UKPSC Forest Range Officer Syllabus 2015 FRO Exam ukpsc.gov.in/

UKPSC Forest Range Officer Syllabus 2015 UKPSC Forest Range Officer Pre Exam Syllabus2015 UKPSC FRO Mains Syllabus 2015 Uttarakhand PSC Va...

UKPSC Forest Range Officer Syllabus 2015 UKPSC Forest Range Officer Pre Exam Syllabus2015 UKPSC FRO Mains Syllabus 2015 Uttarakhand PSC Van Adhikari Syllabus & Patter 2015
UKPSC FRO Exam Syllabus 2015
Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC) had invited application for recruitment to the posts of Forest Range Officer (FRO). Nowadays Competition Level become very high so Competitive Exams gets too tougher. Candidates facing critical problem of “What to prepare” and “How to prepare”. But, nothing about to worry, you may get the appropriate prescribedsyllabus and Scheme of Written Exam from us. So, here we are providing the latest Syllabus & Exam Pattern of Forest Range Officer Exam conducting by UKPSC.
Preliminary Examination
Exam Pattern :- UKPSC Forest Range Officer Pre Exam Pattern is as follows :
► The test will be multiple choice objective type.
► There will be composite paper carrying 150 questions of 150 marks.
► The duration of test will be 02:00 hours.
Exam Syllabus :- UKPSC FRO Pre Exam Syllabus is given hereunder :
Part-1 General Studies – 100 Marks/Questions
  1. General Science and Knowledge of Computer Operation: Questions on General Science and Computer operation will cover general understating and application of science and Computers including matters of day to day observation and experience as may be expected from an educated person who has not made a special study of any scientific or computer discipline.
  2. History of India and Indian National Movement: Questions on history of India and Indian National Movement will be based on broad understanding of ancient, mediaeval and modern India’s political, social, economic, and cultural aspects and India’s Freedom movement, growth of nationalism and attainment of Independence.
  3. Indian polity and Economy: Questions on Indian polity and economy will be based on Indian polity, Constitution, Panchayati raj and Community development, broad features of Indian economy and planning.
  4. Geography and Demography of India: Questions will be based on a broad understanding of geographical, ecological and socio-economic aspects and demography of India.
  5. Current Events: Questions will be based on important Uttarakhand State, National and International current events including games.
  6. History of Uttarakhand: Historical background of Uttarakhand: Ancient period (from earliest to 1200 AD); Mediaeval period (from 1200 to 1815 AD): Important dynasties and their achievements; Gorkha invasion and administration, British rule, Tehri State and its administration, role of Uttarakhand in the Freedom Movement of India and related eminent personalities, historical sites and monuments; movements for the formation of Uttarakhand, contribution of people of Uttarakhand in National and International fields, especially in Armed forces; different social reform movements, and different welfare programmes of Uttarakhand for SC, ST, children, minorities and women.
  7. Culture of Uttarakhand: Castes and tribes,  religious and folk beliefs, literature and folk literature, traditions and customs, costumes and ornaments; Fairs and Festivals, food habits, art and Crafts, dances, songs, musical instruments, major tourist places, important sports, tournaments and awards, famous authors and poets of Uttarakhand and their contribution in the field of Hindi literature and folk literature, State steps taken by Uttarakhand for the development of culture.
  8. Geography and Demography of Uttarakhand: Geographical Setup. Salient features of Uttarakhand Himalaya. Rivers and streams,  mountains, climate, forest resources and horticulture. Major crops and crop rotation. Means of irrigation. Agricultural holdings. Natural and man-made calamities and Disaster management. Water crises and watershed management. Problems of  remote areas. Environment and environmental movements. Biodiversity and its preservation. Population of Uttarakhand: Classification, density, sex ratio, literacy and out-migration.
  9. Economic, Political and Administrative Background of Uttarakhand:
    Political and Administrative Background- Elected governments in Uttarakhand and their policies, different services in the State, the political and administrative systems, Panchayati raj, Community development and  Co-operatives.
    The historical background of the administrative system in Uttarakhand- Land management system under Gorkhas rule and British rule, district land management(Thokdari, van panchayat, civil and soyam forest, Kesar-i-hind(benap land) Nazul, nayabad settlements) Modern period Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand-Kumaun land reforms, changes in land tenures and collection of land revenue after the enforcement of Zamidari Abolition Act, revenue police system.
    Economic background- Indo-Tibetan trade from border districts, the present position, local agriculture and animal husbandry, the uneconomic condition of land holdings and need for consolidation of holdings, Begar and Dadwar systems.
  10. Economic and natural resources: Human resources, Education system of the State and important educational institutes; forest, water, herbs, agriculture, animals, hydroelectricity, minerals, tourism, industries (Small and Village), the position of utilization of resources. Various schemes being implemented in Uttarakhand for the eradication of poverty and unemployment and for economic development. Economic activities and their contribution in the State GDP. The priorities of development in Uttarakhand and new strategies of planning and its problems. Marketing facilities in Uttarakhand and agriculture mandis. The salient features of the budget of Uttarakhand State.
Part-2 General Aptitude – 50 Marks/Questions
  1. General Intelligence: The questions on general intelligence will cover, both verbal and non verbal types,  including questions  on analogies, similarities, differences, space visualization, problem solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification and arithmetical number series. The test will also include questions designed to test the candidate’s ability to deal with abstract ideas, symbols and their relationships, arithmetical computations and other analytical functions.
Main Written Exam
Exam Pattern :- Scheme for Forest Range Officer Mains Exam is as Follows :
► The written test will be subjective type.
► There will be five papers in this test.
Paper-IGeneral Knowledge10003 hours
Paper-IIGeneral English- Essay, Précis & Letter Writing, etc.10003 hours
Paper-IIIGeneral Hindi10003 hours
Paper-IVOptional Subject-120003 hours
Paper-VOptional Subject-220003 hours
List of Optional Subjects :
Subject CodeSubject Name
04Computer Application/ Computer Science
(i) Agricultural Engineering
(ii) Chemical Engineering
(iii) Civil Engineering
(iv) Computer Engineering
(v) Electrical Engineering
(vi) Electronics Engineering
(vii) Mechanical Engineering
06Environmental Science
13Veterinary Science
Warning : Restriction on choice of optional subjects :
Candidates will be allowed to choose only one subject from following groups :
Group AGroup BGroup CGroup D
AgricultureChemistryComputer Application/ Computer ScienceMathematics
Agricultural EngineeringChemical EngineeringComputer EngineeringStatistics
Veterinary Science
Exam Syllabus :- Syllabus for Forest Range Officer Mains Exam is given below :
General Knowledge
The paper on General knowledge will include questions covering current events of National and International importance, History of India – Indian Freedom Movement, Constitution of India, General appreciation and understanding of Science including everyday matter of observation and experience as may be expected of a well-educated person. Geography of nature, political system including local  self government in  Uttarakhand, Indian economy.
Note- This paper carries 10 questions. Each question 10 marks. All questions are compulsory.
General English
Essay, Précis writing, Letter writing, Usages, Vocabulary and Application of Grammar.
1- Write an essay in approximately 400 words on any one of the following topics (20 marks)(A) Science, Technology and Environment
(B) Literature and Culture
(C) Economic Development and Planning
(D) Social and Political sphere of Uttarakhand
(E) National and International Issues
(F)Natural Calamities
2- Précis Writing – (5+10 Marks)
3- Letter writing – (10+10 Marks)
(A) Official letters
(B) Semi Government letters
(C) Telegram
(D) Official orders
(E) Notice
(F) Circular/Official Memorandum
4- Vocabulary – (5+5+5 Marks)
(A) Synonyms
(B) Antonyms
(C) One-word Substitute
5- Usages – (5 Marks)
Idioms and Phrases
6- Application of Grammar – (10+10+5 Marks)
(A) Parts of Speech
(B) Transformation and Synthesis
(C) Punctuation
General Hindi
(1) प्रश्न पत्र में दिए गए गद्यखण्ड का अवबोध एवं प्रश्नोत्तर। 10+5 = 15
(2) संक्षेपण। 5+10 = 15
(3) सरकारी एवं अर्द्धसरकारी पत्र लेखन, तार, कार्यालय आदेश, अधिसूचना, परिपत्र। 10+10 = 20
 शब्द ज्ञान एवं प्रयोग 05
(अ) उपसर्ग एवं प्रत्यय 05
(आ) विलोम शब्द 05
(इ) वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द 05
(ई) वर्तनी एवं वाक्याशुद्धि। 05
(5) लोकोक्ति एवं मुहावरे। 20
(6) कंप्यूटर और हिंदी। (सरकारी कामकाज में हिंदी क्षेत्र में कंप्यूटर की उपयोगिता एवं आवश्यकता) 10
Optional Subjects : Please follow the link mentioned below to see the detailed syllabi of both two papers for all optional subjects :
For more Information please visit – http://ukpsc.gov.in/


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