Haryana SSC Gram Sachiv Syllabus 2015 Haryana SSC Canal Patwari Syllabus 2015 HSSC Gram Sachiv Exam Syllabus 2015 HSSC Canal Patwari Exam Pattern 2015 Check Scheme &Selection Process
Haryana SSC Exam Syllabus 2015
Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) is going conduct a written examination for the posts of Gram Sachiv and Canal Patwari. Nowadays Competition Level become very high so Competitive Exams gets too tougher. Candidates facing critical problem of “What to prepare” and “How to prepare”. So, here we are providing the latest Syllabus & Exam Pattern of Gram Sachiv and Canal Patwari Exam conducting by Haryana SSC.
Exam Pattern :- Haryana SSC Canal Patwari Exam Pattern is as follows :
► The written test will be multiple choice objective type.
► There may be a composite paper carrying 100 questions.
► The may also be a Viva-Voce.
Exam Syllabus :- HSSC Canal Patwari Exam Syllabus is as follows :
i) 75% weightage for General awareness, Reasoning, Maths science, English, Hindi etc. (the word etc. means and includes concerned relevant subject).
ii) 25% weightage for History, Current Affairs, Literature, Geography, Civics, Environment, Culture etc. of Haryana.
Note : This is only a guess, not official. Please wait, we will update here official syllabus later as commission will announced.
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