RPSC Assistant Professor (Pathology) Syllabus 2015 rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in
RPSC Assistant Professor Pathology (Health & Medical Department) Latest Prescribed Exam Pattern and Syllabus Rajasthan Public Service Co...

► The Question Paper consists of 100 Questions and 100 marks.
► There will also be negative marking for every wrong answer.
► The Duration of Test is 02 (Two) Hours (120Minutes).
2 The maternal death autopsy.
3 Classification and treatment of non-small-cell lung carcinoma.
4 Pathology of obesity.
5 Stratified medicine for cancer: the role of the histopathologist.
6 Mucosal pathology of the gastric cardia and Barrett’s oesophagus.
7 Pathology of regenerative and neoplastic hepatocellular nodules.
8 Serrated lesions of colon and rectum.
9 An update on the pathology of chronic inflammatory bowel disease.
10 Diagnosis and therapy of gastrointestinal MALT lymphoma.
11 Medical revalidation for histopathologists.
12 Molecular testing for human papilloma virus.
13 Tensins in health and disease.
14 Pathology in the undergraduate curriculum.
15 Primary carcinoma of the salivary gland –Selected Recent Advances.
16 Cancer invasion and metastasis -The concept of epithetial mesenchymal transition.
17 Matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) in neoplastic progression –Where are we now?
18 Osteoarthritis–New concepts
19 Cutaneous pseudo lymphoma.
20 Liquid based cytology for Cervical Screening.
21 Pitfall in the diagnoses of Soft tissue tumours of childhood.
22 Sudden unexpected death in Infancy.
23 The Non invasive or minimally invasive autopsy.
24 Bio-terrorism.
25 Predictive and prognostic molecular markers in breast cancer.
26 Digital photography in histopathology.
27 Adult stem cells and trans differentiation.
28 Role of Immuno histochemistry in problematic prostate biopsy.
29 Cytokeratin immunostaining profile in diagnostic pathology.
·Cause and mechanism : Ischemic, Toxic and Apoptosis.
·Reversible cell injury : Types, morphology, hyaline, fatty change.
·Irreversible cell injury : Types of necrosis, gangrene.
·Calcification : Dystrophic and metastatic.
·Extracelluler accumulation : Amyloidosis, classification, pathogenesis, morphology.
·Acute inflammation : features, causes, vascular and cellular events.
·Morphological variant of acute inflammation.
·Inflammatory cells and mediators.
·Chronic inflammation : causes, types, non-specific and granulomatous with common examples.
·Wound healing by primary and secondary union, factors promoting and delaying the process and complications.
·Immune pathology : organization, cells, antibodies and regulations of immune responses.
·Hypersensitivity : types and examples, antibodies and cells mediated tissue injury with examples.
·Autoimmune disorders like Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.
·Organ transplantation : immunological basis of rejection and graft versus host reaction.
·Mycobacterial diseases : tuberculosis and leprosy.
·Bacterial diseases : pyogenic, typhoid, diphtheria, gram-ve infections, bacillary dysentery, syphillis.
·Viral : polio, herpes, rabies, measles, reckettsial, chlamydial infections.
·Fungal disease and opportunistic infections.
·Parasitic diseases : malaria, filarial, amoebiasis, kala azar, cystecercosis, hydatid.
·AIDS : etiology, modes of transmission, pathogenesis, pathology, complications, diagnostic procedures and handling of infected materials and health education.
·Oedema : pathogenesis and types.
·Chronic venous congestion : lung, liver, spleen.
·Thrombosis and embolism : formation, fate and effects.
·Infarction : types, common sites, gangrene.
·Shock : pathogenesis, types, morphological changes.
·Atrophy, hypertrophy, hyperplasia, hypoplasia, metaplasia, malformation, agenesis, dysplasia.
·Neoplasia : causes, classification, histogenesis, biological behaviour, benign and malignant, carcinoma and sarcoma.
·Malignant neoplasia : grades and stages, local and distant spread.
·Carcinogenesis : Environmental carcinogen, chemical, viral, occupational, hereditary and basics of molecular basis of cancer.
·Tumour and host interaction : systemic effects including para neoplastic syndrome, tumour immunology.
·Laboratory diagnosis : cytology, biopsy, tumour markers.
·Tumours and tumour like conditions of soft tissues.
·Autosomal and sex-linked disorders with examples.
·Protein energy malnutrition and vitamin deficiency disorders.
·Radiation injuries.
·Disorders of pigments and mineral metabolism such as billirubin, melanin, haemosiderin.
·Anaemia : classification and clinical features.
·Nutritional anaemia : Iron deficiency, folic acid/ vit. B 12 deficiency anaemia including pernicious anaemia.
·Haemolytic anaemia : classification and investigation.
·Herediatary haemolytic anaemia : thalassemia, sickle cell anaemia, hereditary spherocytosis and G 6 PD D deficiency.· Acquired Hemolytic anemias : malaria, Kala Azar., Autoimmune, alloimmune, drug induced, microangiopathic.
·Haemostatic disorders : platelet deficiency, ITP, drug induced, secondary.
·Coagulopathies : coagulation factor deficiency, hemophilia, DIC and anticoagulant control.
·Leucocytic disorders : Leucocytosis, leucopoenia, leukemoid reaction.
·Acute and chronic leukemia : classification and diagnosis.
·Multiple myeloma and dysprotenemias.
·Blood transfusion : grouping and cross matching untoward reactions, transmissible infections including HIV and hepatitis.
·Myelodysplastic syndrome.
·Myelo proliferative disorders: polycythemia, myelofibrosis.
·Acute Rheumatic fever : etiopathogenesis and morphological changes and complications including rheumatic heart disease.
·Infective endocarditis : etiopathogenesis and morphological changes and complications.
·Atheroscelorosis and ischemic heart disease : myocardial infarction.
·Hypertension and hypertensive heart disease.
·Congenital heart disease : ASD, VSD, Fallot’s tetatology, Biscuspid aortic Valve PDA.
·Structure of bronchial tree and alveolar walls, normal and altered inflammatory diseases of bronchi : chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis.
·Pneumonias : lobar, broncho, interstitial.
·Lung abscess : etiopathogenesis and morphology and complications.
·Pulmonary tuberculosis : primary and secondary, morphologic types Including pleuritis.
·Emphysema : type and pathogenesis.
·Tumours : Epithelial Malignant Neoplasms of Lung, Etiopathogenesis. Concepts of obstructive and restrictive lung disorders –Chronic bronchitis, emphysema, Asthma.
·Nasopharyngeal and laryngeal tumors.
·Occupational lung disorders : anthracosis, silicosis, asbestosis, mesothelioma.
·Atelectasis and hyaline membrane disease.
·Basics of impaired function and urinalysis.
·Glomerulonephritis : classification, primary proliferative and non proliferative, secondary (SLE, polyarteritis, amyloidosis, diabetes mellitus).
·Clinical presentation of renal disorders including nephritic, nephrotic syndrome, acute renal failure, recurrent hematuria, CRF.
·Acute renal failure : acute tubular and cortical necrosis.
·Pyelonephritis, reflux nephropathy, interstitial nephritis.
·Renal cell tumors : renal cell carcinoma, nephroblastoma.
·Urinary bladder : Cystitis, carcinoma.
·Progressive renal failure and end stage renal disease.
·Renal vascular disorders.
·Urinary tract tuberculosis.
·Nephrolithiasis and obstructive nephropathy.
·Renal malformation polycystic kidney.
·Oral pathology : leukoplakia, carcinoma oral cavity and esophagus.
·Peptic ulcer : etiopathogenesis and complications, gastritis types.
·Tumors of stomach : benign, polyp, leiomyoma, malignant, adenocarcinoma, other gastric tumors.
·Inflammatory disease of small intestine : typhoid, tuberculosis, Crohn’s disease, appendicitis.
·Inflammatory disease of large intestine : amoebic colitis, bacillary dysentery, ulcerative colitis.
·Large and small intestine tumors : polyps, carcinoid, carcinoma, lymphoma.
·Salivary gland tumors.
·Ischemic and pseudomembranous enterocolitis, diverticulitis.
·Malabsorption-coeliac disease, tropical sprue and other causes.
·Pancreatic tumors : endocrine, exocrine and pariampullary.
·Jaundice : types, etiopathogenesis and differentiation.
·Hepatitis : acute and chronic, etiology, pathogenesis and pathology.
·Cirrhosis : etiology, classification, pathology, complications.
·Portal hypertension : types and manifestation.
·Diseases of gall bladder : Cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, carcinoma.
·Tumors of liver : hepatocelluler, metastatic, tumor markers.
·Lymphadenitis : non-specific, granulomatous, Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
·Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, classification, morphology.
·Diseases of spleen : splenomegaly and effects.
·Diseases of cervix : cervicitis, cervical carcinoma, etiology, cytological diagnosis.
·Hormonal influences and histological appearances of different phases of menstrual cycles and the abnormality associated with it.
·Diseases of uterus : endometrial hyperplasia and carcinoma, adenomyosis, smooth muscle tomours.
·Trophoblastic diseases : hydatiform mole and choriocarcinoma.
·Diseases of breast : mastitis, abscess, fibrocystic disease, neoplastic lesions, fibroadenoma, carcinoma, phyllodes tumors.·Prostate : nodular hyperplasia, carcinoma.
·Ovarian and testicular tumours.
·Carcinoma of penis.
·Pelvic inflammatory disease including salpingitis.
·Genital tuberculosis.
·Osteomyelities : acute, chronic, tuberculosis.
·Metabolic diseases : rickets/osteomalacia, osteoporosis, hyper parathyroidism.
·Tumours : primary, osteosarcoma, osteoclastoma, Ewing’s sarcoma, chondro sarcoma, metastatic.
·Arthritis : rheumatoid, osteoid and tuberculosis.
·Healing of fractures.
·Diabetes mellitus : types, pathogenesis, pathology.
·Non neoplastic lesion of thyroid : Iodine deficiency goiter, autommune thyroiditis, thyrotoxicosis, myxoedema.
·Tumors of thyroid : adenoma, carcinoma: pappilary, follicular, medullary, anaplastic.
·Adrenal disease : cortical hyperplasia, atrophy, tuberculosis, tumors of cortex and medulla.
·Parathyroid hyperplasia and tumors.
·Inflammatory disorders : pyogenic and tubercular meningitis, brain abscess, tuberculoma.
·CNS tumors-primary glioma and meningioma and metastatic.
·CSF and its disturbances : cerebral oedema, raised intracranial pressure.
·Cerebrovascular disease ; atherosclerosis, thrombosis, embolism, aneurysm, hypoxia, infarction and hemorrhage.
·Skin tumors : squamous cellcarcinoma, basal cellcarcinoma, and melanoma, adenexial tumours with common non neoplastic skin diseases.
·Routine processing & frozen sections.
·Ancilliary diagnostic tests, Immunohistochemistry, tumour markers & their interpretation.
·Hybrid DNA techniques &
·Application in diseases.
·Collection procedures and diagnosis interpretation.
·Exfoliative cytology of body fluids, urinary tracts, female genital tract, Ammiotic fluid & tears.
·Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology.
·Imprint, crush smear, biopsy sediment cytology.
·Buccal smears for Sex chromatin bodies.
·Tech. Procedures, principles and clinical interpretation of tests using.
·Haematology auto-analysers, Flow-Cytometer, Polymerase chain reaction. (PCR) Electrochemiluminiscent immunoassay (ECLIA).
·High performance liquid Chromatography (HPLC).
·Electron Microscope, Phase Contrast Microscope.
·Fluorescent Microscope & Electrophoresis.
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