UGC -NET Result 2015 CBSE NET Result 2015 UGC NET 27 December Exam Result 2015 CBSE National Eligibility Test Result 2015 Check Cut Off Marks Score Card for CBSE UGC NET
UGC NET December 2015 Result
LATEST UPDATE dated 12.04.2016 : CBSE UGC NET December 2015 Exam Result has been declared Now…..…..Candidates can check their Result/ Score Card from the link provided below.
Note about Result:- On behalf of UGC, the Central Board of Secondary Education had conducted National Eligibility Test (NET) on 27th Dec 2015 (SUNDAY) for determining the eligibility of Indian nationals for the Eligibility for Assistant Professor only or Junior Research Fellowship & Eligibility for Assistant Professor Both in Indian universities and colleges. CBSE had conducted NET in 79 subjects at 89 selected NET Coordinating Institutions spread across the country.
Result for the NET Exam conducted by CBSE has been declared NOW. Candidates will be able to check Result from the official website for NET (
This will comprise of following steps:
Step I: Minimum marks to be obtained in NET for considering a candidate for the award of JRF and eligibility for Assistant Professor: The candidates are required to obtain following minimum marks separately in Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-III as given below:
Category | Minimum marks to obtain | Minimum marks to obtain | Minimum marks to obtain |
| Paper-1 | Paper-2 | Paper-3 |
General | 40(40%) | 40(40%) | 75(50%) |
OBC (Non-creamy layer)/ PWD/ SC/ ST | 35(35%) | 35(35%) | 60(40%) |
Step II: Amongst those candidates who have cleared step I, a merit list will be prepared subject-wise and category-wise using the aggregate marks of all the three papers secured by such candidates.
Step III: Top 15% candidates (for each subject and category), from the merit list mentioned under step II, will be declared NET qualified for eligibility for Assistant Professor only.
Step IV: A separate merit list for the award of JRF will be prepared from amongst the NET qualified candidates figuring in the merit list prepared under step III.
After Result Process:-
► The candidates who qualify for the award of Junior Research Fellowship are eligible to pursue research in the subject of their post-graduation or in a related subject and are also eligible for Assistant Professor.
► The universities, institutions, IITs and other national organizations may select the JRF awardees for whole time research work in accordance with the procedure prescribed by them.
NOTE:- The award of JRF and Eligibility for Assistant Professor both OR Eligibility for Assistant Professor only will depend on the performance of the candidate in all three papers of NET. However, the candidates qualifying exclusively for Assistant Professor will not be considered for award of JRF.
Last Note:- The marks of all the candidates will be uploaded soon on CBSE NET website after declaration of result. Besides this, UGC will not issue any mark sheet to qualified/non qualified candidate.
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