Odisha PSC Civil Service Syllabus 2016 Pre Exam Pattern www.opsc.gov.in

Odisha PSC Civil Service Syllabus 2016 Odisha PSC Civil Service Pre Exam Syllabus 2016 OPSC Civil Services Exam Syllabus 2016 Orissa PSC C...

Odisha PSC Civil Service Syllabus 2016 Odisha PSC Civil Service Pre Exam Syllabus 2016 OPSC Civil Services Exam Syllabus 2016 Orissa PSC Civil Service Exam Pattern Civil Services Preliminary Mains Exam Download pdf File

OPSC Civil Service Syllabus 2016

Odisha Public Service Commission (OPSC) is fully responsible to conduct the Odisha Civil Services Examination-2016. A preliminary written exam then a Mains Written exam will be held for this examination. Ignorance about upto mark exam pattern & syllabus leads to lapse in preparation. For OPSC Civil Service aspirants we are discussing latest exam pattern & syllabus for OPSC Civil Service Pre & Mains Exam.

Odisha PSC Civil Service Preliminary Examination

Exam Pattern :- Odisha PSC Civil Service Pre Exam Pattern will be as follows :
► The preliminary written test will be multiple choice objective type.
► There will be two papers in pre exam.
► Each paper shall be of 02:00 hours (120 minutes) duration.
Paper-IGeneral Studies200
Paper-IIGeneral Studies200
Exam Syllabus :- Odisha PSC Civil Service Pre Exam Syllabus is given below :


  1. Current event of National and International importance;
  2. History of India and Indian National Movement.;
  3. Indian and World Geography-Physical, Social, Economic Geography of India and the World;
  4. Indian Polity and Governance-Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, Rights Issues, etc.
  5. Economic and Social Development sustainable Development, Poverty, inclusion, Demographics, Social Sector Initiative, etc.
  6. General Issues on Environmental Ecology, Bio-diversity and Climate Change that do not require subject specialization, and
  7. General Science.


  1. Comprehension;
  2. Interpersonal Skills including communication skills;
  3. Logical Reasoning and Analytic ability;
  4. Decision Making and Problem Solving;
  5. General Mental Ability;
  6. Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude) (Class-X level). Data interpretation (Charts, Graphs, Tables, Data Sufficiency etc. — Class-X level); and
  7. English Language Comprehension Skills (Class-X level).

Odisha PSC Civil Service Mains Written Examination

Mains Exam Pattern:- The Main Examination shall consist of the following papers and each paper shall be of three hours duration. and Interview will be of 250 Marks.
Paper-IOriya Language300 Marks
Paper-IIEnglish300 Marks
Paper-IIIEnglish Essay200 Marks
Paper-IVGeneral Studies-I300 Marks
Paper-VGeneral Studies-II300 Marks
Paper-VI, VII, VIII & IXAny two subjects from the optional subjects300 Marks for each paper
Mains Exam Syllabus:- Detailed exam syllabus for OPSC civil Service Mains exam is given below:-


The aim of the paper is to test the candidate’s ability to understand serious discursive prose and express his ideas clearly and correctly in Odia/English language.
The pattern of questions would broadly be as follows:-
Comprehension of a given passage ………………………30 Marks
Precis writing with a passage of around 1000 words ………………………40 Marks
Translation from English/Odia to Odia/English ………………………30 Marks
Grammar, usage and vocabulary ………………………80 Marks
Short Essay of around 1000 words ………………………100 Marks
Expansion of an idea …………………….20 Marks


Candidates will be required to write an Essay on a specific topic. The choice of subjects will be given. They will be expected to keep closely to the subject of the essay to arrange their ideas in orderly fashion and to write concisely. Credit will be given for effective and exact expression.


  1. History of Modern India and Indian Culture
  2. Geography of India
  3. Indian Polity
  4. Current National issues and topics of social relevance
  5. Legal and environmental issues


  1. India and the World
  2. Indian Economy
  3. International Affairs & Institutions
  4. Developments in the field of science & technology, communications and space
  5. Statistical Analysis, Graphs & Diagrams
Optional Subjects:- Candidates have to choose two optional subjects. Candidates can download all Papers (including all optional subject) syllabus form the link given below:-
For More Information Please Visit: http://www.opsc.gov.in/


Syllabus 8814423345527120035

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