Bihar PSC APO Interview Date/ Schedule 2014 BPSC Assistant Prosecution Officer APO Hall Ticket 2014 Bihar Public Service Commission advt No. 39/2009 Assistant Prosecution Officer Interview Call Letter Download Check Date Pattern
Bihar PSC APO Interview Schedule 2016
LATEST UPDATE dated 05.10.2016 : Bihar PSC has uploaded Interview Call Letters for Assistant Prosecution Officer Under Advt. No. 39/2009. Interviews will be started from 18.10.2016. Download Interview Schedule below…….
Schedule Of Interview:- Personal Interview for APO Post will be held on various Dates in the month of October, 2016 (Tentative). Information about Interview is also available on the website of Bihar PSC.
Interview Call Letter:- Interview call letters are available for Download Soon. Candidates can download their respective call letters from official website of Bihar PSC.
LATEST NEWS :- Bihar PSC has upload the admit card for this exam on its website. Candidates can download the same from the link mention below……….
Bihar Public Service Commission will conduct a Written exam (for Candidates who qualified the preliminary Exam) recruitment for Assistant Prosecution Officer. Exam of Assistant Prosecution Officer under Advt. No. 42/2011 will conduct on various dates in February, 2015.
Date & Time of Exam : 02/02/2015 to 06/02/2015
Admit Card : Admit card for the eligible candidates has been dispatched by post by Commission for the following examination. If any candidate who applied against Advt. No. 42/2011 does not receive admit card till 29/01/2015 then he/she can collect duplicate admit card on 30/01/2015 from the counter of Commission’s Office (Timing-11:00 AM to 05:00 PM). Duplicate Admit Cards can be available for Download also.
Note : Admit Card for the above mentioned Examination is also available on Commission’s Website, candidates can download it and take part in examination.
Exam Pattern/Scheme : Exam Pattern for Assistant Prosecution Officer is as follows :
Sr. No. | Subject | Max. Marks |
1. | General Knowledge including Current Affairs | 150 |
2. | Elementary General Science | 100 |
3. | General Hindi | 100 |
4. | General English | 100 |
5. | Law of Evidence & Procedure | 150 |
6. | Constitutional Law of India & England | 150 |
7. | Hindu & Mohammadan Law | 150 |
8. | Law of Transfer of Property with Principle of Equity and Law of Trusts & Specific Relief | 150 |
9. | Law of Contracts & Torts | 150 |
10. | Commercial Law | 150 |
► Candidates have to choose three optional subject from above mentioned five subjects.
► Candidates have to get 30% marks in General Hindi and General English paper otherwise candidate shall not qualify for the written test. Marks obtained in General Hindi and General English paper will not be counted in merit list.
Candidates can download the Exam admit card from the following Link :-
Candidates should have to keep in touch with Website of Bihar Public Service Commission for more updates regarding information about Exam.
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