Bihar SSC ANM Merit List 2016 Bihar SSC Female Health Worker Selection Process 2016 BSSC Female Health Worker Merit List 2016 BSSC ANM Marks Calculation How to Prepare Merit List Syllabus Exam Pattern
Bihar SSC Female Health Worker Selection Process
NOTE:- With Reference to Advt No. 03010216, has invited application for 7000 Vacancies of Female Health Worker (ANM) under Chief Medical Officer (Civil Surgeon). Based on Performance in Interview, Education Qualification & Experience, BSSC will declared Final Result.
Bihar Staff Selection Commission (BSSC) has announced 7000 Vacant Posts for Female Health Worker (ANM) in February 2016. Candidates who are ignorant about selection process & merit list preparation method. So, here we are providing Selection Process & Merit List Preparation Method updated by Bihar SSC for Female Health Worker (ANM).
Selection Process :- Selection Process is strictly based on Merit List prepared by Bihar SSC. If candidates will remain more for selection than vacancies available. Bihar SSC will held Personal Interview or other short listing method.
Merit List Preparation Process :- Merit List Preparation Prescribed(valid) Process is describing below for Female Health Worker (Auxiliary Nursing & Midwifery).
Commission will prepare Merit List after receive the applications from eligible candidates on the basis of following :
1. For obtained marks in Auxiliary Nursing and Midwifery Course (ANM) :- 50 marks
2. For Higher Degree :- 10 marks
3. Working Experience in Govt. Hospitals of Bihar(05 marks for each year, max. 25 marks) :-25 marks
4. For Interview :- 15 marks
Note : The marks obtained by candidates in the Course of ANM will be counted in the preparation of merit list as 50% i.e. if any candidate obtained 50% marks then it will be counted as 50% × 50=25 marks.
Qualifying Marks : Minimum Qualifying Marks for Interview are as follows :-
For General Category- 40%For Backward Category- 36.5%For OBC Category- 34%For SC/ST Category and Women- 32%
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Candidates should have to keep in touch with Website of Bihar Staff Selection Commission (BSSC) for more updates regarding information about Merit List/ Results.
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