BSPHCL Syllabus 2016 Assistant Operator Junior Engineer Exam Pattern bsphcl.bih.nic.in

BSPHCL Assistant Operator Exam Patter Check BSPHCL JE Syllabus BSPHCL Assistant Operator Syllabus 2016 Bihar State Power Junior Engineer...

BSPHCL Assistant Operator Exam Patter Check BSPHCL JE Syllabus BSPHCL Assistant Operator Syllabus 2016 Bihar State Power Junior Engineer Syllabus 2016 BSPHCL JE Mechanical Syllabus 2016

BSPHCL Exam Syllabus 2016

About Exam:- Recently, Bihar State Power Announced the Application for the post of Junior Engineer, Assistant IT Manager, Assistant Operator and IT manager. Now it will organize the Exam on 23, October, 2016. Many Candidate will be appeared in the Exam. As we know, it is very important to have knowledge of the Exam pattern and Syllabus. Candidate are also seeking for BSPHCL Junior Engineer Syllabus 2016 Here we are providing you information related to the BSPHCL Exam Syllabus.
As we know, That qualifying a Examination is very difficult. So, it is recommended to all the candidate that they should be get ready for the Examination. Not only qualifying the Exam but candidate also need to stand out of the crowd. Because, A large number of the contender try their luck by preparing for the Exam. Here we are giving all the information. which a candidate should have for preparing BSPHCL junior Engineering and other Posts exam. the Details are as follows..
Exam Pattern:- Here is the Information of BSPHCL Junior Engineer & Assistant Operator Exam Pattern.
  1. The Written Examination will be Multiple Choice objective type.
  2. The Examination will have Total 100 Marks.
  3. Candidates will be shortlisted according to marks obtained in the Written Test.
  4. The minimum qualifying marks in the written test will be 40% for UR, 36.5% for BC, 34% for EBC & 32% for SC/ST/ Female candidate.
  5. Selected Candidate will have to produce valid certificate at the time of document verification.
Exam Syllabus :- Exam Syllabus will be different according to the Posts. So, Here we have provided BSPHCL Exam Syllabus as per the posts.
Post NameExam Syllabus
JE Electrical/ JE ElectronicsGeneral Knowledge -10 %
Logical Reasoning – 10%
General English & Comprehension – 05%
General Hindi – 05%
Basic knowledge of Computer – 10%
Technical paper as per final year syllabus of Diploma in Electrical / Electrical &Electronics – 60%
Junior Engineer (Mechanical)General Knowledge – 10 %
Logical Reasoning – 10%
General English & Comprehension – 05%
General Hindi – 05%
Basic knowledge of Computer – 10%
Technical paper as per final year syllabus of Diploma in Mechanical – 60%
Assistant IT ManagerGeneral Knowledge – 10 %
Logical Reasoning – 10%
Quantitative Aptitude – 10%
General English & Comprehension – 10%
Paper as per syllabus of Engineering degree (Computer Science/ IT) – 60%
Assistant OperatorGeneral Knowledge – 10 %
Logical Reasoning – 10%
General Hindi – 10%
Basic knowledge of Computer – 10%
General English & Comprehension – 05%
Technical paper as per final year syllabus of ITI in Electrician Trade- 60%
IT Manager (Internal)General Knowledge/ Studies – 20 %
Subject (Computer Science/ IT) – 80%
General Knowledge
  1. Current Affairs
  2. National & International
  3. Indian History
  4. Indian Geography
  5. Indian Constitution
  6. Science & Technology
  7. Fundamental Knowledge of Computer
Logical Reasoning
  1. Analogies.
  2. Similarities.
  3. Problem Solving.
  4. Relationship Concepts.
  5. Space Visualization.
  6. Arithmetical Number Series.
  7. Arithmetical Reasoning
General English & Comprehension
  1. Synonyms
  2. Antonyms
  3. One word substitution
  4. Error detection
  5. Idioms & Phrases
  6. Passage Comprehension
General Hindi
  1. Grammar.
  2. Vocabulary.
  3. Comprehension.
  4. Fill in the Blanks.
  5. Error Detection.
  6. Antonyms.
  7. Synonyms.
  8. Phrases/Muhavare.
Quantitative Aptitude
  1. Percentages.
  2. Time & Work.
  3. Time & Distance.
  4. Profit and Loss.
  5. Simplification.
  6. Averages.
  7. Problems on Ages.
Basic knowledge of Computer
  1. 10th level basic knowledge of computer.
Technical Paper’s Detailed Syllabus as per the posts are given here..
For JE Electrical/ JE Electronics
  1. Electrical Circuits
  2. Electronics I
  3. Computer Aided Eng. Drawing
  4. Electrical Machines I
  5. Communication and Computer Networks
  6. Electrical & Electronics Measurements
  7. Electronics II
  8. Electrical Machine II
  9. Electrical Power Generation
  10. Transmission and Distribution
  11. Power Electronics
  12. Switchgear & Protection
  13. Embedded System (Elective)
  14. Industrial drives & Control
  15. Utilization drives & control
  16. Utilization of electrical energy & management
  17. Basic Management skills and Indian constitution
For Junior Engineer (Mechanical)
  1. Applied Mechanics
  2. Engineering Materials
  3. Engineering Drawing
  4. Technical Documentation
  5. Manufacturing Process I
  6. Strength of Materials
  7. Elementary Civil Engineering
  8. Machine Drawing
  9. Basic of thermal engineering
  10. Electrical Technology
  11. Fluid Mechanics
  12. Industrial Management
  13. Applied Thermal Engineering
  14. Manufacturing Process II
  15. Computer Integrated Manufacturing
  16. Theory of Machines
  17. CNC Machines
  18. Power Plan Engineering
  19. Manufacturing Process II
  20. Machine Design
  21. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RAC)
  22. Automobile Engineering
  23. Metrology and Instrumentation
  24. CAD/ CAM
For Assistant IT Manger
  1. Basic Concept In Electrical/ Electronics Engineering
  2. Digital Electronics
  3. Object Oriented Programming
  4. Numerical Methods & Computational Techniques
  5. Analog Electronics
  6. Data Structures
  7. Computer Architecture
  8. Systems Programming
  9. Microprocessor And Its Applications
  10. Design & Analysis Of Algorithms
  11. Introduction To Java Programming Language
  12. Data
  13. Base Management System
  14. Operating Systems
  15. Computer Networks
  16. Object Oriented Analysis & Design
  17. Principles Of Programming Languages
  18. Formal Languages & Automata Theory
  19. Web Applications Design Development
  20. Distributed Computing
  21. Personal Management & Industrial Relation
  22. Information Security
  23. Fundamentals Of Data Communication
  24. Mobiles & Wireless Computing
  25. Distributed Data Base
  26. Performance Evaluation Of Computer System
  27. Optimization Theory
  28. Genetic Algorithm
  29. Natural Language Processing
  30. Neural Networks & Its Application
  31. Speech Processing
  32. Computer Aided Design & Manufacturing
  33. Introduction To Communication System
  34. Digital Image Processing
  35. Software Engineering
  36. Visual Programming
  37. Multimedia Technology & Its Application
For Assistant Operator
  1. Technical paper as per final year syllabus of ITI in Electrician Trade
For IT Manager (Internal)
  1. Basic Concept In Electrical/ Electronics Engineering
  2. Digital Electronics
  3. Object Oriented Programming
  4. Numerical Methods & Computational Techniques
  5. Analog Electronics
  6. Data Structures
  7. Computer Architecture
  8. Systems Programming
  9. Microprocessor And Its Applications
  10. Design & Analysis Of Algorithms
  11. Introduction To Java Programming Language
  12. Data Base Management System
  13. Operating Systems
  14. Computer Networks
  15. Object Oriented Analysis & Design
  16. Principles Of Programming Languages
  17. Formal Languages & Automata Theory
  18. Web Applications Design Development
  19. Distributed Computing
  20. Personal Management & Industrial Relation
  21. Information Security
  22. Fundamentals Of Data Communication
  23. Mobiles & Wireless Computing
  24. Distributed Data Base
  25. Performance Evaluation Of Computer System
  26. Optimization Theory
  27. Genetic Algorithm
  28. Natural Language Processing
  29. Neural Networks & Its Application
  30. Speech Processing
  31. Computer Aided Design & Manufacturing
  32. Introduction To Communication System
  33. Digital Image Processing
  34. Software Engineering
  35. Visual Programming
  36. Multimedia Technology & Its Application


Syllabus 469190389955743446

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