Sashastra Seema Bal New Delhi has recently published employment notice of various jobs. SSB Recruitment 2014 is the most awaiting notification for many job seekers. Applications are invited form eligible people for filling up of 98 vacancies through this SSB Recruitment 2014. The minimum qualification required to apply for Sashastra Seema Bal Recruitment 2014 is Graduate Degree in any discipline.
Interested candidates have to apply before mentioned date. The other details such as post details, selection mode, age and salary information is mentioned in SSB Notification 2014. Here we are providing all details below along with notification form. In order to apply for these SSB Govt Jobs, applications will be sent by the candidates through their respective Dte general. The applications received will be serially entered in a register in a chronological order of receipt by respective CAPFs. Aspirants who satisfy the eligible conditions must fill the application formclearly and submit to the addresses mentioned in the notification along with all required documents. 5thAugust 2014 is the last date for the submission of Application form.
SSB Advertisement 2014 Details
Organization Details
Organization Name: Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB)
Official Website:
Job Requirements
Job Act: Assistant Commandant (GD) posts
Job Category: Government Job
Job Vacancies: 98 posts
Job Location: New Delhi
Academic Background
Applicants must complete their education with Graduate degree or its equivalent course from a recognized institute/organization
Selection Method
The mode of selecting candidates will be done through many rounds such as
- Written Examination
- Physical Test
- Medical Test
- Interview
- Personality Test
Age Details: Applicants age limit must be maximum 35 years as per organization rules. Age relaxation is 5 years for SC/ST candidates.
Remuneration: SSB offers a salary of RS. 15600 – 39100/- with grade pay RS. 5400/- per month
How to Apply for SSB Delhi Govt Jobs?
Applications are invited from eligible candidates and the applications will be sent by the candidates through their respective Dte general. The applications received will be serially entered in a register in a chronological order of receipt by respective CAPFs. Aspirants who satisfy the eligible conditions must fill the application form clearly and submit to the addresses mentioned in the notification along with all required documents.
Important Dates
Application Submission Last Date: 05-08-2014
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