Odisha SSC Clerk Syllabus 2017 Junior Assistant Exam Pattern www.ossc.gov.in
Odisha SSC Clerk Syllabus 2017 OSSC Junior Clerk Exam Syllabus 2016 Odisha SSC Junior Assistant Syllabus 2016-17 Orissa SSC Jr. Clerk/Assi...

OSSC Jr. Clerk/Assistant Syllabus 2017
Preliminary Examination
► A question paper based on General Awareness of 100 marks.
► The time duration of test will be 01:30 hours (90 minutes).
Main Written Examination
Papers | Subject | Marks | Time |
Paper-I | Language test in English & Odia | 100 | 2 hours |
Paper-II | General Knowledge | 100 | 1½ hrs |
Paper-III | Mathematics Basic Computer Skills | 100 100 | 3 hours |
- Grammar (20 marks) – Verbs, Tenses, Modal, Active and Passive Voice, Subject-Verb concord, non-finite verb forms (infinitive and participles), Sentence Structure, Connectors, Type of sentences, Type of Phrases and Clause, Direct & Indirect Speech, Comparison, Determiners, Pronouns, Prepositions.
- Unseen Passage-(400-450 words in length) with a variety of comprehension questions including vocabulary (10 marks)
- Essay writing-on familiar topics (within 250 words) (10 marks)
- Letter Writing-(Personal Letter, Application, Business and Official) (within 150 words) 10 marks
- Grammar (20 marks)
Transformation of Sentences (02 marks) Affirmative, Negative, Interrogative, Exclamatory, Simple, Compound, Complex.
Transformation of words (noun to adjective and adjective to noun) (02 marks)
Sandhi (02 marks)
Samasa (03 marks)
Antonyms and Synonyms (02 marks)
Correction of common errors in words (03 marks)
Idioms and Phrases (02 marks)
Taddhita and Krudanta (02 marks)
Punctuation Marks (02 marks) - Composition (20 marks)Essay writing on familiar topics and personality (within 250 words) (10 marks)
Latter Writing (Personal letter, applications, Business and Official) (within 150 words) (05 marks)
Translation (one English passage of around 100 words to be translated into Odia) (05 marks) - Comprehension of an unseen passage. (5×2=10 marks)
Five short questions to be asked.
- Matching Historical events with dates, personalities and places.
- geographical facts with places
- State, countries and institutions with headquarters.
- Books and authors.
- Scientific facts and discoveries with dates, persons and uses.
- Current events with places and personalities.
- Matching questions of miscellaneous types.
- Fractions and Decimals
- Simple Interest and Compound Interest
- Rates, Taxes and Insurance
- Profit, Loss and Discount
- Mixtures
- Partnership
- Problems on Time & Work
- Problems on Time and Distance
- Ratio and Proportion
- Statistics
- Under this there will be a series of questions in practical Mathematics required in day-to-day use. The questions would be such as to test candidate’s ability to work out with quickness and accuracy.
- MS Windows : Introduction of Windows.
- MS Office : MS Word, MS Power Point, MS Excel & MS Access
Computer Skill Test (practical):
To test some of the following basic system operations on file/folder(s) :
*Create, Rename, Copy/Cut/Paste, Delete
*Using Clipboard
*Editing and Formatting text and paragraph
*Page and Paragraph Setup.
*Inserting pictures and WordArt.
*Editing and Formatting slides
*Formatting cells and data
*Functions and formulae (Relative, absolute and mixed reference)
*Creating and entering data into a database.
*Setting the primary key
*Printouts of the document(s) should be attached with the answer sheets.
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