition Level become very high so Competitive Exams gets too tougher. Candidates facing critical problem of “What to prepare” and “How to prepare”. But, nothing about to worry, you may get the appropriate prescribed syllabus and Scheme of Written Exam from us. So, here we are providing the latest Syllabus & Exam Pattern of Forest Service Main Exam conducting by MPPSC.
Exam Pattern : Exam Pattern for Forest Service Main written exam is as Follows :-
► The written examination consist of multiple choice questions shall be held in two Groups – (a) Compulsory Subjects; (b) Optional Subjects.
► The time duration for each paper will be 02:00 hours (120 minutes).
► There will be one paper from compulsory subject and two paper from optional subject which were pre-decided by candidates.
► Candidates must obtain 40% marks in each paper to qualify written test. Whereas, there will be exemption of 10% for the candidates belonging to SC, ST & OBC of M.P. state, hence they have to obtain 30% marks in each paper to qualify.
► The time duration for each paper will be 02:00 hours (120 minutes).
► There will be one paper from compulsory subject and two paper from optional subject which were pre-decided by candidates.
► Candidates must obtain 40% marks in each paper to qualify written test. Whereas, there will be exemption of 10% for the candidates belonging to SC, ST & OBC of M.P. state, hence they have to obtain 30% marks in each paper to qualify.
Papers | Subjects | Marks |
Paper-I | General Studies | 200 |
Paper-II | General Hindi & English | 125+75 |
TOTAL | 400 | |
Paper-III | Optional Subject (Paper 1) | 200 |
Paper-IV | Optional Subject (Paper 2) | 200 |
Interview | 100 | |
List of Optional Subjects :
Subject Code | Subject Name |
01 | Botany |
02 | Zoology |
03 | Physics |
04 | Chemistry |
05 | Mathematics |
06 | Geology |
07 | Agriculture |
08 | Statistics |
09 | Forestry |
10 | Civil Engineering |
11 | Mechanical Engineering |
12 | Chemical Engineering |
13 | Computer Science Engineering |
14 | Electronics Engineering |
15 | Electrical Engineering |
16 | Agricultural Engineering |
17 | Horticulture |
18 | Environment Science |
19 | Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science |
Warning : Restriction on choice of optional subjects :
Candidates will be allowed to offer optional subjects mentioned below in the following restricted manner :
i) Agriculture or Agricultural Engineering;
ii) Agriculture or Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science;
iii) Chemistry or Chemical Engineering;
iv) Mathematics or Statistics;
v) Only one subject will be allow to choose as an option from engineering subjects (Subject Code : 10 to 16).
Candidates will be allowed to offer optional subjects mentioned below in the following restricted manner :
i) Agriculture or Agricultural Engineering;
ii) Agriculture or Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science;
iii) Chemistry or Chemical Engineering;
iv) Mathematics or Statistics;
v) Only one subject will be allow to choose as an option from engineering subjects (Subject Code : 10 to 16).
Note : Question Paper from 01 to 08 will be set in both Hindi & English Language. Whereas, all remain subjects will be set in English language only.
Exam Syllabus : Exam Syllabus for Forest Service Mains Exam is given below :-
Environment – Ecosystem, Organic Inorganic factors, food chain, food web, Forest Eco system, Pond Eco system, Desert Eco system, Grass land Eco system, Population Eco system, Bio diversity, Endangered species, Wild Life Protection Act – 1972, National Park and Sanctuaries’, Forest Protection Act.
Information and Technology- Characteristics, Uses, terminology, websites, online search engine, E-mail, Video mail, hacking, virus, MS Office application.
General Maths- Profit-Loss, Interest, percentage, ratio proportion, equation, L.C.M. H.C.F., square root.
Statistics- Measure of Central tendency – General applications of Mean, Median, Mode, Probability.
General Maths- Profit-Loss, Interest, percentage, ratio proportion, equation, L.C.M. H.C.F., square root.
Statistics- Measure of Central tendency – General applications of Mean, Median, Mode, Probability.
सामान्य हिन्दी
- पल्लवन, सन्धि व समास
- दिए गए वाक्यों का व्यापक अर्थ (शब्द-सीमा 50 शब्द)
- सन्धि, समास व विराम चिन्ह
- संक्षेपण
- प्रारूप लेखन – शासकीय व अर्धशासकीय पत्र, परिपत्र, प्रपत्र, विज्ञापन, आदेश, पृष्ठांकन, अनुस्मारक (स्मरण पत्र), अधिसूचना, टिप्पण लेखन – (कोई दो)
- प्रयोग, शब्दावली तथा प्रारंभिक व्याकरण
- प्रशासनिक पारिभाषिक शब्दावली (हिन्दी व अंग्रेजी)
- मुहावरे अथवा कहावतें
- विलोम शब्द एवं समानार्थी शब्द
- तत्सम-तद्भव शब्द
- पर्यायवाची शब्द
- शब्द युग्म
- अपठित गद्यांश
- प्रतिवेदन – (प्रशासनिक, विधि, पत्रकारिता, साहित्य व सामाजिक)
- अनुवाद (वाक्यों का)
हिन्दी से अंग्रेजी एवं अंग्रेजी से हिन्दी - निबंध
- Grammar
- Voice (Active Passive)
- Narration (Direct Indirect speech)
- Degrees & comparison
- Articles
- Vocabulary
- Synonyms and Antonyms
- Fill-in the blank with suitable words
- Comprehension-Unseen Passage
- Précis writing
- Composition
- Essay writing (Topics on contemporary and burning issues) (500 words)
- Letter writing
- Paragraph writing (200 words)(Expansion & Proverbs)
Optional Subjects : Please follow the link mentioned below to see the detailed syllabi of both two papers for all optional subjects :
For more Information please visit –
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