CMWSSB Junior Assistant Syllabus 2017 Asst Engineer Exam Pattern
CMWSSB Junior Assistant Syllabus 2017 CMWSSB Assistant Engineer Syllabus 2017 Chennai Water Supply Board Exam Syllabus CMWSSB JA AE AO Exa...

CMWSSB Junior Assistant AE Syllabus 2017
About Exam :- Chennai Metro Water Supply and Sewerage board had released a notification for Various posts of Junior Assistant, Assistant Engineer, Deputy controller of Finance and senior Accounts Officer. The total posts are 322. The Written Exam Would be at various exam centers in India. Candidates who have applied for Junior Assistant and Assistant Engineer need to produce his admit card before appearing in the exam. To Get the Maximum marks in the exam the candidate need to understand the Exam Pattern and Exam Syllabus deeply. So we are providing the latest Exam Pattern and Syllabus for our Aspirants. Start Your Hard Work with this study material and get maximum marks in the forthcoming exam.
Exam Scheme :- The CMWSSB Written Exam Pattern would be of as follows :-
- All questions in the Written Exam would be Objective Type.
- There would be sum of 100 questions in the exam.
- The Maximum duration of Written Exam is 02 hours.
- All Questions are should be attempted by the candidates.
Exam Syllabus :- The Exam Syllabus diversity would be changed according to the posts. All the posts have different Syllabus. So kindly pay Heed on Syllabus :-
1. For Deputy Controller of Finance :-
Sr. No. | Subject | Marks |
1 | Costing | 20 |
2 | Auditing | 10 |
3 | Tax-Commercial and Income | 10 |
4 | Contract Act | 10 |
5 | Companies Act | 10 |
6 | Case Study(Finance) | 20 |
7 | Information Technology | 10 |
8 | General Accounts & Income Tax Act | 10 |
Total | 100 |
2. Senior Accounts Officer :-
Sr. No. | Subject | Marks |
1 | Costing | 20 |
2 | Auditing | 10 |
3 | Tax-Commercial and Income | 10 |
4 | Contract Act | 10 |
5 | Companies Act | 10 |
6 | Case Study(Finance) | 20 |
7 | Information Technology | 10 |
8 | General Accounts & Income Tax Act | 10 |
Total | 100 |
3. Assistant Engineer :-
Sr. No. | Subject | Marks |
1 | Test of reasoning and general awareness | 20 |
2 | Civil / Mechanical / Electrical | 40 |
3 | Computer Skill | 20 |
4 | Language Skill | 20 |
Total | 100 |
4. Junior Assistant :-
Sr. No. | Subject | Marks |
1 | General Knowledge & Current Affairs | 20 |
2 | Numerical Ability | 20 |
3 | Language Skills | 20 |
4 | Computer Knowledge | 40 |
Total | 100 |
Candidates can drop their queries, doubts and suggestions in the Comment Box. We welcome them and try to resolve them as soon as possible.
Thank You
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