Ordnance Factory Exam Admit Card 2017 OFB Exams Admit Card for the posts of Tradesman Semi Skilled Chargeman OFC OEF Download Ordnance Factory Admit Card Check latest OFB Admit Cards updates
Indian Ordnance Factory Admit Cards 2017
Know OFB : Ordnance Factories Board (OFB), consisting of the Indian Ordnance Factories (Hindi: भारतीय आयुध निर्माणियाँ), is an industrial organisation, functioning under the Department of Defence Production of Ministry of Defence, Government of India. It is engaged in research, development, production, testing, marketing and logistics of a comprehensive product range in the areas of land, air and sea systems. OFB comprises forty-one Ordnance Factories, nine Training Institutes, three Regional Marketing Centres and four Regional Controllerates of Safety, which are spread all across the country. OFB is the world’s largest government operated production organisation, and the oldest organisation run by the Government of India. It has a total workforce of about 164,000. It is often called the “Fourth Arm of Defence”, and the “Force Behind the Armed Forces” of India. It is amongst the top 50 defence equipment manufacturers in the world. Below is the List of Ordnance Factories in India.
Exams of OFB:- Dear Candidates, Indian Ordnance Factory Board conduct many exams time to time. It conduct Exam for filling the vacant post of the various Ordnance Factory in all India. It conduct exam for Lower Division clerk, Cook, MTS, Stenographer, Engineer, Teacher, Fireman, Welder, Electrician etc. All the Contender can know the Exam Details on the website. We advise the candidates to visit the official website. It also conduct Exam like written test, physical and medical test.
Admit Cards:- Dear Contenders, OFB Conduct many exams. It provides the Admit card of the exams. IT provide the Exam Admit card in both ways office and online. Candidate can know and download their admit card from the website of the OFB. here we are making a table for the candidates. This table will help you to know the details of Admit card. you can download the Admit card of the current and upcoming Exam admit card. So, you can bookmark this page forgetting latest information of the admit cards. You can check exam date, download Admit card. So keep visiting the page.
Ordnance Factory Exam Admit Card 2017
of Examination
Exam Date
Card Availability
Card Status/ Download
ITI/Non- ITI Apprentice Exam
Phase-1 –26.03.2017
Available Now
Ordnance Factory Raipur
Tradesman (Semi Skilled)
Available Shortly
Available Shortly
Ordnance Factory Ambajhari
Admit card 2016 Download
Durwan (Male) – 28.08.2016
Available Now
HVF Avadi
Tradesman Admit Card
& 07.08.2016
Available Now
Factory Khamaria Tradesman
06 &
Available Now
Factory Itarsi
07 &
Available Now
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