CAT 2015 Syllabus Latest CAT Exam Pattern Syllabus Common Admission Test 2015 Check out for Pattern Syllabus Changes in CAT 2015 Pattern Latest Updates IIM Common Admission test New Updated Pattern & syllabus latest news
CAT- 2015 Exam Pattern & Syllabus
LATEST UPDATE : IIMs have made change to the Exam Pattern of CAT 2015. We have illustrated these changes below so that you can understand pattern easily………..Read Heading Changes in Structure of CAT 2015 for Details……
GET, SET, GO!! Indian Institute of Management will conduct Common Admission Test (CAT) 2015. CAT 2015 will be conducted by IIMs as a pre-requisite for admission to various management programmed to IIMs. It is a dream of every young graduate to do his MBA from IIM. So Candidates who apply for CAT 2015 for Admission in Management Programmes at IIMs need to have information about Latest Exam Pattern & Syllabus for CAT. The CAT 2015 will see some changes in form of a new structure & early November Date. All of these have significant implications on how a student must approach the test. It is the time to reset your pointers to the new goal. We are discussing here Exam Pattern Syllabus for CAT exam in detail.
Changes in the Structure of CAT 2015:- Every Competitive exam has its own unique character that has features such as the structure of exam, the content- both width & depth and the testing environment. We will analyze the changes the CAT within this framework while considering the implications these will have on your preparation for next 100 Days. These are the following changes occurred in the CAT Exam.
- The number of questions ask will be increase.
- Time Duration of CAT exam is extended upto 180 Minutes.
- There will be no sectional time limits in the CAT 2015.
- Sections has been increased from 2 to 3. Now Question will be asked from three section as Quantitative Aptitude (QUA), Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR) & Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VRC).
- There will be 34 Questions from QUA & VRC while 32 questions will be from DILR.
- Candidates will be provided 60 Minutes to answer each section.
- Some Questions will not be Multiple Choice Type, candidates have to Answer them with Typing.
Latest Exam Pattern:- In CAT 2015, there is a two day test window with four test slots & more number of questions. CAT 2015 Exam will have three sections.
- The first section is Quantitative Aptitude (QUA).
- The second section is Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR).
- The third section is Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VRC).
Exam Syllabus:- CAT 2015 in not an one subject affair. You have to prepare for all topics of Syllabus with Lots of practice & Mock Tests. Exam Syllabus for CAT 2015 is discussed below:-
Maths/ Quantitative Aptitude:- This Sub Test is designed to test the Quantitative Ability of thecandidates. Questions will be asked from Number systems, geometry, trigonometry, probability, permutation combination, algebra, mensuration, time and work, averages,percentages, profit and loss, quadratic and linear equations, etc.
Data Interpretation:- Interpretation and analysis of data based on text, tables, graphs (line, area), charts (column, bar, pie), venn diagram, etc.
English/Verbal Ability:
- Vocabulary Based (Synonyms Antonyms)
- English Usage or Grammar
- Sentence Correction
- Fill in the blanks
- Cloze Passage
- Analogies or Reverse Analogies
- Jumbled Paragraph
- Meaning-Usage Match
- Summary Questions
- Verbal Reasoning
- Facts / Inferences / Judgments
- Reading Comprehension
Logical Reasoning:
- Number and Letter Series
- Calendars
- Clocks
- Cubes
- Venn Diagrams
- Binary Logic
- Seating Arrangement
- Logical Sequence
- Logical Matching
- Logical Connectives
- Syllogism
- Blood Relations
Final Words:- CAT 2015 is just about 125 days away. It will held on 29 November, 2015.Candidates sharpen their axe for CAT 2015.
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